Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cry All You Want

Fun station fun

by 713CemeteryDrive 2 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Erotica, Humor, Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [R] [V] [X] - Published: 2007-07-17 - Updated: 2007-07-17 - 693 words


Chapter five...and coming
It's going to be a short one
I'm taking my little sister and her friend to a certain arcade...Ideas come from life.

Bob was throwing little things at Rays Afro while he was napping. They stuck like glue.
I walked up to the phone and stared at it. Closing my eyes I dialed. She picked up. I began to wonder if the boy friend picked up the phone at all.
"I'm okay." She said before saying hello.
I grinned "No its just..."
I just remembered. I had no idea what I was going to say. Mickey was going to the Arcade with Frank today.
"Want to go to fun station?"

I leaned against the fridge and grinned. He asked me to go a child's play pen with his little brother.
"Sure of course I will" I said goodbye and went up to see goodbye to Adam.
For once he didn't object to me going out with my 'buddies' I wasn't even really lying. Gerard was my friend. Despite the feelings. Adam smiled at me as he walked out the door to go to work. He looked so clean cut with his tie and suit.

I was walking up and down her road waiting to pick her up and saw a handsome man kiss her goodbye and walk to his shiny red car. He wore a suit and tie. I felt so inferior to him. As soon as I could no longer see his car in the driveway I picked up and speed and almost ran up the driveway and pounded on the door. She opened it and was still in her pajamas.
"Gerard" She said blushing. "Its 7:30."
He grinned up at her. "I know I wanted to see you."
She brushed a lock of hair away from my face. "Want breakfast, I'm a chef you know."
She laughed at his shocked expression. And in he went while smelling the aroma of eggs and bacon.

"This is Delicious," he said as he stuffed the eggs into his mouth.
"Thanks" I said laughing.
"So why are we going to the arcade..."
He looked sheepish. "Mike and frank are going...its pretty fun there. Its got games and shit." I laughed.
"Alrighty then"

"Get the alligator gee!!" she screamed in my ear. I bobbed a green plastic alligator on its head and won the points. She laughed and jumped into my arms. I screamed with laughter and people stared at us. Including Frank. He came over and poked me in the thigh.
"Dude she likes you" he whispered. And I saw her blush prettily. I poked him back.
"Screw off dude" He grinned at me.
"I think it's the other way around" he said and sped if the find Mikey who was jumping up and down while lights flashed all around him. We both walked over to see what's was going on.
"I WON TAYLOR!!" she grinned and saw the tickets come flooding out.
"Taylor deserves same kind of teddy bear thing," I thought knowing I was being incredibly corny. I left her with frank and mikey saying I would be right back. I searched for a game where I would win a lot of tickets. I put token and token in and won...five.
I swore and dug in my pocket for any forgotten coins. I rolled my eyes and went off to go and beg Frank for a few extra tickets.

I grinned while Mikey acted like a little girl. Tickets were still pouring out of the machine and he smile grew. I spotted Gerard trying to win tickets and smiled a little.
Gerard went up to Mikey and I saw him frown. Mikey passed him about 200 tickets and Gerard grinned. He disappeared again.

I searched for some kind of a prize booth and as soon as I found on I exchanged my tickets for a huge teddy bear. I grinned behind it and struggled to find her over the mass of fur in my face.
When I did find her I handed her the bear while she was raising her eyebrows and smiling.
"Thank you Gee," she said
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