Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Don't note these as words of hate

Home sweet home

by cococrazy 3 reviews

They arrive in london

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Published: 2007-08-21 - Updated: 2007-08-21 - 336 words

Delilah and Chelsea managed to catch up to me not long afterwards.

'Courtney?' I questioned.
'Buying tickets for the next flight back to Paris' Said Chelsea

We waited for all our luggage to be checked etc. and we were free to board the plane.

'So did you say your goobyes to Jon?' I asked Chelsea as we walked up the plane steps.
'Yeah, It was hard to get to him though as a load of girls had ambushed him and Ryan asking for autographs.' She said.
I rolled my eyes.
'How about you and Brendon?' I asked Delilah.
'The whole thing was a bit rushed. Ryan didn't wanna waste anytime.'

As we walked down the plane aisle i felt peoples eyes following me, obviously because of the whole soap-opera saga they had just witnessed me in.

We sat down in our seats. It was quite awkward between us. I mean it's not like we could suddenly start nattering away happily about the latest episode of lost or whatever.

I took out my i-pod and placed the ear phones in my ears.
I put it on shuffle.

'Oh, well imagine..'

'Fuck this!' I yelled hastily stopping the song. My outburst causing the heads of the passengers around me to turn my way.

We spent most of the journey in silence, listening to our i-pods, reading magazines, eating snacks, etc.

When we finally landed in London it was quite late in the evening.
I welcomed and embraced the chilly air that i had missed so much in the past 3 weeks.

Home sweet home.

We got a taxi ride back to our apartment building.
I share an apartment with Chelsea and Delilah lives just across the hall from us

I was exhausted by the time we got in. Delilah was tired too and she left for her apartment to unpack and go to bed.

I made it to the sofa and then instantly fell asleep.

I'd had an eventful day.
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