Categories > Anime/Manga > Sailor Moon > A Dark World

Chapter 2

by Nighthawk 0 reviews

ADW Chapter 2

Category: Sailor Moon - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Crossover, Humor - Characters: Rei (Mars) - Warnings: [!!!] [?] [V] - Published: 2005-05-08 - Updated: 2005-05-09 - 5418 words

A Dark World
An SI/Mega X-over
By Tomas Megarson

Disclaimer: I disclaim everything that I don't own.
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Chapter 2

"Yeah, so anyway, I figured, hell, I got nothing else in my
life, I might as well start again." Tomas was stretched out underneath
a tree as he talked to Rei. It had been three weeks since they had met,
and Rei had come by occasionally to see how the construction was going,
to give advise on the placement of things, and simply to talk. In
truth, the construction was going better then Tomas had hoped. After
the clear of the old rubble, the hardest part, so the foreman had told
him, had been in procuring the supplies. Since the shrine was being
rebuilt, they had to have lumber shipped in for it, rather then using
more modern materials. With that done, the work sped up significantly,
and it was almost finished. The foreman had even mentioned the
possibility of Tomas being able to move in that night, which he was
looking forward to.

Bringing himself back from those thoughts, Tomas turned his attention
back to Rei. Out of what happened when she stopped by, the talking was
what Tomas enjoyed the most. He'd been a touch upset when he found out
she was only fourteen, but managed to shrug that off fast. He'd known
freshmen high school girls who had dated high school seniors, and that
was about the same age difference. At least he thought so. He still
couldn't recall exactly how old he was.

Tomas brought his head back down so that he could look over at
Rei, who was also resting against the tree, though at a 90 degree angle
from him. Her head was turned away from him, so he could see her main
of black hair. Something about her hair had caught his eye fairly
early. In the end Tomas had decided it was the purple highlights. He
couldn't recall anyone else he knew having purple highlights in his or
her hair.

Tomas brought his attention back to the present as Rei spoke.
"It must be hard loosing your memories like that. But, why didn't you
go to the police?"

"What was I supposed to say?" Tomas' voice was filled with a
sarcastic twist. "Hello, I'd like to report a missing person. Who?
Myself, actually. Well, I assume I'm missing, since I don't know where
I am." Tomas, loosing himself in the rant, just kept on going. "Oh,
and while we're at it, I need to report an illegal immigrant as well.
Who? Myself again, believe it or not. Two out of my three memories
have me being born in the United States while the third has be being
born on the moon, and as I don't have a passport, I assume I'm here
illegally. Would you mind deporting me? After you figure out where I
am, I mean." Tomas snorted. "Yeah right, they'd lock me up and throw
away the key. I'd rather have my freedom."

Rei finally turned her head to look at Tomas. Her eyes where
questioning as she thought her mind over what next to say. Finally, she
decided, "Three memories? The moon!?"

"Yeah." Tomas gave a shrug and closed his eyes. "I keep
confusing myself with some characters from some stories I've written. I
just can't figure out which memory is a story and which one is who I
really am."

"Wait a second." Rei moved herself away from the tree slightly
so that she could gaze at Tomas. Her eyes were a curious mixture of
both hard anger and cat-like curiosity. "What's this about being born
on the moon?"

Tomas gave a sort of nonchalant shrug. "I was born on the moon,
as I said. It was part of some kingdom or another. I was a thief."


Tomas turned to Rei and frowned. "Why's that so surprising? I
told you it was from some story I'd written...or at least I think I
wrote...and every good story needs a thief."

"Wait, but..." Rei stopped herself and gazed at Tomas. "Never
mind, just go on." She sat back with a slightly nervous look on her
face, as though she knew more then she said.

Tomas gazed at her hard, wondering if she knew something he
didn't, but put it aside. Hell, telling the rest of the story could
even shock out whatever she was hiding.

"Well, I was a pickpocket actually. Never knew my parents, so
it was the only way I could survive. I did have a brother, though. He
may not have been my blood, I can't recall. I sort of doubt it.
Anyway, I was a thief, got caught, was ordered beheaded by some bitch of
a Queen, tried to break out, got saved by some cute lady who's name I
can't recall." Closing his eyes once more, Tomas finished, "Did some
other stuff, got in a war, and got killed."

"I see." Rei let her mind mull over what she had been told. It
sounded to her, however, that Tomas could have been from the Silver
Millennium, and if so, then...well, who knows what then. Given his
story he could have been anywhere when the Silver Millennium fell, on
either side of the battle. If only they could find the Princess. She'd
probably know.

"Right, so I'm pretty messed up." Tomas paused for a moment and
frowned. "For some reason that strikes me as some kind of inside joke."


"Yeah." A few more moments of thought and Tomas shrugged it
off. "Oh well, no big deal."

A peeved look crossed Rei's face, her eyes narrowing slightly in
anger. "What do you mean no big deal? That could be a key to getting
your memories back! Isn't that important to you?"

"Honestly?" Tomas shrugged again, and then wondered where he
picked up that habit before continuing. "Nope. Well, not enough to ge
a headache over, anyway." Turning his gaze away from Rei. "I don't
really have any problems with my life. I don't have any stress, I don't
have anyone lording over me, I'm going to have a place to live soon, and
I'm rich."

Rei blinked. "You're rich?"

Tomas blinked once and suddenly became very cautious. That had
been a slip of the tongue, and now he was going to have to try to cover
it. "Yeah, in the wallet I had on me there was a debate card." He
turned his gaze back to Rei. "I didn't find anyone with that family
name, but the account attached to the card worked fine. So, I'm rich."

Turning her gaze to the construction going on, she murmured to
herself, "I guess so. You are rebuilding the shrine, after all."

"Yup." There, Tomas thought, that should cover him for a bit.
"So, as I was going to say, what more do I need?"

Bringing herself back to the conversation, Rei asked "What about
family and friends?"

"What about them?" A frown covered Tomas' face. "For all I
know I had no friends and my family hated me. At least by accepting
this life I know what I got. I'm not busy searching for something that
could end up disappointing me."


Tomas shook his head. "Yeah, maybe if you dwell on it. I'm not
doing that, though. I'm just gonna make a new life for myself."

Rei sighed for a moment and then frowned. "Wait a minute. When
we met, you said that your grandfather was Japanese. How the hell do
you know that?"

Reaching into his pocket, Tomas pulled out a wallet and from
that the fake drivers license he'd obtained weeks before. "I had this
on me." He tossed the card to Rei. "Since I don't look all that
Japanese, I assume that the heritage is a bit farther back then my
parents. I could be wrong, of course."

Rei had been around Tomas enough the past couple of weeks to
catch some things about him. "But you don't think you are."

"Actually, I don't care if I am. Its really not important to

Rei shook her head in dismay. She knew she should have expected
something like that, but for some reason she hadn't. She opened her
mouth to speak again on the subject when her watch started beeping. She
grimaced, knowing that it was a signal from someone that a youma was
attacking. "I need to go now." She stood up, and grabbed her backpack
from the ground. "I told some friends of mine I'd meet them."

Tomas stood up and gave Rei a small, polite bow. "Then don't
let me hold you here. Have fun, Rei."

"Thank you." With a small return bow, she turned and left the


With his feet almost scraping against the ground, Tomas wandered
through the streets, not really paying any attention to where he was
going. His mind was too busy trying to figure out how to clean up the
mess he'd made earlier to care about where he was. He was sure Rei was
very suspicious of him now, though why he felt that way he had no idea.

"Okay," he muttered to himself, "maybe it was all the bullshit I
gave her when we first met. Damn it, I need to learn to keep my mouth
shut." He thought about this more as he trudged through the streets,
his feet making turns whenever they felt like it, not caring where they
were taking the rest of him.

Finally, his hands came up and grabbed his head rubbing the
temples even as his eyes squeezed shut. "God, now I got a headache.
This really sucks." Tomas opened his eyes and glanced around. "There
better be a drug store around here or something."

Removing his hands from his head, he looked around the area he
was in. Then he blinked. "The hell...?"

His emerald eyes shifted around the street trying to comprehend
what he was seeing. Something small triggered in the back of his mind,
and unconsciously an angry grimace came to his face.

All around him were cages, metal bars, and various other
impediments. Tied to or trapped within said impediments were people.
Dirty, smelly he now realized, barely dressed, and collared people. His
eyes ran over the various signs, taking in the words that they said.
Instantly he tensed up, his attitude shifted, and he began paying
careful attention to everything and everyone around him. "Slavers,"
came growling from his throat.

With his eyes trying to watch everything and everyone, Tomas let
his gaze drift around, trying to determine where he could go to get away
from the place. Slavery just plain disgusted him, and made an almost
uncontrolled anger build up inside. Not seeing a nearby exit, he turned
around and simply began walking, sure that a straight line would take
him out of the place eventually.

Tomas wandered his way through the crowded city streets, paying
little attention to everything around him. His eyes glazed over various
slaves, happily forgetting they were slaves and seeing them as everyone
else. His green eyes looked at those around him with less then no
interest. Occasionally they locked onto a woman who would have been
pretty if not for the grime that covered her. Still, he walked on,
continuing to take everything in with no care.

The resounding crack of a whip yanked Tomas' eyes from yet
another slave block and brought his attention back into reality. While
he could ignore mass slavery when all the slaves were doing were sitting
there, something about the whip pulled at his attention. His head and
eyes moved quickly, thinking danger to himself, in an attempt to find
the scene of the weapon.

What he saw disturbed him more then the slave blocks had when he
was caring. Almost directly in front of him and perhaps a dozen yards
away, a large, fat, disgusting slob of a man was towering over a
cowering young girl he judged to not even be a teenager yet. Bringing
his mind back to operation, he focused on the sounds of the market,
trying to pick out what the fat slob was yelling at the girl. It didn't
take him long to filter through the voices and find the correct one.

"You damn bitch! You weakly, pitiful worm! You and your sickly
body should be grateful to me! You're alive because I'm so good to

As Tomas' legs carried him closer to the scene, the emotions he
tried to seal started coming back. His anger began to intensify as he
approached the pair, the rage beginning to boil his blood and the whip
continued to come down on the girl.

"Anyone else would have killed you already! You owe me
everything, you weakling bitch! I should kill you now and put you out
of my misery!"

As the fat slob raised the whip again to strike the girl, Tomas'
hand shot out and grabbed the guy's wrist, halting the continued attack.
His eyes were filled with murder and his mind wasn't that far behind in
thought. By the time the slob had turned around to see who had stopped
him, however, Tomas had managed to hide away his emotions again. "How

The slob looked at Tomas in bafflement, and demanded "How much

"The slave." Tomas couldn't believe he was doing this, but he
couldn't think of any other way to save the poor girl. "How much do you
want for her?"

"This miserable creature?" The slob turned around and spit on
the girl. "Why would you want her?"

It took everything Tomas had to not deck the bastard. "I need
someone to take care of my dog while I'm at work. I'm sure she can open
a door to let him in and out, and can fill his water bowl. I don't want
to pay a lot, so she should be perfect. How much?"

The man's beady little eyes narrowed as he took in Tomas. Here,
he felt, was a chance to get a killing. "No less then 300,000."

Tomas scoffed, despite the fact that he'd pay that to save the
girl's life. Well, if he could afford it, anyway. He really wished
he'd robbed some more accounts, now. "I heard what you were saying
about her as I approached. Its not like she's good for hard labor.
I'll give you 60,000."

"60,000! That's outrageous!" The fat man's nostrils flared
like a bull's at the thought. "I'll go down to 275,000."

"Still too much. Look at her. With the beating you gave her,
I'll be lucky to have her make it home with me without fainting.

"Look, BOY, you're the one that wants her, not me. You've got
to live with the consequences. 250,000."

"Mister, I'm the ONLY one willing to buy her. That makes this a
buyer's market. 110,000."

"I can find uses for her. 225,000."

"Not without a loss. 135,000."

"Alright, boy, I'm getting tired of this. I'll sell her to you
for 210,000. No less."

Tomas gave the guy a nasty smirk. "Really? Well, Yamikazema-
san says you'll let me have her for 150,000."

The slob opened his mouth to refuse, and then stopped.

The nasty smirk on Tomas' face turned to an evil grin. "Yeah,
the guy who controls the entire west side. Well?" That had been an
evil move, but one Tomas was willing to make. Yamikazema controlled the
Yakuza who he had gotten his fake ID from, and who he had paid 'fees' to
so he didn't run into problems with the goons while he 'worked.' It was
quite a serious name to drop.

That fat man swallowed for a moment, and then nodded. "Well,
then, 150,000 it is."

"Good. You take Visa?" At the man's nod, Tomas pulled out his
wallet and removed the credit card from it. The fat slob pulled out of
his pocket a grease stained, crumpled paper and handed it to Tomas as he
slid the credit card through his small reader.

"That's her ownership papers." From another grease stained
pocket he pulled out a small electronic pad and pen. When the credit
card reader confirmed the money transaction he handed the pen to Tomas.
"Just sign this and she's all yours. The dumb bitch."

Tomas took the pen, grimaced and the slimy feel of it, and
signed the pad, before handing it back. Folding up the ownership paper,
he placed both it and his Visa back into his wallet before taking the
offered leash that was attached to the collar around the girl's neck.
"Let's go."


Walking down the street holding the leash attached to his brand
new, though in horrible condition, slave, Tomas wondered just what the
hell he was going to do with her. He had no need of a slave, thought
that it was simply wrong to keep a slave, and basically had no clue what
to do with her. His eyes glanced around at the few people in the
streets that he passed, trying to judge what they thought. He was quite
surprised when he noticed the fact a good number of them had collars
exactly like the one his slave wore. that disturbed him quite a bit.

His eyes shifted to the dark sky ahead of him, taking in the
stars that were just coming out. Those lights didn't give a damn what
he did with the girl, hell, most of them were probably not even really
there. Dropping his head, he managed to get a brief eyeful of the
sunset behind him in a window. Seeing the last ray of sunlight leave
his small piece of the world made him briefly wonder about the condition
of his soul.

Tomas quickly shook that thought away, not really giving a damn
about it. He'd worry about that when he died. Looking at his new
slave, he blinked as he watched her stumbling along, barely managing to
stay on her feet.

"Woah, hold up." Tomas stopped walking and glanced around.
Seeing a small park across the street with an empty bench, Tomas changed
his destination. "Come on, this way." Tugging lightly on the leash
without really thinking of it, Tomas guided the girl into a turn and led
her across the street. Upon feeling the leash begin to twist and pull
in his hand, he turned to look at the girl. Seeing her stumbling with
her legs trembling, he took a step back, bent down so that he didn't
tower over her so much, and wrapped an arm around the girl's shoulders
to support her.

The girl twitched and tried to pull away, a panicked look in her
eyes. Tomas ignored the look and pulling, and helped the girl over to
the bench. Reaching the old, wooden thing, Tomas forced the girl to sit
on it by the simple matter of guiding her in front of it, and pushing
down on her shoulders. With that done, he sat down next to her.

He ignored the girl when she scooted away to the edge of the
bench, keeping a distance between them. She didn't try to stand up, so
he didn't really care. Instead, Tomas sat in silence and watched the
buildings across the street. Through open curtains he could see
families beginning their dinner, the tops of heads of people sitting on
chairs, or others standing and passing food out. It made him wonder if
that's what he was missing by not searching out for his family. Hell,
maybe Rei had been right, maybe it was wrong to ignore family and try to
strike out on his own.

The headlights of a car coming down the street caught Tomas'
eye, and he turned to watch it. It pulled into a driveway not far down
the street, and as a man got out, the door to the house opened and a
small child came flying out of it. Tomas couldn't help but smile at the
scene. Something about that uncaring joy made him think the world
wasn't too bad. But then, he wondered, why was he growling?

A few personal checks and an attempt to stop it failed to change
anything. Recalling the monsters of his earliest memories, he looked
around hoping not to see any. Hope wasn't needed, as the park behind
him and the street around him were empty as far as he could see.
Finally he turned his gaze to the young slave girl on the bench with

Thinking about it for a few moments, he stood up, moved over to
the girl, and brought his face down so that his nose was almost touching
hers. His face had what could best be described as a stupid question
look on it as he tilted it to the side and asked her, "Are you hungry?"

The girl was almost trembling as her head nodded slight. "Yes,
Master," she managed to get out in a stuttering voice.

"Oh." Tomas blinked and stood up with the gaze of sudden
realization in his eyes. "Well, lets get home and grab some food. Its
only a few more blocks."

As Tomas stepped back, the girl stood up, her legs no longer
trembling, but a weary look to her face. Now thinking about it, Tomas
didn't think that continuing so soon was a good idea, but if worse came
to worse, he could always carry her.

The pair continued down the darkened streets, Tomas suddenly
wondering why there were not any streetlights. He'd never bothered to
come down to the streets at night before, not having any reason to do
so. The darkness, he found, was almost oppressive in its totality, the
windows of the buildings acting as small islands of safety.

On seeing the large flight of stone stairs appear out of the
darkness, he smiled. It was good to be home. Even better that he
wasn't going home alone. As he led the girl to the stairs, he saw the
foreman of the construction crew standing at the bottom. "Suzenka-san,"
he said as he approached, "what can I do for you?"

"Shinkyou-san, I just wanted to tell you that we have finished
with your temple." The man smiled. "A fine job, if I can say so
myself. Its been far too long since I got the chance to work with such

"So, is there anything I need to know?"

"Only that my crew will stop by in the morning to remove the
construction equipment. We only finished an hour ago, and there wasn't
time to load it all before it got dark."

"I see." Tomas smiled again. No more living in a tent. This
kicked ass. "Well then, thank-you for everything. I'm gonna go check
out my new home."

"Of course. Good night, Shinkyou-san."

"Good night, Suzenka-san."

Suzenka turned to walk away and then turned back. "Oh, we also
moved your stuff inside." Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a set
of cards. "Here are your keys." The man suddenly looked abashed. "We
made a number of modern changes to it, I'm afraid. Things like locks,
the plumbing, and electricity." The man gave an abashed shrug. "If we
hadn't, most things you buy wouldn't work in the house."

Tomas nodded to the man and took the keys. "No problem. As
long as it still looks like it did, that should be enough."

As the foreman walked away Tomas turned to the stairs and took a
single step, only to find the leash tighten and yanked from his loosely
holding hand. He turned to see the girl on the ground, trembling and
barely able to even remain in a sitting position.

It didn't take Tomas much time to decide that there was no way
the girl was going to make it up the stairs any time soon. Moving over
to her he bent at his knees and scooped the girl up into his arms,
cradling her gently. He seemed to recall carrying children before, so
it was an easy motion for him. When the girl tried to push her way out
of his arms, he spoke quietly. "Stop that. You're not going to make it
up without me."

In an exhausted voice, she replied "Yes, Master."

Going into a light run, Tomas jogged up the steps, trying his
best not to jostle the still trembling girl too much. He'd never had a
reason to run up the steps before, so by the time he reached the top he
was huffing fairly hard. That didn't stop him from continuing on to the
Shrine. It just made him decide to start exercising more.

As he moved across the large yard toward the lawn, the girl
began again to try to push her way out of his arms. He ignored her
pushing until he reached the doors, at which point he placed her down on
her trembling legs again. Quickly he swiped one of the keycards through
the door reader, which clicked open the lock, and pushed open the door.

Moving behind the girl, he gently pushed her into the Shrine,
his hand reaching out and slapping the wall a few times before it found
the light switch that had been pointed out to him the day before. The
lights embedded in the ceiling came on, flooding the room with bright

The floors were all of hard wood, a rich gold in color. Tomas
had no clue what type of wood it was, but it was polished to a shine and
looked pretty damn good. Piled in the middle of the room were the
various possessions that he'd collected over the weeks. It was
depressingly small. Tomorrow he'd have to go buy furniture.

"Come on, girl, this way." He pushed the trembling girl forward
pass the belongings pausing only to kick a towel up into his hands. He
pushed the trembling girl down the hall and then into a dark room. His
hand slapped out for the light switch, which came on to reveal a
bathroom. Taking the towel, he draped it over the girl's shoulder.
"Take a hot bath and get cleaned up. I'll dig up something clean for
you to wear and get some food."

The girl still trembling slowly nodded. "Yes, Master."

Tomas grimaced, finally sick of being called Master all the
time. "My name is Tomas."

"Yes, Master Tomas." The girl's voice was still trembling.

"No, just call me Tomas. Stop with this 'Master' stuff."

The girl nodded again. "Yes, Tomas-sama."

With a growl in his throat, Tomas turned around and headed out
the door. "We'll work on this later." With that he closed the door to
let the girl bathe in privacy. Heading down the hall, Tomas pulled out
the cell phone he'd gotten the week before. He didn't have a stove yet,
or even a microwave, so cooking was out. That meant take-out.


Digging through the box, Tomas tossed various articles of
clothing aside trying to find something that would fit the girl. He had
tossed all of his jeans aside as they wouldn't fit her. Not having a
belt, he had no way to make the waist smaller for her. Finally, he came
across the one pair of sweatpants that he owned. After a few moments of
picking at the knot, he got it undone, and pulled the waist string
apart. That would let the girl tighten the waist enough so that she
could wear them.

Tossing the sweats into an open space on the floor, keeping them
away from the pile of non-fitting stuff. With that done, he grabbed the
few t-shirts he'd placed aside that the girl could wear. Now that he
had pants for her, he chose the smallest of the shirts to join the sweat
pants, and tossed the others back into the box.

He was still cleaning up the mess he'd made in finding his
clothes when a voice behind him made him jump slightly.


Turning around, Tomas sighed, "I told you not to call me..." his
voice trailed off as he looked at the slave girl, who was standing in
the living room naked. Tomas promptly spun back around and closed his
eyes. "What the hell are you doing!? Why are you naked?"

"I..." Tomas could hear the hesitation in her voice. "I have no
clothes. What else was I to do?"

Tomas grimaced. Something told him getting used to this living
arrangement was going to take awhile. "You could have worn the towel,
you know. It was clean."

"I...I'm sorry, Master."

Tomas sighed. There was no use, he felt, in getting upset.
"Look, there's some clothes over there." Tomas waved his hand in the
direction of the sweats and t-shirt. "Put them on, and let me know when
you're done, okay?"

"Yes, Master."

"Don't call me Master. Call me Tomas."

"Yes, Tomas-sama."

"No!" Tomas fought down the anger in his voice, but he was sure
the girl was worried now. "No sama, no san, not even a kun. Just plain
Tomas, okay?"

"Yes...Tomas. I am dressed now."

Sighing, Tomas turned back around to look at the girl. The
clothes fit. Sort of. The shirt hung down below her knees and the
short sleeves went passed her elbows. Over all, though, she was dressed
fine. Not for public, but here at home it would do.

"Sit down, relax. Food will be here soon, I think." The girl
sat down quietly under Tomas' watchful gaze. Finally, he realized
something. "Say, I don't even know your name. What is it?"

The girl gazed down at the floor for awhile before answering
quietly. "I have no name."

That caught Tomas off guard, and he simply sat there in almost
wonder. "No name?" He thought about that for a few minutes before
deciding on something. "Well, pick a name for yourself."

" name?"

Tomas nodded. "Yeah. Take your time, think about it, and let
me know. When you do decide on your name, I'll see what I can do to get
you your freedom."

"Freedom?" The girl looked up with questioning eyes.

Tomas nodded. "Yeah. The first thing you can do is take that
collar off. You don't need it anymore."

The girl's hand slowly lifted so that her fingers brushed
against the brown leather collar around her neck. "Off? But...that's
against the law. They'll kill me if I take it off! You..." The girl's
lip began to tremble and she pulled her legs up and wrapped her arms
around them like a protective shell. "You want to kill me?"

Tomas' hands instantly came up and began shaking. "No, no, no!
I just don't want you to be a slave anymore. A kid like you shouldn't
be a slave. Hell, no one should be a slave."

"But...I am a slave. I'm your slave. You bought me."

Tomas gave a tired sigh. "But you won't be. I know some
people, and I'll make it so you're no longer a slave." At the girl's
confused look Tomas almost continued, but the doorbell interrupted him.
"Hang on, that should be the food. Wait here."

Getting to his feet, Tomas headed over to the front door and
opened it, expecting to see the delivery guy. What he got was empty
air. Frowning, Tomas walked out of the shrine and down into the yard a
bit. "Damn it, if this is some punk kid, I'm going to so kick your

Glaring into the darkness, Tomas swore at the fact his eyes
weren't adjusted for it. He could barely see the edge of the woods.
Then, hearing something behind him, he spun to glare at what he thought
were the pranksters.

Instead what confronted him was a monstrosity on the roof of his
shrine. "Oh shit."

Tomas managed to jump backward in time to avoid the creature's
attack from the roof. His second jump backward to avoid the follow-up
attack wasn't so good. His mouth dropped open and blood flew from his
lips as the thing's fist slammed into his chest. Then it all went

Author's Notes: The whole slave thing is something that popped in my
mind awhile back, but I never found a story idea to use it in. This
seemed as good a fic as any. Also, I have not decided on who the
Slave girl is. Almost any anime girl is up for the postion. Feel
free to email me options.
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