Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > How could a fistfight be romantic?

Chapter 08

by A_Silent_Killing 2 reviews

yeah another chapter

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro, Other - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-07-11 - Updated: 2007-07-11 - 806 words

We stood up and walked back in the house Bert was sitting on the couch give us a dirty look.

"Gerard can I talk to you upstairs?" I asked. Everyone was sitting in the living room.

"Sure" he said getting up and walking upstarts with me. We walked into me and Quinn's room.

"Ok so I talked to Frank" I simply said.

"And?" he said

"He said he was bi and to set up a dinner for tomorrow night. I told him and old friend thought he was hot" I said.

"Sweet. Ok so what now?" He asked.

"Well I tell him where dinner is and when he is sitting there waiting for his mystery date you walk in and sit down with him for dinner." I said

"Ok so what should I wear?" Gerard asked.

"Gerard you did not just ask me that" I said laughing.

"Yeah I did." He said laughing also.

"Ok well just wear something that you feel comfy in and look nice in" I said

"Ok I think I know what I will wear" he said getting up to go back down stairs.

"Ok I will let Frank know" I said following him back down stairs.

Quinn and Bert aren't talking right now Quinn's mad at him for saying those things he did about him not loving me. I sat down on the couch and texted Frank about the dinner and he was cool with the place I picked and that he was to wait for his mystery date to show up. Gerard and Frank left and went home. Quinn and decided to go chill in our room.

We walked in and I sat on the bed. Quinn took off his shirt (Quinn doesn't like clothes very much) he sat on the bed behind me he put his arms around my waist and kissed me neck. It made me moan a little Quinn kept kissing my neck the he semi-turned me around and started kissing up my chin till he reaches my month and kisses me his tongue begging for an entrance so I gave it to him. I move so I was lying on the bed and Quinn was on top of me the kiss never broking. Then Bert ran in with Jepha and Brandon right after him they grabbed his arms to stop him from attacking Quinn.

"STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP LYING TO HER!" Bert yelled struggling to get out of Jepha and Brandon 's grip.

"Bert get out of her I do love her with all my heart and that's all the matters" Quinn said then continued to have his way with me. Jepha and Brandon pulled him out of the room.

-------------------------The Next Morning--------------

Mw and Quinn woke up I searched for my clothes found then and put my pants and my bra on then walked over to the dresser and found a shirt it was a black tank top that was tight fitting and showed some of my stomach it had the used on the front of it.

"Good morning" Quinn said sitting up in bed.

"Good morning" I said back.

"Come here" he said.

I went over and sat on my side of the bed and he rolled over and started to kiss me. He put his hand on my stomach under my shirt.

"Quinn I have to get ready" I said in between kisses.

"I know I just want you to know I love you" He said stopping and just laying back down.

"I know you do I'm ignoring what Bert says about that you don't love me" I said lay my head on him.

"Did the guys clean our bathroom?" I asked.

"Yeah Jepha said they came yesterday sometime although I don't remember seeing then come." He said.

"Yeah me either" I said getting up to go see the bathroom to get my make up on and use the bathroom.

"Is it clean?" Quinn asked.

"Yeah it is" I said walking in to do my make up.

When I was done Quinn was sitting on the bed dressed for the day. I looked at the clock Frank and Gerard were on there date I wanted to go spy on then.

"Hey Quinn?" I asked

"Yeah?" he said.
"I'm going to go out to eat" I said.

"Want me to come with?" he asked

"No I'm going to go by myself and think" I said.

I walked out our room down the stairs walked past Bert who was trying to talk to me. I got in my car and drove to the restaurant Gerard and Frank were at. Walk in and sat down close enough to hear what they were saying but not close enough for them to know it was me. The was laughing and having a blast.

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