Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Star Cross'd Lovers

Chapter 16-The Final

by shedrinksacid 4 reviews

They were years apart but they'll stay together only in perfect disharmony

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Romance, Sci-fi - Characters: Gerard Way, Mikey Way - Warnings: [!!!] [V] - Published: 2007-07-09 - Updated: 2007-07-10 - 540 words

It was getting brighter out and everyone, even Jim, had given up hope. "I don't want to die mom." He whispered. "I hate my stupid husband." Vetter's mom mumbled. Vetter sat Gerard down by a stone, he couldn't go on. "Stay here ok, I'll be back." She kissed him tenderly before looking for the mausoleum. Gerard's legs hurt, he still couldn't breathe regularly but he knew that he had to be there with Vetter to save everyone.

Synester smiled as the sun slowly rose, "Well I guess-" "Vetter!" Jim shouted. "Hey." She smiled. Synester's jaw dropped, "Well well he did prove me wrong." He said. "Let them go." Vetter said stepping closer towards him. "Now now dear I can't do that." "Why not?" "Well where's Gerard?" "He's-" "Right here." Gerard said clutching his side.

"Gerard I told you to rest outside." Vetter said walking over to him. "Well isn't this a lovely picture, you sure have proved me wrong Gerard." "So you have to let them go now." Gerard said. "No, I said before sunrise Gerard." Synester said. "It is before sunrise." Gerard protested. "Oh really? Look outside." Gerard and Vetter stepped outside, the sun was staring them in the face. "Looks like they're all dead now." He said. Gerard looked over at him, "No Synester I beg of you let them go. You can do whatever you want to me, it's me you want now them." Vetter entered the conversation, "No it's me he wants." She said. "Take me just let them go. Kill me, do whatever you want I'll be your slave."

Gerard looked at Vetter, "No go home with your family." He said holding her hand in his. Mikey slowly raised his head, "Gerard!" He shouted. Gerard looked at his brother, "Mikey I just wanted to tell you that-" "I miss you a lot Gerard. I wanted you there at my wedding, I wanted you to see your nephew, I wanted" "Mikey if I could go back I would. But I have to accept this and I just want you to go back to your regular life and just don't forget me." Mikey smiled, "Ok Gee."

Vetter walked over to her mom, "I love Gerard mom." She said. "I can tell." She said. Gerard and Vetter freed their loved ones and then turned back to Synester. "I get both of you then, for eternity, and these useless mortals go free." He said coldly, he would never change. "Deal." Gerard said. "Fine." He said then he turned to the others, "Leave before I change my mind." Vetter's sisters both received kisses from her before they returned home.

Gerard turned to Vetter, "You really want to live like this just to stay with me?" He asked. She nodded, "I love you even if we were years apart." Synester broke their kiss, "Vetter you come with me, I'll see you tomorrow Gerard." Vetter went with Synester and Gerard could hear her screams throughout the night. Hours later she was thrown back into the room with Gerard, he pulled her close to him, "I love you." He whispered. "I love you too."

**so its not a happy ending but star-cross'd lovers never really get happy endings. i hope you all enjoyed =]
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