Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > We Fell Out Of Love, I Fell Into Hope

I Needed You

by WynonaKing90

georgie is hurt and frank wants sex

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Angst,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2007-08-19 - Updated: 2007-08-21 - 864 words

Durring their "break", the band liked to do the occasional small local show.
Three months after me and gerard 'fell out of love' they did a gig at an underground record place. very little people knew about their small gigs, so you often saw the same faces in the crowd. one face i saw all the time in particular was this gothy kid. She couldn't have been older than 17. she always stood, closest to the stage, gazing up at Gerard with those ever so admiring eyes. it was almost like she thought no one was in the room besides her and gerard. it made me sick. before, she wouldn't have been a threat, but now i knew she was. she was everything gerard could "love". dark, gloomy, depressed, young, and /angry/. she reminded me of what i use to be and it scarred me.
Durring this gig at 'Doorreckage' Records, i saw them talking backstage. she was crying. saying something about how hard life was. Gerard took her in his arms and hugged her. His long black hair falling ontop of her head while he tried to sooth her. i wanted to cry out so bad. i wanted to say 'gerard please stop it. stop hurting me'. their hug was worse than if he had sex with her. why? because they were bonding. they were to the point where they needed each other. i had once been to that point. in a way, i was glad i wansn't anymore. i was glad all i needed was myself, but if it meant loosing gerard to someone else...i was lost.
After that gig, i was hurt and angry. i was mad that gerard just didn't love me anymore cause i grew. i fuckin grew up and he didn't.
I went back to the house me, gerard, and the band all sharred. the band was all out staying for the after party, but i went home. i wasn't in the mood for a druken party, sitting, watching gerard and that girl leave to a different room to "talk". no not sex. i knew Gerard was faithful. in the physical aspect at least, but in the emotional aspect, he was a lying cheating son of a bitch.
Late at night he'd get 'mysterious calls' on his cell. i wondered why we never got any "mysterious calls" on our home phone.
fuck...i was an emotional reck.
After taking my 'before bed' shower, i hopped out, quickly reaching for a towel. the cold skin on my naked body was harsh. After wrapping myself up, i went to exit the bathroom, and there, standing in my door way, was frank iero himself.
'What the fuck frank!' i screamed, shocked to see him there. 'how long have you been standing there?!'
he smirked, his arms folded across his chest.
'oh please. i've seen you naked before' he said combly.
'Frank. please tell me you're kidding,'
he laughs.
'Aren't you suppose to be at the party?' i said, pushing past him to put on some real clothes
'I decided to stay here with you...' he answered. Frank was starting to worry me.
I then told him to leave the bathroom while i changed into some clothes.
'you won't be needing those,' he smirked, still standing at the bathroom doorway.
'what?' i questioned.
'i know there's something wrong between you and gerard,' he answered. 'i know /everything/,'
the amusement in his voice made me mad. did he think what was happening between us was funny? and above all, how the fuck did he know?
we hid it so well...
'remove your towel,' frank ordered, moving towards my bedroom. he then sat down on my bed, and looked at me with a childish smile. i walked up to him and sat down beside him.
'why?' i whispered. i was so confussed, was frank..was he...
'because i want you to,'.
i eyed him, shocked. not because he wanted me to undress for him, but because that was what gerard would say whenever we had sex.
he'd give me an order. then, i'd say 'why', and then he'd say 'because i want you to'.
'frank...' i started. he hushed me while his fingers slowly removed my towel.
'i want you to pretend im gerard. i want you to fuck me /hard/,' he ordered.
'but fran...'
'im now gerard,' he snapped, now letting the towel uncover my body.
'fuck me like you would gerard,' he whispered. all of a sudden his lips came sofly onto my neck, kissing me, while his fingers came down to my breast. i moaned at his touch. it had been so long since i was really touched like this, with such tenderness.
'listen to me. for this whole night im /gerard/. do you understand? not frank,'
i nodded, eager.

A/N- heyyy guys xD. please review. i really worked hard on this. and oh, i would never leave it off like this. you'll get yer dirty sex soon ;D.....BUT....i dont continue unless i get a decent amount of reviews. xoxoxoxoxo
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