Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Did you get what you Deserved

Goodbye Mama

by WillBertluverX 3 reviews

Viviana is not into the music types in fact she isnt even trying to find a guy. She is independent she doesnt need a knight in shinning armor...wait till she meets Gerard; he is after her and he us...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-03-22 - Updated: 2007-03-22 - 325 words

I was 7 and my mother took me to the department store to buy me new church shoes, I turned around for 1 second and she was gone. I ran around looking for her in the store everywhere, finally I asked a man to help me find her we searched some more and finally found her.

" Sir, that's my mother!", I pointed towards hers. He walked over and tapped her on the shoulder.

" Miss is this your little girl?"

She paused for a moment and walked over to me kneeling down , I almost thought she was going to hug me but instead she just stared at me and smiled.

She got back up; stared straight at the man.

" No, she isn't mine." she walked off briskly not even turning around to wave goodbye.

I was 7 then, I am just now turning 18; someone was calling my name in the distance.

" Viviana! Vivi! Quit daydreaming its your birthday you can officially get out of this place. Aren't you the least bit happy?"

I lived in an orphanage, in New York.

" Sorry, I was thinking about things."

"Don't think today Viviana, just do!"

" Oh, Carmen."

" Go get dressed, I will check you out of here!"


Carmen is my best friend we have been through a lot together, especially in this orphanage. She is suppose to be taking me in with her until I can be stable on my own. See, she turned 18 about a year ago; she promised me once I turned 18 she would come back to get me and today is that day. Slowly I dropped down from the window ledge in the library walking past smaller children I went to my bunk down the hallway, packing my stuff was hard I felt as if I was leaving my home and my family. After saying my goodbyes I was checked out. Carmen tucked my bags into the backseat of her car, I was off to a new start.
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