Categories > TV > Buffy the Vampire Slayer > Season 8

Ep. 2 - Ch. 1, The Council

by sailorchick321 0 reviews

Episode 2

Category: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Angel,Buffy,Faith,Giles,Willow,Xander - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2007-08-12 - Updated: 2007-08-13 - 1198 words

A/N: If you are new to this story please note that this IS NOT THE FIRST CHAPTER!!! I don't know why but it wont let me change the order. All the chapters are labeled by both Episode number as well as chapter number. Sorry for the inconvenience.

The Council

In a conference room of Wolfram & Hart around a large mahogany table sat Buffy, Angel, Giles, Willow, Xander, Dawn, Faith, Gunn, Fred and Wesley. The girls had been left at the hotel with Robin and Andrew. They had no fear for the girls†safety just what that many unattended girls would get up to while they were gone.

‽I propose,” Giles was saying standing at the head of the table. ‽That we become the new Watchers Council. I am in possession of what books are left of the old Council. Angel runs the largest deposit of mystical writings in the States, and the best demon fighters the world has to offer.”

Wesley spoke up. ‽Rupert what you†re suggesting is treason.”

‽Against who? They†re all dead Wesley.” He snapped back. ‽The point remains, even if we don†t establish a new Council, the fledgling slayers must be contacted and instructed. There is no one else that can do it. This task falls to us. We saved the world by waking them, if we neglect to instruct them they could end it.”

Willow leaned over to Buffy and whispered ‽If he thinks the idea of setting up a new council is treasonous, wait â€~til he hears how we†re gonna run it.”

Having heard her whisperings, Giles turned to Willow and spoke, ‽Maybe you should tell him, tell them all.” He looked around the room once more then sat down and turned the floor over to Willow.

Will stood, walked to the front of the table and began to speak ‽Into every generation a Slayer is born, one girl, in all the world, a chosen one. She alone will have the strength and skills to hunt the vampires, demons, and the forces of darkness. She is the slayer.” Buffy and Faith both snickered. Willow glanced at each smiling ‽Well that†s not the case anymore. In this room sit two, and another 10 are waiting for us at the hotel. But it doesn†t stop there. There are slayers all over the world that need to know who and what they are before they become a danger to themselves and others.”

She looked to Giles and he spoke again. ‽What we†re proposing is that each new slayer be given the same system that the Strongest Slayer had. That method produced the most fierce, most feared and the oldest slayer in history.” She looked Wesley in the eye. ‽Tell me, Wesley, who holds that honor?â€

‽Buffy.” he replied rather sullenly.

Her head shot up and she stared at Giles. He had never told her any of that. She was the oldest slayer ever? ‽Um… how does that work with me having died twice?”

‽Friends” replied Dawn, who was sitting across from Buffy.

‽And Family” whispered Angel, squeezing her knee under the table.

‽Exactly,” picked up Willow continuing her explanation. ‽Buffy didn†t have to hide all the time. Those she loved the most knew who and what she was and stood behind her to help her face it. She had, has, a strong group to catch her if she should ever fall. We think the slayers need that. We suggest allowing each new slayer to choose her own support group. One or two friends or parents that they will tell then bring them here and teach them, the slayers how to use their power and the friends and parents how to help them.

‽We, with your permission Angel, can set up a training camp of sorts her at Wolfram & Hart using the law firm as a cover.” Angel nodded his consent and she continued. ‽I have two spells in the making, one that will bring them to us and another that will show them to us. The first will give the slayers a dream, sadly it†s an all or none thing so Buffy, Faith you†ll have these dreams as well. It†ll basically be you fighting and killing a vampire then this building and the face of the person here you would be most likely to trust.”

Both nodded that they understood and she continued. ‽The dreams should last only until you meet that person so you should only have one or two at most. The other spell will guide us to them. But it will only work up to a five hundred square mile area. So I†m got maps of each of the States and each individual country that I will cast the spell on. That map will show you a name and location such as,” she pulled out a layout of the Wolfram & Hart building they were in and laid it on the table. She then began to chant and dropped lite pink sand over the map when she picked it up there were three glowing dots. The two in the room where they were at were labeled Summers, B and Martin, G. The other was just entering the building and was labeled Hamilton, K. Moments later the dots began to fade. ‽I†ll have to have more time to cast a permanent spell but I can do it without a problem.”

Buffy looked over at Faith. ‽Martin, G?”

Faith just shrugged ‽Gabriele Faith Martin”

‽I am so calling you Gabby from now on” Buffy laughed

‽Do it and you die, B.”

‽Been there, done that.”

‽Twice.” Angel and Dawn chimed in with a smile.

‽Yeah, so I†ve heard,” remarked Faith.

‽Who†s Hamilton, K?” asked Wesley, pointing to the third dot that was making its way toward them.

‽Kennedy Marcelyn Hamilton, she†s bringing lunch.” Willow answered.

‽Hamilton? As in the man who founded the banking system, Hamilton†s?” Gunn asked. Everyone starred at him. ‽What, I†m not allowed to know any history?”

‽Yes Gunn, that Hamilton. Anyway,” Will continued, ‽I†ll cast these spells then we can go in groups of two and talk to them. It†ll be slow going for a while, but with both spells in effect we should get them all in time.” Willow finished just as Kennedy walked in carrying four large pizzas

After they all sat with their pizza and colas, Dawn asked, ‽What about all the girls here now? Is it safe for this many of you guys to be together?”

Buffy answered, ‽No. we†ll have to disperse. Send the girls home, or, for the ones that don†t have a home anymore, we†ll help them get on their feet somewhere.”

‽There are a few other Hellmouths that will need watching. I suggest you send the more experienced girls to guard them, Vi and Rona maybe.” Giles put in. ‽However, we will need to keep the girls together until their watchers are ready to aid them independently.”

Buffy nodded. ‽I†ll get you those names tonight then.”

Giles nodded that he understood before turning to further discuss watcher protocol with Wesley.
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