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Diary Of A Girl Oppsessed

by 713CemeteryDrive 2 reviews

Too tired to add more people. Plus I really should have been paying more attention

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2007-08-21 - Updated: 2007-08-21 - 801 words

“Long ago, just like the hearse you tried to get in again, we are. So far. From you!”
Earphones were yanked annoying…and painfully from my ears. Ultimately bringing me back to the real world. Not a world where Gerard Way was singing to me under the twilight stars.
I looked up squinting at my attacker. Mum. I rolled my eyes and lolled my head away from her.
“Um yes?”
She looked at me quite annoyed and although my earphones were placed firmly and ‘mum-proof’ in my ears I could still hear those dreaded words.
“Get out of this car this instant and get to school.” I suppose that was my mum’s friendly way of wishing her daughter good luck on the first day of seventh grade. I stared her square in her face.
“Bite me” I replied and jumped out the car and headed of school steps each step running to the beat of ‘I’m Not Okay’ my drum sticks were in my back pack and my mousy blonde hair was tied up in a messy ponytail. My head was slightly banging to the rhythm of the hardcore music and I didn’t see the body I apparently had bumped into on the way up. Sending the person flying down the steps. Shit, Shit, Shit. I tore the earphones out of my head and leaped down the steps to help this poor creature that had sadly came into contact with my clumsy being. I dropped my backpack and leaned over him.
“Um…Are you okay?” I practically screamed in his ears. Embarrassingly enough. He heard me and clutched his hands to his ear.
“Uh…yea I guess,” he said getting up and blushing a deep scarlet. He grabbed his own bag and ran up the stairs away from me. Which you might think offended me but no, not really. Some people find 6 feet tall seventh graders with a huge sweatshirt and a little too much make up on frightening. I sighed and dug in my bag to find my schedule for where the hell I was supposed to go.

Dear diary.

Height: 6’ft tall.
Weight: 177 pounds. (And still on Atkins diet for the past summer.)
Weight lost: 6 pounds
Age: 13
Favorite band: My Chemical romance.
Favorite movie: 50 first dates (sucker for Adam Sandler, And drew Barrymore just sweetened the deal)
Favorite Song: Helena
Fear: (ax) muderders/spiders/elevaters (working on that lat one)

8:20, homeroom.

Well…I suppose if my grandmother gave me an expensive diary I might as well use it for …homework assignments, essays ect…
Mrs. Johnson is droning on on about something or other, I am scouting out Katie who apparently has disappeared into nowhere. Oh wait, there she is. I waved my arms in an unfashionable manner with no luck. Her eyes were closed and her hood was pulled over her head and her lips were moving singing along to her Ipod, breaking the stone cold law of SRMS. Well, nothing to report.

I sat back in my seat and flipped out my cell phone. I quickly text messaged Caroline asking where she was and what class she had next. I looked around and saw what losers I was stuck with this year.

People I absolutely hate:
Sasha (is moving so doesn’t count)
Jason (dickhead does not need an explanation)
Mason (totally loaded but called friends bitches)
Audrey (nice but her frizzy hair does annoy me so...she doesn’t count really...)
Nick (pretending to be drunk so I being the mature adult rolled my eyes at him. I got in trouble, therefore he should die)
Nick (likes same music but Emo and supposedly dating one of my non friend friend.
Kyle (dating best friend Erin and thought I was flirttasutily dissing him but I do not flirt and certainly not while performing the great art of dissing)
Erin (said to be friend but then again did not give present at Christmas, well…she didn’t want to anyway)

Too tired to add more people. Plus I really should have been paying more attention to the teacher while she was describing the upcoming field trip.

I got up because in the small amount of time I had been daydreaming homeroom had ended and I now had to go to my first class. Math. I picked up my math shit and turned outside classroom only to find boy who I had bumped into slash embarrassed in front of an army of onlookers. He glanced my way and nodded slightly regarding my presence. I nodded back and hustled my way through about 150 students who were all scraping their necks to see where they were. I although knew exactly where I was going and found empty hallway and myself in in about two seconds. Shit. I’m lost.
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