Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Difference a Day Makes

The Difference a Day Makes

by MyChemStar

People can change...sometimes for better sometimes for worse...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!] [V] [Y] - Published: 2007-07-09 - Updated: 2007-07-09 - 1575 words

Chapter One
"Emo" Chelsea shouted down the street at some loser girl dressed in black looking all apathetic. She seriously fucking hates people who look like that. In her eyes they all seriously needed to be burnt alive. She just doesn't understand why they have to be like that...

Chelsea was a basically a chav, townie, gangster or whatever there called. Her mission in life was to fight get wasted then fight some more.

On Monday morning she walked into school in her stolen tracksuit and gold chain and went to meet her friends for a smoke behind the Gym. She arrived and gave them a nod and pulled out a cig and lighter and sparked up.

"Hey Chel's good weekend?" a girl asked smugly obviously knowing something good went on. Chel's grinned at her then took a slow drag of her cigarette before replying.

"Well... from what I can remember..." was all she replied. Everyone already knew what had happened. Why did she need to bother explaining?

"Come on tell us what happened?" A different girl asked. Well if everyone wanted to hear...

"I was so wasted and I was walking home from that party at Tec's and I saw this fucking Mosher! So I want over ya' know just giving 'er some shit, I weren't going to do anything but then she give me fuckin' evils... so I kicked shit out of her" she finished shrugging as though it was nothing.

"Ha great... you know it was Jess right? She's in our year, I saw her this morning and she's a fucking mess. Surprised she didn't go to the police." A girl said.

"I couldn't care if she did..." was all Chelsea said flicking her cig away and walking off.

Honestly, Chelsea really didn't care if that girl went to the police... it wasn't like her mum or anyone cared. So why should she?

Chelsea's day passed slowly and by dinner, she was ready for a smoke. As she set off to walk behind the Gym she saw Jess. She rally was a mess; both her eyes were swollen shut and her lip and cut. Chelsea looked her up and down in disgust... she was wearing tight black jean and a black hoodie with a fucking creepy marching band on the front.... What a freak!

The rest of the day past and finally it was over. Chelsea walked home to her council estate house. She walked in through the door she saw her mums boyfriend smoking a joint by the table. Chelsea just walked upstairs not even acknowledging him... it wasn't her boyfriend so they had no real connection! Her mum had been going out with this idiot for a year now and the only time they had some was when they first meet and it was just a simple 'hi'.

Chelsea sat on her bed having a cig whilst listening to some tunes. Suddenly her mum's boyfriend came though the door.

"Oy pack your stuff, your out!" was all he said. She looked at him and laughed.

"Umm, no this is my house you can't chuck me out...where my mum?" she replied as though he was an idiot.

"I don't know where the fuck your mum is, but she isn't her and she isn't coming back. It's my house and you've got 10 minutes to get your stuff before I kick you the fuck out right?" He shouted and walked off.

Fucking Great! Chelsea didn't really give a shit about her Mum to be honest, she never really looked after her anyway, and it was as though they weren't even really related... Her mum did give her a room to sleep in though.

She grabbed a bag and all her stuff fitted into it. She didn't have much and what she did was stolen. She walked out not even bothering to shut the door behind her and walked of down the street.

She finally reached a phone box and pull out some change she had and made some calls to see if she could crash at their place.

No not one fucking friend... shed just spent all her money calling all her friends and all of them replied with some lame excuse. What great friends they were!

She spent a couple of hours walking around the streets. It was beginning to get dark, and still she had no where to go! She walked over to the park and decided that she might as well crash there... she probably wouldn't get much sleep but still...

She went and sat down on a bench and lit up her last cig. She was half way through smoking it when a light flashed in her face. It was Andy...

"Ahh Chelsea! What we doing here?" He asked.

"Well Officer Andy we are sat here having a nice relaxing cigarette." She replied acting casual. He laughed a little.

"Okay, well first put that out and second you're not allowed on here. You've got a curfew remember? Not allowed out past nine... now come on I have to drive you home!"

"What if I don't have a home?" she replied with a clever smile.

"What do you mean?" He said frowning.

"Well my mums gone, and I have no where to go!" She said laughing. He didn't though he shook his head and frowned.

"Right come on!" He told her.

"Where? I just told you I have no home!" she said getting annoyed.

"I know... I have to take you down to the station I'm not allowed to just leave you here."

With that they both walked over to the police car and got in. As they drove to the police station they talked casually. Chelsea and the police got on well. She got in trouble a lot and always ended up having to see them... in the end they started to get on.

When they got there she was told to sit in the waiting room while they sorted her out. It was two hours later someone told her that they couldn't find her mum and they were going to put her in a care home for the night.

It was 1 in the morning when she finally got in the care home. She was give a room to sleep in and told they would come to see her in the morning.

Chelsea slept well and in the morning woke up to a woman shaking her.

"For fuck sake" Chelsea muttered.

"A police mans here to speak to you!" she told her and walked out.

Chelsea got up and walked out the room and down some steps to see Andy stood there.

"Hey" she said casually.

"Hi... Chelsea, we found your mum and...I'm sorry...she took an overdose last night and well..." he said looking down; she could tell he was tired and really didn't want to have to deliver the news. Chelsea just opened her eyes wide in shock. He was straight to the point huh? She didn't really know how to wasn't as thought she and her mum were close but still it was her mum! They both looked at each other a moment then Chelsea spoke.

"So what happens now?" Andy looked at her surprised that she had taken it well... but Chelsea wasn't into all that emotional shit!

"Well... I guess you stay here and we will get hold of dad"

"Dad I don't have a dad!" Chelsea said honestly. All her life no dad was ever mentioned.

"Oh... right well ill check you birth certificate and then if not... ill find some of your relations and if that doesn't work out then, we will have to sort out a permanent arrangement for you staying here." Chelsea nodded to show that she understood. Then they said there good byes.

Over the past week Chelsea had been staying at the home whilst... some weird social services people tried to get hold of her dad. It turned out that there was someone on the birth certificate but it was turning out to be challenge to actually contact him. It turned out he traveled a lot.

Also over the past week the police had made several visits to the care home to try and sort out Chelsea she had been caught drinking and smoking sneaking out and staying out all night. The care workers were seriously dieing to get rid of her.

It was Tuesday next week and a Man named Dave was working on trying to contact Chelsea's dad that they had managed to actually get somewhere. The Phone rung twice, then someone answered.

"Hello" a man said.

"Hello is this Gerard Way?" Dave asked.

"No it's his manager Brian... May I ask whose calling?"

"My names Dave I work for a care home here in England, I'm trying to contact Gerard way."

"May I ask why that is?" Brian said sounding annoyed.

"His daughter Chelsea McNeil's mum had just passed away we need him to come and collect her." It was silent a moment and it sounded as though Brian had put the phone down, but then he spoke.

"I will have to speak to Gerard then get back to you!" then the line went dead.

A.N: Okay please review if you read because it gives me the energy to write, also my chemical romance will be in it a lot more now. I just needed to introduce the begining! XD
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