Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The story of the guitarplayer from My Chemical Romance

The story of the guitarplayer from My Chemical Romance

by Fewli-xx 1 review

Hi. Im Frank Iero. This is my story. I suck at summaries, but please be patient, give me some reviews so I know what I shall improve to the next chapter.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama, Erotica - Characters: Bob Bryar, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] [!!] [!!!] - Published: 2007-07-22 - Updated: 2007-07-22 - 407 words

Hi. Let me tell you about myself.
I play guitar, in a band. Not any band, I play guitar in My Chemical Romance.
And I hate it, well Its not that I dont enjoy playing guitar with my best friends, It has given me a chance to reach out with my music.
Its the part that keeps me away for my near ones that I hate.
I hate beeing away from my family, espacially my daughter Madison and my fiance Jamia.
Madison is now four and shes adoreable, she looks just like me, not to be an ego, but she really does. I love them to death. I havent seen them in awhile though. But Im gonna surprise them on friday.
Enough about my jewells and more about my life.
When I was seven, my mum and dad divorced. I mostly lived with my mum coz my dad had drinking promblem, until december the fourth. My mum never came home that night. That night they called from the hospital, they told me that my mum had passed away after a caraccident. The day after I had to pack all my stuff and move to Jersey, and live with my dad.
That was lifeturning to me, at first it sucked. My dad treated me really bad and threw out all his anger on my by beating me up. But it didnt took long until I meet Mikey and Gerard. My first real friends. They introduced me to Ray and Bob and all of a sudden the band was made. Highschool went through and we were off to collage, thats when Jamia came in to the picture. She was a total prep and I was a punkrock kid. But no matter how hard we tried, we just couldnt stay away from eachother. We sneaked around all the time so noone would notice. But that didnt work so long. Eventually, her boyfriend caught us making out, and that was the end of that relationship. We kept in touch but it all went out in the sand.
Until i met her at a show we had. She had gotten herself and her best friend Alicia backstagepasses. Thats also how Mikey and Alicia met.
Well, thats all I can tell you know, secret diary.
And by the way, Im Frank Iero.

I know that this one sucks, but please give me reviews and tell me what I should change and so on.
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