Categories > Original > Drama > Body Like an Hourglass

Body Like an Hourglass

by loveandconfusion 1 review

Not the best at summaries. Brenae is devastated when her mother disowns her. Erik happens upon her, and takes her to his home, in which he lives alone. What will happen in this chapter? ...

Category: Drama - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Drama, Humor, Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-07-25 - Updated: 2007-07-26 - 1313 words

This is my first attempt at an Original story, so I hope you enjoy it. I have a few theme songs for the first chapter.

If Everyone Cared - Nickelback
Here (In Your Arms) - Hellogoodbye

Just a couple suggestions. Enjoy, and rate! Criticism is welcome, but please don't be too harsh.


Brenae walked down the ice cold side walk, feet bare, black dress blowing in the winter breeze.

As she walked home, she reviewed the party.

When she arrived, some guy began to hit on her, beckoning her to go upstairs, and that alone made her want to throw up.

Then, her feet were sore from dancing with her friends, so she took off her shoes, which in the end, were stolen.

But the real reason she left was some college guy had brought out Vodka, and everyone began to get horribly drunk.

She shivered violently, suddenly aware of the below-freezing temperature, and began to run, because she could see her home.

She ran up the front porch stairs and began to knocked rapidly on the door.

"Mom, it's Brenae! Let me in!" she called to her mother.

No answer.

"Mom, are you even home?"

Still no answer.

By then, Brenae couldn't feel her feet.

"Mom, it's freezing out here, and I can't feel my feet! Please let me in!" Brenae called, begging and rapidly knocking.

"Brenae, I hate you. You never listened to me and always threatened to run away, so I am going to help you. Here are your things," a voice called from the second story, and a small suitcase full of clothes, toiletries, and other things, fell from the window.

"Now, leave. I am no longer responsible for you. I have already disowned you."

Brenae began to sob out of sadness, fear, and pure hatred.

"Mom, where am I supposed to go?"

In response, the window was closed and the light was turned off.

Her mother had made up her mind, and would not change it.

Brenae sat on the concrete stairs and sobbed, not because she had no where to go, but her mother had just confirmed her hate for Brenae.

"I don't mind to bother you, but are you okay?"

Brenae looked up to see a boy around her own age, standing over her, concern filling his eyes.

"No. I am not. My mother just disowned me, I am freezing and I can't feel my feet, and I have no where to live," she said, more tears spilling down her face.

The boy helped her up, then wrapped his arms around her in a huge embrace.

Normally, she would have pushed him away, because being hugged by strange men wasn't exactly her favorite thing, but instead she sobbed into his shoulder.

When she was done crying, she looked up to see a tear rolling down the boy's face.

He looked down and smiled at her, the tear falling on the girls hand.

"Any better?" he asked her.

"A little. But I still have no where to stay," she said, secretly hoping that she could stay with him.

"Well, I have an extra room that you could stay in. I live alone, so you might have to help around the house with me," he said, wiping her tear and eyeliner stained face.

"Yeah, of course! Thank you so much, um...What's your name?" Brenae asked him.

"My name is Erik. I'm 18, and I go to Mill Valley high school," he said, taking off his coat and draping it over her shoulders.

"What about you?"

"Well, my name is Brenae, I am 16, 17 in three days, and I go to Mill Valley high school, too," she said, pulling the coat closer.

"I think we went to the same elementary school, back in the days," Erik said, pulling his hat on to Brenae's head, causing it to cover her eyes.

Brenae giggled, then fixed the hat.

"Yeah...Santi Elementary School?"

"Sounds about right," Erik said.

They walked in silence for a bit.

Brenae looked down at her feet and realized her toes were literally blue.

She then looked up at Erik, who seemed to notice it too.

"Hold on," Erik said, bending down.

"What are you doing?" Brenae asked quizzically.

Erik took off his shoes and handed them to Brenae.

"I can't take them, Erik. I just can't," Brenae said, refusing the shoes.

"No. You will take them, Brenae," he said, grabbing her foot and shoving the shoe onto it.

"Okay..." Brenae said.

The walked the next few minutes in silence.

Then, they walked up to a house that looked like a small log cabin.

"We're here," Erik said, unlocking the front door.

And alarm went off, and Erik entered a code and the alarm shut off.

"You can stay down stairs. That is where I write my songs, but I won't bother you," Erik said.

He turned around to see Brenae staring at him.

He had black hair with blonde streaks here and there, and a fringe covering his left eye.

His eyes were icy blue, and his skin was slightly tan.

He was muscular, and had snake bits.

He was wearing a red My Chemical Romance t-shirt, tight black jeans, and white socks.

He had a touch of eyeliner as well, along with a tattoo on his wrist that read "Karma".

She had dark brown hair, layered, thinned, and fringed, with bangs over her right eye.

Her eyes were deep blue, and heavy eyeliner streaking down her face.

She had her lip pierced, her ears pierced, and the side of her nose pierced.

Her skin was porcelain and beautiful.

She wore a black spaghetti strap dress, Erik's dark blue coat, and Erik's black shoes.

They both stared at each other.

Erik thought Brenae was gorgeous, and visa versa.

Brenae shook her head, grabbed her blue suitcase, and headed downstairs.

Erik followed her, flipping on a light.

"So, the shower is down that hall, and I'll set up the futon while you shower," he said, and handed her a white shirt and a pair of dark blue boxers.

"You can wear these as pajamas, if you want. I know you have the suitcase, but yeah..." Erik said, stumbling over words.

Brenae giggled.

"I'll wear them, Erik. It's fine," she said, taking them and heading toward the bathroom.

After Brenae's Shower

Brenae came out of the bathroom wearing nothing but a towel loosely wrapped around her slender figure.

"Um...Sorry, I forgot my, um, underwear," she said when she noticed Erik staring at her, wide-eyed.

"Oh, it-it's fine," Erik said, going back to his writing.

Brenae walked over to her suitcase and pulled out a lacy red bra and matching boy shorts.

Again, Erik stared at them, wide-eyed.

"What? I am allowed to have nice underwear in this house, right?" Brenae said, smirking.

"Oh...uh, yeah, whatever," Erik said, stealing glances at her.

She laughed, then walked back to the bathroom, closed the door, and changed.

Brenae returned from the bathroom wearing Erik's shirt and boxers, the bra slightly visible through the white shirt.

Why does she do this? Erik thought to himself.

"Well, I'm pretty tired. I think I am going to bed," Brenae said, crawling under the covers of the futon.

"Okay. I won't bother you," Erik said, turning off the lights and flipping on a small desk lamp.

Within minutes Brenae was asleep, breathing softly.

Erik got up quietly and walked over to the sleeping girl.

He brushed her hair out of her eyes and kissed her forehead.

"I wish you knew how much I love you, Brenae," Erik said, kissing her forehead again.

Then he walked quietly up the stairs, glancing back at the girl he'd loved since sixth grade, wishing she felt the same way.


Hello, again. Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Please, keep reading, because there will be many more chapters to come. Thanks!

- mimi
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