Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance


by KemicalKiki 0 reviews

Based on a dream I had. A very long dream. I added some stuff, but this is it!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2007-08-15 - Updated: 2007-08-15 - 639 words

Kiki's POV.

Okay so I want to have a slumber party before I go to
art school in New York for a couple of years. I got on
AIM and started chatting with my best friends.
Hottiewiththebody123- Peter
BlackParadeBoii- Paxton

MyChemicalKiki has signed on
KristiPwns: ALOHA!
MyChemicalKiki: Hello my tre tre Awesome FRIENDS!
BlackParadeBoii: Caps lock a new trend?
MyChemicalKiki: of course paxton!
hottiewiththebody123 signed on.
MyChemicalKiki: Hello, Peter. How are you?
hottiewiththebody123: Im okay, just fighting with my
sister. How about you?
MyChemicalKiki: I'm okay. Awww. Which sister?
BlackParadeBoii: I bet you 5 dolla that it was Jade,
Kiki! Was it???
MyChemicalKiki: Its a deal!
hottiewiththebody123: HA! It was Serra!
MyChemicalKiki: You owe me 5 dollas, Pax!
hottiewiththebody123: OOOOOO! PAX!
MyChemicalKiki: Are you aware that I'm leaving
BlackParadeBoii: THATS TOMORROW!???
MyChemicalKiki: yesss. come over right now, my
chemical brotherrr!
BlackParadeBoii has signed off.
hottiewiththebody123: Thet was quick! Call him and
make sure he's wearing pants!
Boo_you_whore has signed on.
MyChemicalKiki: KYLE!!!! actually everyone!! COME
OVER!! It's slumber party time bitches!!!!
MyChemicalKiki has signed off.
Boo_you_whore: why does that always happen to me?...
Boo_you_whore has signed off.
KristiPwns: Who's left?
hottiewiththebody123: Me! Lets GO PARTYY! : ]
hottiewiththebody123 has signed off.
KristiPwns: And now I'm alone...
KristiPwns has signed off.

I heard a knock at the door. I ran. I opened the door
and jumped into Paxton's arms. He was like a brother
to me. Well, same with Peter and Kyle. I started
crying. I'm wayyyyy to emotional.
"AY! Dont cry..." Paxton said.
"and why not? you know I'm a sensitve person..." I
said looking up at him.
"Well, I know that part..." He said back.
"Pax, I don't wanna leave you guys..." I said.
"HEY PARTY PEOPLE!!!" Kristi yelled while she ran in
the room. Stupid girl. She just ruined a happy moment.
UH OH! Sad again. Ugh!
"Hey Kristi..." I said.
"Hi." Paxton said. He looked back at me and smiled.
"I just ruined a moment, didn't I?" She asked. We
looked at her and nodded.
Another knock. I opened the door. YAY! Kyle and
Peter! Again hugging, and crying.
"Kristi! You know what time it is?????" I asked her.
She put it in.

"No, Zero. Down, boy. My, what a brilliant nose you
have. The better to light my way! To the head of the
team, Zero!" Jack said.
"OH LOOK! There's me!!!!" I yelled. Yes, I'm Zero.
"WE KNOW! That's only the hundredth time you said
that!" Peter said.
"HEY! DON'T YELL AT HER!" Paxton yelled. Very
overprotective. See, he's like a brother.
"Don't yell at me! GAY BOY!" Peter yelled.
"I'm not gay! Watch this shit!" Pax yelled back. His
lips crashed into Kristi's. Wasn't expecting that. I
really hope that wasn't real. I mean I love him, but
like a brother.
"I'm sorry..." He said to me.
"Why are you apologizing to me?..." I said. We just
stared at the screen and pretended it never happened.
"I want some popcorn and m&ms." I said. I got up and
ran to the kitchen.
I popped my popcorn and was looking for my m&m's.
"DAMNIT! I can't find them..." I whispered. I saw Pax
run into the room.
"I'm so sorry..." He said.
"For what?" I said. I looked at him.
"For kissing her..." He said.
"Okay... but why are you apologizing to me?" I asked
again. He walked out. I grabbed the m&m's and
"What? Your'e not going to answer me?" I asked with a
confused look.
"I'll answer you when you come back home!" He yelled.
"Oh, so you are allowed to yell at her..." Peter said.
five reviews or NO NEW CHAPTER! So write a short review of why I should continue.
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