Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Everlasting love

The hidout

by xayurax 3 reviews

Deidara and Akemi finally reach the hideout of the Akatsuki,but what wiil the rest of the Akatsuki think of Akemi joining them?

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Other - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-07-09 - Updated: 2007-08-16 - 403 words

After another two and a half days of travelling through the trees Deidara and Akemi finally stopped outside a large boulder infront of a lake of water.

Akemi stood when Deidara performed handsighns to levatate the boulder.When he had finished he and Akemi walked straight through.

Inside were many unfamiliar faces.One,who looked like the leader was at the back of the crowd as the two approached.

The faces followed them as they passed.

Deidara and Akemi reached the Leader.Without any expression on the his face,the Leader said;

"Who is this and what buisness does she have here?"

Deidara looked him in the face and replied,

"This is Akemi.She is a Jounin from the Leaf village and is also a highly trained medic,yeah"

Moments later the leader spoke again.

"Very well but in order for her to join she will have to fight against one of the members to gain a place."

"Fair enough,yeah.So who will she be fighting?"Deidara said

"She will fight kisame."

"Yeah,more fun for me!"said Kisame making his way to the front of the crowd.

One hour later and the battle had began.Kisame had sent many water type jutsu's at Akemi but she dodged everyone.Judgeing by the look on the Leaders face he was quite impressed.

Again and again Kisame attacked and again and again Akemi dodged them.

Suddenly Akemi vanished.Kisame looked around trying to find her.

Flick.Akemi had appeared out of thin air right behind Kisame and had flicked him in the back of his neck.
Bang.Kisame hit the ground like a ton of bricks.

Silence filled the cave as everyone stared at the motionless body on the floor.Itachi and Tobi walked over to Kisame and turned him face up.

"What the hell have you done to me you little brat?!"screamed Kisame.

"It's one of my jutsu's.It perminatley paralyzes your hole body.It cannot be undone and is not copiable to the Sharingan eye.Whilst i am invisable you cant detect me either."

In between her words the Leader had appeared beside Kisame.
"You are now an official member of the Akatsuki,but please undo your jutsu so Kisame can walk again."

That night Akemi was sitting with Deidara on the couch when Hidan passed her a note from the leader.It told her to go to his office immediatly.
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