Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Rockstar Fued

Chapter One: Crazy Taco Madness

by MyChemtasticFools 4 reviews

Gerard wants a Taco, Pete does too. Let the fued begin.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Angst, Drama, Humor, Parody - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [?] [V] - Published: 2007-07-19 - Updated: 2007-07-20 - 811 words

Greetings. This is what happens when Gerard Way of My Chemical Romance and Pete Wentz of Fall Out Boy have been forced to live with eachother for two weeks. It all started at Crazy Taco, the BEST restaraunt to enjoy outragously good tacos. Gerard Way was inside of the 'Taco Palace' (that's what his good friend, Frank Iero, always called it) as he waited in line patiently to place his order. He wore his dark sunglasses and didn't notice the other rockstar behind him. Pete Wentz. It was finally time for Gerard to order. He was gonna get the usual, Big Mombo Jumbo CRAAAAZY Taco Delight Delux with coffee.

"Welcome to Crazy Taco, (sigh) may I take your order?" asked the dude behind the cash register in a mono tone.

"Yeah I'd like a-"

Then Gerard was so rudly interrupted by the Fall Out Boy bassist behind him.

"YEAH I'D LIKE A CRAZY TACO BIG MAC!!!" yelled the obnoxcious bassist.

"Excuse me, but I was before you..." informed Gerard to Pete.

"Whatever. CAN I ALSO GET A DOUBLE BEEF BURRITO??!" yelled Pete.


"Dude, chill out." said Pete more calm than before.

Gerard twitched and then tackled Pete.

The cashier sighed. "Why's this always happen on Free Taco Tuesday?"

Three guards (out of the eight who were guarding the door to the irrisistable secret taco recipe) rushed over to the fueding rockers who were on the tiled floor beating the crap outta eachother.

"STOP BEING SUCH A FUCKIN DRAMA QUEEN!" shouted Pete who was struggling to escape the large security guard's grip.

Gerard ignored Pete's comment as he, too, struggled to get away from the guards. Crazy Taco's manager came out of his office with an extremely large (and quite creepy) smile on his face.

"Hello, I'm the manager of Crazy Tac-"

"I DON'T GIVE A SHIT! I CAN READ YOUR NAME TAG, THANK YOU! I WAS JUST WANTING TO BUY A TACO OR TWO... maybe a burrito, dunno, BUT THEN THIS GUY," Pete pointed to Gerard who was making odd noises as he savagley tried to get away from everyone, "HE WOULD NOT LET ME PLACE MY ORDER!"

The manager looked at Gerard. "Is this true?"

"Hell no! I was placing MY order and then he pushes me outta the way to get his food first! Ask him!" Gerard pointed to the un amused cashier.

The cashier raised both of his hands. "Hey man, I just work here."

"I know you do! But can't you just tell him what happened?" said Gerard hopefully.

"I can tell you all what happened!!! This idiot right here," Pete pointed to Gerard and stared at him in disgust, "Jumped right in line, right in front of me!"

"That isn't what happened!" screamed Gerard, disgusted that Pete was lying.

"I'm not finished!!!" screamed Pete right in Gerard's sweet little face. "He jumped in front of me. when I wasn't looking! I, just like anyone else, was here to eat and relax, but then this freak had to go and bother me!"

"I didn't jump in line in front of you, you little liar!"

"Little liar?" said Pete, "Your the one that says 'I did nothing wrong' when you did everything wrong!!!"

"I'm gonna-" Gerard was interrupted by his body guard.

"Both of you, shut up!" he yelled. "For fighting, your going to jail maybe, but first you're going to court!"

"Yeah! I'm gonna sue you for doing this to me!" said Pete getting right in Gerard's face.

Gerard felt squirmy. He didn't want to go to court. He put his hands on his head and sighed.

About a week later it was time for court. Gerard felt sick to his stumach walking in there. Pete was the first one to tell the story.

"Yout honor, I was standing in line, then this freak jumps right in front of me!" he said looking at Gerard wiuth disgust once again.

"This is not what happened you can't believe him!!!" Gerard randomly shouted.

"Excuse me? It is not your turn to talk! I don't know how much I can trust you now, considering you can't even behave yourself in court." the judge said firmly to Gerard.

"Yeah, you little dumbass!" said Pete.

Gerard stood up ready to beat Pete's ass.

"Oh sit down Mr. Way!" the judge said.

Gerard didn't obey, he walked right over and socked him in the kisser! Pete fault back, and before you knew it, they were down on the floor hitting eachother!
All of the sudden the doors of the court room opened with a slam, and the person you'd least expect, walked in with a sulution.
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