Categories > Books > Harry Potter > October 31st

October 31st

by 7-31-81 0 reviews

Ever wonder about the night the Potter's were murdered? Well here it is...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Horror - Characters: James, Lily, Peter, Sirius, Voldemort, Other - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-07-18 - Updated: 2007-07-19 - 427 words - Complete

James Potter threw down the curtains and the he ran over to the telephone. He quickly dialed Sirius.

When the phone rang, Sirius had forgotten about how to use the phone. He picked it up and he said, "Hello?"

"Sirius, it's James," James said quickly, "Lord Voldemort's coming. I can see him. Please hurry."

"I'm comin'," Sirius said. He dropped the phone and then he ran outside to his hovering motorcycle. He boarded it and then he took off to James' house.

James quickly wrote a letter to the Order of the Phoenix. He gave the letter to his owl and then he opened a window and the owl flew off.

"LILY! TAKE HARRY AND RUN!!" James shouted, as the door burst opened to Lord Voldemort.

"Stupefy!" shouted James. Voldemort deflected it, easily. James issued a green light. Voldemort turned and then he sent one at James and James ducked. James raised his wand high and thne he and Voldemort sent green flashes at each other.

They both dodged each other's curses.

James then dodged all fo the green lights sent at him by Voldemort. And then Voldemort sent five at once, all that issued from the edge of his finger tips and James was shot back and he died.

"Stupefy!" shouted, crying Lily. Voldemort was sent backwards. Lily's wand then flew into Voldemort's hand. Lily grabbed Harry and she ran upstairs. She went into Harry's bedroom and locked the door.

Sirius had arrived and there were Muggles outside of the house. They saw Sirius on his bike. They all looked angry and then they charged at him, some with guns.

"I'm sorry," Sirius whispered, "Avada Kedavra!" They were all shot back by the curse and then Sirius ran after Pettigrew.

Pettigrew turned and he took out a knife. "Stupefy!" Peter shouted. Sirius dodged the red light, but then he was struck by one.

Sirius fell down. He was able to see Peter cut off his pinky and shout in agony. Peter transformed into a rat and he scurried away.

Inside the house, Lord Voldemort broke in. "KILL ME, NOT HARRY PLEASE!! SHOW MERCY!" Lily shouted.

"Out of my way, silly girl," Voldemort said.


"Avada Kedavra!" shouted Voldemort. Lily dropped dead and Voldemort aimed his wand at Harry and shouted, "AVADA KEDAVRA!" nothing happened to Harry. Voldemort shouted the curse.

"What--" Voldemort notice then, that he couldn't cast any more curses. Voldemort then flicked his wand at Harry and then a bright light and Voldemort gone and scar of lighnting on his forehead.
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