Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Bella. Im Here.

chapter five

by Lost_Souls_Cry_To_Me 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2007-08-19 - Updated: 2007-08-19 - 521 words

“so how is she?”
“she is fine. I think she just got a bit of a shock.”
“can I see her?”
“of course. Go right in.”

I struggle my eyes open to see a fairly tall, skinny, blonde lady sitting in the visitors chair across from the stretcher I was laying on.
“hey Nicole” she greeted. Her voice was a bit scratchy. A smokers voice. You tend to learn that king of thing when every house you’ve ever stayed at had smokers. “hi.” I whispered shyly. I sat up on the stretcher and hung my legs over the edge. “my names Annabelle. Im franks girlfriend.” She looked as though she had just put up a mental wall. Like I was going to try and kill her. “really? That’s fucking awesome.” That was an understatement. “your not going to threaten me?” she said. Im guessing she was a bit cautious. I can understand. “of course not. Congratulations! Im extremely happy for you guys!” I started to swing my legs. Trying to rid my body of the excessive amount of energy and excitement. “thanks. Oh by the way heres all your stuff.” She passed me all the shirts and stuff I had bought earlier for the signing. “thankyou. I cant believe they still signed them.” I said in awe. “of course!” she reassured me. “oh and I almost forgot.” She reached behind her back and pulled out an envelope and passed it to me. It had ‘Nicole’ written on the front of it in beautiful cursive writing. I ripped in open to find a note:

hey Nicole.
Im sorry I frightened you that much. Lol just kidding.
We signed all your stuff for you. and I added extra hugs and kisses to my signature. Just for you.
I hope you feel better in time for your next surprise. Just encase you have forgotten we have sent you our one and only dark, fallen angel to guide you.

Lots and lots and lots of love. From all of the guys here.

Get well soon! Lots of love gee xoxo.

Ray: happy birthday. Celebration drinks!
Get well soon. Rayray xoxo.

Bob: get well soon. And happy 15th. Love bob bryar.

Get well soon! Love love mikey way! Xo

Frank: hey girl happy birthday! I hope you get well soon. Please don’t kill my Bella. Lol. Much love. Frankie! Xoxo

I read the last bit out loud and Annabelle laughed with me.

“ok. You have to promise your not going to pass out on me?” she smiled and i agreed.

The next thing I know she pulls out a V.I.P ticket and hands it to me. “you fucking kidding me right?!” I screamed at her. She shook her head and leaned in to hug me. “I cant believe this!”

I stood and did my happy dance. She laughed and picked up my stuff. “we can go backstage now if you want?” I felt my eyes getting glassy. “of course!” I screamed and she linked arms with me. This is a dream come true!
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