Categories > Original > Romance > Guardian Angel

Chapter 01

by lisa_mw_0189 0 reviews

Read the one before if you like.

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Romance - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-08-14 - Updated: 2007-08-14 - 157 words

Athella sat in the bay window staring blankly out at the falling snow. The snow storm seemed to tell a story as it blanketed the ground, making the world appear peaceful and still, a picture frozen in time. At first, the move to Connecticut had seemed like the worst thing that could have ever happen to her. But after 6 months she was now viewing it more as a blessing. If she had not move to this dreary little dump of a town, she would have never have met Michael. He had become her everything, her guardian angel since they had meet. He had kept her from her own grave just months earlier.

But Michael had some secrets of his own only she knew, things that she had been shocked to learn. But that had just been discovered. Thinking back on the eventful months that proceeded she realized both the good and the bad she had been through.
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