Categories > Original > Fantasy > Virtual Reality

On My Way

by darks00 3 reviews

*Looks like a deer in the headlights* Erm...Isn't it great that Ficwad is up again?! *Hopes no one notices I don't know what to say*

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-08-13 - Updated: 2007-08-14 - 1972 words - Complete

Chapter 9: On My Way

Looking down at my own reflection
When suddenly it changes
voilently it changes
Oh, no, there’s no turning back now
You’ve woken up the demon inside of me

“Down with the Sickness” by Disturbed

At the Bloodhounds’ castle:

“NO!” Screamed a voice in the castle.

Birds flew away from the trees that where near the castle.

“Where is he? Where is that Jake kid?” Demanded Marcus of the Bloodhounds near him, looking like he was going to kill them.

“I don’t know, Myst was gaurding him!” One of the Bloodhounds said in a shakey voice.

“Myst!” Hissed Marcus. “She must have let him free! Oh, you’re going to pay, sister dear, you’re going to pay...

Back at Myst’s ‘house’:

Morning soon arosed, and put an end to darkness. All that was heard was the chirping coming from birds. Sky woke up, and heard what sounded like Kalvin, groaning in dispair. Curious, Sky pushed over the brown curtains, looked outside the old window. She saw Kalvin there, who looked tired and he had Holocaust out.

Sky opened the window. “Kalvin, what are you doing?”

“Oh, hi Sky. Holocaust, return,” commanded Kalvin.

The red dragon dissapeared. Kalvin went up to Sky’s window.

“I’ve been having nightmares about Holocaust attacking me ever since he attacked Josh.” Kalvin said.

“You really got a rebel for a element partner, huh?” Said Sky with a smirk.

Kalvin snorted. “Yeah. I’ve decided to do something about it. I’ve been training him basicly all night. But he won’t listen! It’s so fustrating!”

“He won’t even listen to you?” Asked Sky.

Kalvin shook his head. “At least he doesn’t attack me like he does to stangers.”
A pause.

“By the way, how’s Jake doing?” Kalvin asked.

Sky shrugged. “I don’t know, let’s go find out.”

Sky and Kalvin met up in the kitchen of Myst’s “home”. Josh was already there, eating pancakes that Myst made. Kalvin had to admit it, Myst was a good cook. There was also sausage, eggs and hashbrowns.

“How’s Jake doing, Myst?” Sky asked Myst.

Myst sighed as she flipped the pancake. “Not better, but at least not worse. It’s time for his medicine, he’s still in bed. Sky, could you please watch the food for me while I go check on him?”

“Course,” Sky said, taking the flipper from Myst.


Myst grabbed some pink liquid that was poured into a little plastic cup, took some pancakes, sausage, eggs and hashbrowns that were already made and headed for Jake’s room. When she got there, Jake was sleeping. She shook his shoulder a little bit. Jake only moaned in his sleep. Myst couldn’t wake him up. She assumed that was because he was till working the posion out of his body. So, she woke me up the only way she thought could- she pushed his blond hair from his face gave him a kiss on the forehead.

Jake woke up instantly.

“Morning, Sleeping Head!” Said Myst with a little laugh.

“Morning,” Jake said with a little yawn.
“How are you feeling?” Myst asked.

“Do you want my honest opinion?” Jake asked back.

“Not good, huh?” Myst said with dissapointment in her voice. “Here. Drink this.”

She handed him the pink medicine.

“That crap that tastes like pepto bismo on fire?” Jake said while laughing.

Myst couldn’t help but laugh when Jake struggled to keep the medicine down.

“Here, have some breakfast,” said Myst, shoving it on his lap.


He took a bite from the sausage. “This is good, did you make it?”


“You’re a good cook.”

“Thank you.”

After he finished two sausages and a pancake, Jake pushed the food away from him.

“I thought you said I was a good cook,” joked Myst.

“You are, it’s just I don’t feel well,” admitted Jake.

Myst pushed him down on his back, and pulled the blankets up to his neck.

“You’re like a mother to me, aren’t you?” Jake said while laughing.

“Well someone has to look after you!”

“Ha-ha, very funny.”

“Hey, Jake, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you.”


“We’re friends, right?”

“Yep, you’re my best friend, you know that.”

“And you’re my best friend. But how come you won’t tell me your real name?”

Jake hesitated. “A name’s just a name. It doesn’t mean anything.”

“You know what I mean. I think you’re hiding, scared to show the real you.”

“That’s not true! I just don’t like my name. ‘Jake’ is a way better name, anways.”

“Whatever you say, Jake,” she said, stretching out his name as she said it.

When Myst saw Jake’s face grow very pale, she grabbed him the pail. Just as he threw up, she let out a moan of discust, walked out shutting the door behind her.
She went to the kitchen, where Sky finished cooking the breakfast she started. They all (excluding Jake who was in his room) sat down and began to eat.

“We decided we have to leave today,” said Kalvin to Myst.

Myst dropped down her fork on her plate in surprise.

“What? But Jake’s health, he’s not doing well...” Myst complained.

“Yeah. But no one’s health is going to be good if Josh doesn’t get his element partner,” pointed out Sky with her mouth full of eggs, “he stills need to do one more test, and it will take us a day to get there. It’s in Lacade Valley.”

“I don’t know if Jake can even walk with his snake bite wound thanks to my damn brother,” said Myst.

“Well, maybe there is something that can help him walk,” suggested Josh.

“Now that you mentioned it,” said Myst, rubbing her chin, “I have crutches here from the time I sprained my ankle from falling down the stairs...”

Kalvin bursted out laughing.

“What’s so funny?” Demaned Myst.

“Seeing people fall down the stairs is HILARIOUS,” said Kalvin, making everyone but Myst laugh.

“Well, I’ll go find them.”

Myst found them in a closet in the storage room. Then, the four of them went to Jake’s room. Josh informed him of their plan.

“I don’t want to pull you guys back, so I’ll try,” said Jake.

“Let’s see if you can walk,” said Kalvin.

With lot of effort, Jake sat up, and put his feet on the cold wooden floor. He took a deep breath, then stood up. Then he gasped in pain, and fell. He was waiting for the pain, till he realized he was in someone’s arms. Myst’s arms, to be exact.

“Thanks,” said Jake, embarrassed that he couldn’t even walk.

“Aww, you’re blushing, Jake,” teased Sky.

“Shut-up,” said Jake, making him blush even more.

“Here, try these,” Kalvin said, handing him the crutches.

“Much better,” said Jake, happy to be getting out of the bed.

Myst grabbed a green backpack from the closet of the room. “We better grab some emergancy supplies. Can’t be too cautious, you know.”

In there, she put Jake’s medicine, some fruits and food, water bottles, And a first aid kit. Kalvin volunteered to carry it. That confused the gang at first, but it didn’t when they caught him eating the food while he said he was going to use the washroom. In Sky’s home-made bag were still some berries, just in case. They were in a middle of the forest when everyone noticed how tired Jake was getting from using his arms to carrying himself. He was falling behind, and breathing heavily.

“He’s tired, guys,” Myst said, “it’s hard to walk on crutches, especailly for over an hour.”

“What are we going to do? Carry him?” Joked Kalvin.

“I can use my element partner,” suggested Jake.

“Cool! I want to see your partner,” said Josh with excitement in his voice.

“No. You’re weak enough as it is,” snapped Myst, sounding like a mother.

“No, I’m fine, it’s just I can’t walk on my ankle,” said Jake.

“We can take turns with him using our element partners,” suggested Sky.

“Okay,” said Myst, giving in.

Jake put a hand on his wrist, and chanted, “Essence, holder of the element nature, come forth and reveal to me your true form!”

A beautiful grey wolf came out howling. Josh and Kalvin helped Jake on the wolf.

“Thanks,” said Jake.

It was night when they reached Lacade Valley. By now, Shadow was holding Jake in her arms protectively. He had fallen asleep. Myst woke him up. It was easiler to wake him up this time then that morning.

Jake rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. “We’re here?”

“Yes,” Kalvin said, answering for everyone.

“Shadow, return,” commanded Myst.

Before he fell, Kalvin caught him and handed him his crutches. They had to reserve their strength just incase some Bloodhounds decided to drop by.

When the reached the gave, they heard a voice behind them saying: “You dudes aren’t planning to go in there, are you?”

They turned around to see a boy in a blue cap, that made it hard to see his eyes and his brown hair. He wore a red jersey having the number ‘11’ on it wit dirty brown jeans.

“Yes. It’s rather not your business,” said Sky in a rude tone.

“Chill, girl,” said the boy, “I’m just warning you. No one comes out once they go in.”

They all gave him a look.

“Where did I hear that before,” muttered Josh. “Who are you, anways?” He then questions in a louder voice.

“Me? I’m Blaire.”

“Hi, I’m Sky,” said Sky, then she pointed to Myst, Jake, Josh then Kalvin. “This is Myst, Jake, Josh and Kalvin.”

“Sure, point me out last, they all do that,” said Kalvin rolling his eyes.

“Are you ready, Josh?” Asked Sky, ignoring Kalvin.

“Ready then I ever will be,” Josh said, letting out a deep big breath.

“This is your final test, Josh,” reminded Sky, “once you completed this soul test, then you are one of us and get to keep Deluge, the element of rain.”

“I know, I know,” said Josh, sighing.

He was nearvous. What if he wasn’t meant to have Deluge? Well, he wasn’t going to find out if he didn’t go into that cave.

“Good luck, man,” said Blaire, before whispering and adding, “you’ll need it.”

“What are you still doing here?” Kalvin asked Blaire.

Blaire shrugged. “I have nothing better to do.”

Everyone said their good byes, and then Josh went inside the cave. Inside the cave, was crushed skeletons with blood all over the place. It made Josh want to vomit. At the end, was a man in a dark blue robe.

“Hello, Josh,” the man said. “So the leaders of the Heart and Mind tests says that you have great potiental of being the holder of Deluge, holder of the element rain.”

“Well you heard right,” said Josh said with over-confidence.

The man then through him the blue watch. Josh facined it on his wrist.

“This is the final test, my son,” the man reminded Josh, “complete this, and Deluge is yours. Are you ready?”

Josh was getting annoyed of the questions. “Of course I’m ready!”

“Okay. Let the third and final test begin,” demanded the robed man.

You can’t beat me!
You can’t hurt me!
You can’t stop me!
You can’t bring me

“The Man Without Fear” By Drowning Pool featuring Rob Zombie
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