Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha

Someone to protect

by kristinia 1 review

This is based on the third Inuyasha movie: Swords of a Honorable ruler, when Inu no Taisho asked Sesshomaru if he had someone to protect. Inuyasha wishes to see how far Sesshomaru is willing to go ...

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: R - Genres: Angst - Characters: Inuyasha, Kagome, Kikyo, Kirara, Miroku, Naraku, Rin, Sango, Sesshoumaru, Shippo - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-07-11 - Updated: 2007-07-11 - 2444 words - Complete

"Do you have someone to protect, Sesshomaru?" Inu no Taisho asked his back facing his sun as the moonlight shined down on them. Blood was dripping down his hand in streams and pooling on the ground. "Someone to protect?" Sesshomaru thought eyes narrowing slightly as he answered," I, Sesshomaru, have no one to protect."

Sesshomaru opened his eyes as he turned his gaze to the girl sleeping peacefully wrapped up in his tail. He looked up at the sky eyes narrowed as he pondered on what had happened only a few days ago. "Rin had been kidnapped, and I went to go save her. I had saved her and then went and fought along side of Inuyasha's side of all places." Sesshomaru thought slightly disgusted and disturbed.

He looked down at the girl and felt something inside of him soften as he thought," But.. I am strangely glad that Rin was unharmed. Father... he had been there in the end.. I still remember when he went to go save Inuyasha and his human mother. He shouldn't have died protecting a human woman, I should have defeated him in order to prove I was stronger." He glanced at Rin who twisted slightly whimpering and when he placed his only hand on her forehead she sighed and relaxed.

He blinked when Rin muttered," Lord Sesshomaru..." He felt his lips twitch upwards before he shook his head and frowned as he looked up at the sky.


"What? You sense Sesshomaru?" Miroku asked turning to Inuyasha who had just stated that he had sensed Sesshomaru close by. It was night time and Inuyasha along with his friends had just settled down to sleep. Inuyasha glared at him but answered," Yeah I sense Sesshomaru. Can't miss his stupid scent." Kagome frowned at Inuyasha and was about to reprimand him when Sesshomaru's cool and icy voice reached them," So I did hear you, Inuyasha. You are too loud."

Sango, Shippou, and Kagome jumped startled at his sudden appearance and Miroku looked at him calmly though he had tensed in surprise. Inuyasha narrowed his eyes and he jumped up hand on Tetsusaiga's handle and asked angrily," What do you want, Sesshomaru?!" "That is none of your concern but if you must know, I heard a loud noise and came to investigate, only to find you and your human friends." Sesshomaru answered not even glancing at the others.

Inuyasha was about to pull out Tetsusaiga when they heard someone screaming," Lord Sesshomaru! Help Rin!" Sesshomaru spun on his heels and took off towards the screaming and the others followed seeing that Kagome had taken off after Sesshomaru. They appeared in a camp site only to stop in shock as they watched Sesshomaru kneel by a twisting and turning Rin who was still asleep.

They watched as Sesshomaru put his hand on Rin's head gently and she suddenly calmed down. Her small hands suddenly grabbed his clawed hand and gripped it towards her chest. "Whoa... I didn't think Sesshomaru could be nice to anyone." Miroku said softly and Sango nodded her head in agreement as Shippou said," I agree. I wonder what makes that human child so special that she got Sesshomaru's attention so easily."

"Yeah especially when it's Inuyasha on the other end." Kagome said and Inuyasha's ears twitched as he watched with seemingly curious eyes as Sesshomaru somehow managed to get her hands off of his with ease and not wake Rin up. He ran his clawed hand through her hair and she sighed as she mumbled," Lord Sesshomaru... Rin will always be with Lord Sesshomaru... forever."

They noticed something flash through Sesshomaru's eyes as he pulled his clawed hand away and stared at it, eyes narrowing. Inuyasha seemed to have recognized or knew what was going through Sesshomaru's mind as his face filled with pleasure and he smirked cockily as he thought," You are just now realizing that you care for a human child and you have finally realized that while you'll live for a very long time, the girl won't seeing that she is only a human."

Sesshomaru looked up, and glared at them as he stood up and asked coldly," What do you want, Inuyasha? Leave before I decide to kill you here and now." "Keh, still too cocky, Sesshomaru." Inuyasha said, not answering Sesshomaru's question which seemed to anger the demon lord. Inuyasha even looked shocked when a growl tore from Sesshomaru's throat and the whites of his eyes were turning red.

"Let's go back to our own camp site, guys." Inuyasha said and turned around walking away and the others followed not wanting to make Sesshomaru even more angrier than he already was. "They saw my one weakness, but they don't know that she is my weakness. But she is also my strength." Sesshomaru thought as he sat down beside Rin and wrapped his tail around her.


"What do ye think could make Sesshomaru act so different from his usual self, Inuyasha?" Kaede asked as she set about to make a fire and cook them something to eat. "I don't know. It seems that it's dealing with the human child. I want to test this theory." Inuyasha answered which seemed to surprise the others and Kagome hesitated before she said," I don't know, Inuyasha... he is a full demon."

"No need to be scared of him, I have easily beaten him before and I can do it again. I'll potect you, Kagome, just trust me." Inuyasha said smirking cockily and Kagome smiled though a little hesitant and Sango asked," How are we going to get close enough to Rin, Inuyasha, without Sesshomaru knowing?" "Easy, get her when Sesshomaru is off on his own." Inuyasha answered shrugging at their questioning looks.

"What happens if he doesn't go after the girl? What are we going to do with her then?" Miroku asked and Inuyasha blinked, he hadn't thought of that but he answered sure of himself and of Sesshomaru's actions," Don't worry, Sesshomaru, will go after her, that's what I believe anyways." "We'll just have to trust your instincts, Inuyasha." Kagome said sighing but she smiled at the others and they smiled back slightly.

None of them wanted to kidnap the girl, and take her away from Sesshomaru, especially when they didn't know how Sesshomaru would react.


Sesshomaru looked at Jaken then at Rin and stated," Jaken protect Rin with your life. Where I am going you two can not go." "Yes, Lord Sesshomaru." Rin said smiling brightly and Jaken grumbled only to be knocked over by a rock sent at his head and he said eyes swirling in circles," Yes, Lord Sesshomaru..." With that Sesshomaru spun on his feet and left the two alone, not knowing that it would be his biggest mistake yet.


"How are we going to know if he has left if we can't see him leave?" Kagome asked as she held onto Inuyasha's shoulders as he jumped to another tree top and Kilala flew beside them. "I can sense him and he's already left. Let's get going." Inuyasha answered and they sped up.


Jaken looked up when Rin exclaimed," No put Rin down! Master Jaken help Rin! Rin doesn't want to leave!" "Ri..." He was cut off as Miroku slammed the end of his staff into the back of Jaken's head. Rin watched in horror as Jaken fell to the ground unconcious and she started struggling as she yelled," Master Jaken!" "Forgive me." Sango said before pushing on the back of Rin's neck which caused her to go limp in her arms.

"Let's go, Sesshomaru, will becoming, if he heard Rin yelling." Inuyasha said and Kagome got back on his back and they took off with Rin in front of Sango on Kilala. Little did they know of the disastor to come when Sesshomaru returned and Rin was gone.


Sesshomaru walked into the spot he left Rin and Jaken only to see Jaken on the ground unconcious. "Jaken, get up." Sesshomaru ordered coldly and Jaken jumped up as he turned to Sesshomaru and started sobbing as he bowed at Sesshomaru's feet. "Lord Sesshomaru! It was awful!" Jaken cried and Sesshomaru asked, his voice icy," Where is Rin, Jaken? I left her in your care."

"Inuyasha and his stupid human friends, kidnapped, Rin, my lord! I tried to stop them but the monk knocked me out with his staff!" Jaken answered and Sesshomaru's eyes narrowed before he turned on his heel and started walking away. "Jaken go get Ah-Un." Sesshomaru ordered and Jaken asked," If I may ask, where are you heading off to, Lord Sesshomaru?"

Sesshomaru didn't answer as his body started glowing and the glowing ball went up into the air before disappearing. Jaken took off to go get Ah-Un.


Sango, Miroku and Kagome laughed and had a good time with Shippou who was blushing embaressed. Suddenly Miroku, Kagome, and Inuyasha looked up suddenly tense as Shippou jumped in Sagno's arms and buried his head in her chest. "Sesshomaru's so angry, he's scaring me and he isn't even hear yet." Shippou said as he started shivering.

"Inuyasha, do you think this was a good idea?" Kagome asked as she stood up in front of the unconcious Rin and drew a arrow and knocked it in her arrow as she pointed it in the direction she felt the strong and aggitated demonic aura coming towards them. "Heh, we'll see when he gets here, Kagome." Inuyasha said smirking as his hands trembled in anticipation and slight fear at approaching Sesshomaru again.

Sesshomaru stepped into the clearing and one look at his eyes made them all freeze in fear. His whites were red and his eyes purple, in other words, he was beyond pissed. "Give me, Rin." Sesshomaru demanded and Inuyasha smirked as he pulled out Tetsusaiga which caused it to transform and he asked," Why should we? You are a cold heartless bastard for a demon and you don't care about anyone for yourself. How do we know you'll protect this child from danger?"

"Do you dare doubt, this Sesshomaru's strength and power, half-breed?" Sesshomaru hissed out and Inuyasha knew at that moment, they had made the biggest mistake they would ever make in their life. Rin groaned and Sesshomaru sniffed the air and he could smell the faint scent of Rin's blood. Sesshomaru growled as he asked," You dare harm what belongs to this Sesshomaru?"

"Do you have someone to protect, Sesshomaru?" Inu no Taisho asked.

"Someone to protect... Rin......" Sesshomaru thought his eyes going back to amber as he held up his hand and Inuyasha tensed as his index and middle finger started to glow a unnatural green light. Suddenly the whip was going at Inuyasha who dodged and blocked as best as he could with Tetsusaiga. "Rin is under this Sesshomaru's protection and no one elses, half breed." Sesshomaru finally answered after inuyasha was on his back on the ground, panting heavily.

Sesshomaru had easily knocked the Tetsusaiga out of his hands and he turned to Kagome who stood in front of Rin courageously yet foolishly. "Kagome... run." Inuyasha said from the ground and he flinched at the pain that coursed through his body. "If you do not wish to die, move and let this Sesshomaru, get Rin." Sesshomaru said calmly and coldly, not caring if she didn't move or not.

He was going to get his Rin back. Rin's eyes fluttered open and she turned her head to face the direction she thought she heard Sesshomaru's voice from. Her eyes widened and then she smiled as she exclaimed," Lord Sesshomaru you came for Rin!" Sesshomaru looked at her and Rin jumped up only to run around Kagome and over to Sesshomaru's side.

Sesshomaru looked down at her and placed his clawed hand on her head before he said," Rin let's go." "Yes, Lord Sesshomaru!" Rin said smiling up at him and she grabbed his right clawed hand in her left hand. Sesshomaru turned around and started walking away with Rin right beside him. "He... he came after and was going to kill us to get her back.. he's changed because of Rin." Kagome said before running over to Inuyasha.

"I'm alright, don't worry, Kagome. He didn't hurt me nearly as bad as he wanted to. He got distracted because of Rin having bled a little." Inuyasha said as he finally managed to sit up and he looked towards where Sesshomaru had disappeared. "Why do you think she... how do you think she changed him?" Sango asked and everyone went silent at that as they tried to picture what Rin had done to crawl into Sesshomaru's frozen heart.


"Lord Sesshomaru, thank you for coming to get Rin." Rin said looking down slightly embaressed and Sesshomaru glanced at her before stopping and turning to look at her. Rin felt Sesshomaru's clawed hand under her chin and he gently lifted her head up to look at him. "This Sesshomaru will always protect his Rin. Rin, never forget that." Sesshomaru stated and Rin felt a big smile blooming on her face.

"Yes, Lord Sesshomaru!" Rin said happily and walked along side of Sesshomaru his hand in hers.


Inuyasha and the others watched as Rin looked down and said," Lord Sesshomaru, thank you for coming to get Rin." Sesshomaru glanced at her before stopping and turned to look at Rin. They watched as Sesshomaru put his clawed hand under her chin and gently lift her head to look at him and their mouths fell open when they heard Sesshomaru say," This Sesshomaru will always protect his Rin. Rin, never forget that."

"Yes, Lord Sesshomaru!" Rin said and they watched as the two left with Rin holding Sesshomaru's hand. "Wow... Sesshomaru truly cares for Rin." Kagome said and smiled softly as Sango smiled along with her and Miroku chuckled while Inuyasha frowned in confusion before smirking and he thought," I'm glad you finally understand how I feel, Sesshomaru. I'm glad you know how it feels to want to protect something that means everything to you."


"Do you have someone to protect, Sesshomaru?" Inu no Taisho asked his back facing his sun as the moonlight shined down on them. Blood was dripping down his hand in streams and pooling on the ground. "Someone to protect?" Sesshomaru thought eyes narrowing slightly as he answered," I, Sesshomaru, have no one to protect."

"Father... everything has changed. I now have someone to protect and I understand what you have been trying to teach me all this time. I won't let you down father, but nor will I change." Sesshomaru thought as he looked over at a sleeping Rin and smirked.
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