Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Agena

Chapter 04 – The House of Salazar – Year 1

by JErosion 0 reviews

Agena enters the House of her father.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Pansy,Snape - Warnings: [!] [?] - Published: 2007-08-22 - Updated: 2007-08-22 - 4856 words



Chapter 04 – The House of Salazar – Year 1

Agena blinked slightly at the unfamiliar surroundings. It took her a moment before she could place exactly where she was. She was currently buried under several layers of warm blankets. The night before, she had only closed the curtain around her bed part of the way.

She stretched in her bed. As the events of the previous night came back to her.


The Sorting Hat had placed her in Slytherin. Not that she was entirely surprised it's choice. Her mother and both of her Aunts had gone to that house. But what the hat told her bothered her.

'All heirs must return to their house.'

That statement kept repeating in her head over and over again. And the way she looked at it, the Hat had basically implied that she was adescendant of Salazar Slytherin. At first she though of her mother, but she immediately discounted that. If she was, then all of the Blacks would have been in Slytherin. And she knew that wasn't the case. That left that it would have had to be her father.

She looked up the the head table and at Professor Dumbledore. She would have to ask him about that. But it wasn't something that she would be able to do tonight. It would have to wait for later.

She was so locked in her thoughts that she didn't pay much attention to the names that Professor McGonagall called out. Although some names did stand out more than others. That Granger girl got her wish and was sorted into Gryffindor. And Agena perked up a bit when when the Professor called out “Malfoy, Draco!”

Earlier she had been so enthralled with the sight of the castle and and the view she got of it's interior, that she didn't bother to look for him. Not that she really had a reason to. But that didn't matter too much as there was close to a hundred students gathered there. And just like Nymphadora said, he was the very image of his father. And when his name was called out, his face grew into an arrogant smirk. He swaggered up the the stool, like some muggle hooligan. The hat barely had the chance to settle on his head before it screamed out“Slytherin.”

Agena noticed that as is did, the Hat scrunched itself up as if it was attempting to remove itself from Draco's head as quickly as possible. There was no telling what sort of nasty thoughts were in his head.

When McGonagall called out “Parkinson, Pansy!” Agena groaned internally. In all honesty she didn't expected to see her this year. Honestly she didn't even think that the girl would be attending until next year. But now she had to deal with her sticking her upturned nose into her business. And Pansy would report anything she did wrong to her mother, who in turn would use it so she could gloat over Aunt Andromeda.

After a few more names came and went. The Professor called out a name that she was very curious about. “Potter, Harry!”

Just as she had suspected, it was that pale skinny boy with the messy black hair. Like her, every other head in the hall was locked on him. And whispers broke out between every student. It was like the buzzing of insects. They fell silent the moment the hat settled over his head. The suspense was immeasurable, as the hat seemed to be taking it's time with him. And after a minute it shouted out its answer.

The table on the far left hand side of the hall erupted into a roar of clapping and cheers. Agena felt disappointment creep into her as the hat called out Gryffindor. She could see that she wasn't the only one at her table. Several of the older students slumped in there seats, as the Griffindor's claimed their victory.

After Potter was sorted, the rest went by with only a fraction of the fanfare. Once the last of new students were sorted. Professor Dumbledore gave a short speech and with a few odd words the golden plates in front of them were suddenly filled with all sorts of foods.

Agena began to pick through the food that was displayed before her. Some of the students at her table began to reseat themselves. Two rather burly boys that had been sitting near her. Had gotten up and moved over to were Draco sat.

Unfortunately that left a the chair in front of her open, allowing a girl with straight brown hair to sit there. She had a rather nasty expression on her face. Her nose had always had turned slightly upwards, but with the 'I am better than you' expression she wore, it made her nose look more like a pug's.

“Good Lord, I can't believe your in here.” she sneered.

“Nice to see you too, Pansy.” Agena replied, with equal insincerity. She put down her fork and the bit of pork chop she was about to eat.

“I always thought that Slytherin had standards. After all only purebloods should even be allowed in here.”

Agena frowned. A few heads turned her way. Some faces bore frowns while others looked on with raised eyebrows.

“And what exactly would you know about my parentage?”

“That's it exactly. You don't even know. Anyone with a respectable lineage would know who their father was.”

Agena was strongly considering pulling out her wand and cursing her. The only problem with that was she didn't know any curses. Although she was pretty sure that if she were to just flicked her wand at the brunette, something very nasty would happen to her. But that probably wouldn't be the best thing to do on your first day, nor would it advisable while in full view of all of the teachers.

In fact, this very conversation had ignited the augment that got their Floo connection cut off. Her Aunt had a sort of love-hate relationship with Pansy's mother. And the question of who her father was pushed them over towards the hate end of the spectrum. Because of the similar facial features, Pansy's mother assumed that Aunt Andromeda was lying when she claimed that she was the daughter of an old friend. The elder Parkison voiced her theory, and in a round about way, she implied that her Aunt was a slut for have an illegitimate child.

Aunt Andromeda simply smiled, and then set the woman's hair on fire.

“Listen, Parkinson! At the very worse I'm a half-blood. And I don't see how that would matter anyway.”

“Are you dense or something? Blood means everything. But I shouldn't expect the daughter of a blood-traitor like you to understand.”

“I wouldn't have been put in Slytherin, if I didn't belong here.” Agena said, echoing some of the words that the Sorting Hat had whispered into her head.

“Only Pure-bloods belong in this house!” Pansy hissed bitterly.

“If I may.” interjected an older student that was a few seats down. He was scrawny boy, that she would later learn was Terrance Higgs, the seeker of Slytherin Quidditch team. “I'm afraid that the Sortin' Hat isn't able to abide by the wishes our house's founder. Only about about a quarter of the students that are sorted every year are what you would call pure-bloods. And even then only about half of them are what you would call true prue-bloods. The rest are made of students of l/ower/ birth. Mostly students that are half-blood's to varying degrees. An' about once every few years or so,that hat sends us a mud-” he paused slightly, looking towards the front table, “/muggleborn/.”

He said that last word with a notable degree of disdain.

“You mean they actually put that sort of riff-raff in here?”

“Unfortunately, even the new male Prefect this year is a half-blood.” he nodded over to the end of the table. “Both his parents were muggleborn. Merlin only knows why the hell he got sent to us.”

Agena noticed that an older boy that was talking to a ghost that had taken a seat next to cousin. Draco didn't look to pleased by the specter's presence. Not that she could blame him as the ghost had a rather wretched appearance. It's eyes were wild looking and it's face was horribly emaciated face.

“Who's the ghost?”

“That's the Bloody Baron. He is the Slytherin House ghost.“

“hmmm, Draco doesn't look like he cares much for ghosts.” Agena said offhandedly. She knew immediately that she shouldn't have said that. Especially with Pansy sittign right across from her. But all of this talk about blood was starting to get under her skin.

“Draco?Draco Malfoy?!” Pansy cried, with some disbelief. “What makes you think you can act so familiar with someone like him.”

“Oh, please. Every one at this table is somebody's cousin. But in the case of Draco,” she made a point to speak as quietly as she could,” his mother and Andromeda happen to be sisters. So I think I know afew things more than you.”

That statement had caused some pink to rise in Pansy's face. Granted Agena didn't know a damn thing about her cousin, but that was hardly common knowledge. Besides the name Malfoy carried tremendous respect. And Pansy was smart enough not to speak ill of anyone that had blood connection to that family. Of coarse that probably would last for only about a day or two. Once everyone got settled in it would become clear who knew who. But in the meantime it served to insure that Pansy would stay quiet for the time being, at least long enough so that she speak to and observe some of the other students.

Later once the feast had ended. Professor Dumbledore stood and said a few more words. He mentioned that the forest on the grounds were forbidden to all students. And that a no magic should be used between classes in the school corridors. Quidditch try outs would take place at the end of next week. And lastly there was a warning that the third floor corridor on the ride-hand side of the school was also out of bounds, not that she had any idea of were that hallway was.

Afterward they began making their way to their dorms. That half-blood student that Higgs had pointed out, stood up.

“Alright!All you first years, follow me!” he called. He had a rather rough look, and his eyes in particular had weary look to them. Like he hadn't slept in several days. On his robes was a small silver badge that had a snake and the letter “P” on it.

They walked single file into very large hall that was crisscrossed with agreat number of staircases.

“This is the main stair well. From this chamber you will be able to access most of floors of this castle. There are over a hundred additional staircases in this castle. Many will offer you a quicker path through the school. That door over there,” the Prefect pointed to adoor that was half way up the room. “leads to the off limits corridor. You would do well to remember what the headmaster said, when he gives out warnings about avoid certain places, it is not without good reason. So pay attention to everything around you. It can be very easy to get lost around here. The stairways that go one way one day will take you someplace else the next. Some doors will open to brick walls, others won't open unless you do certain things. And even some rooms are only accessible on certain days. So be careful, this castle is constantly changing, entire classrooms and hallways have been known to suddenly vanish or appear out of nowhere. But don't worry, rooms don't disappear when people are in them. Well... they usually don't.”

Agena cast a look up at the door that led into the forbidden corridor. But she didn't have long before she was being herded down a set of stairs towards the lower levels. They entered an area that could only be described as a dungeon. The further they went, the colder and more damp the air became. There were even spots were water had collect between the the cracks in the flagstone floor. Eventually they in front of a bare stretch of wall.

“Now look at this wall. Do any of you see how it is different from all the others we have passed,” their guide asked them. It took Agena amoment to see it. But this particular wall was completely bare.

“There's no torch holder here!” Agena blurted out. She felt a bit of embarrassment as she had spoken a little louder than she would have like to have. She could feel the eyes of the other first years upon her.

“Correct,” the Prefect said, with a nod and a smirk. “It's one of the few walls down here that doesn't have something on it.”

He then turned and faced the wall and in a clear voice he said the word.“/Ophiuchus/.” And immediately after, a section of the wall opened up like a door. The first years followed him as he led them into the Slytherin common room.

Agena found herself walking into a long rectangular room. The walls and ceiling were made from a rough stonework, that gave the chamber ascale like appearance. Hanging, by black chains, from the ceiling were glass bowls of a greenish color. The magical fires inside them gave off an odd watery light. On the far left side of the common room was an intricate fireplace, which was already lit with a warm fire. Above the fireplace was a large portrait of a handsome and rather clever-looking wizard. On the opposite end of the hall was a pair of doorways.

“First years you will find your room assignments posted on the bulletin boards. Your luggage has already been moved there. Each of you will be sharing a room with a roommate. After your fifth year, you will get your own room. The boys dormitory is on the right and the girls is through the left.”

The bullet board was on the wall immediately to the right of the door they had all come though. She had to stand on her tip toes to see past a group of older students that had pushed their way in front her. The names on the board where arranged by year and alphabetically. Luckily her name was near the top of parchment that was tacked on the board.

Girls Dormitory Cell 8.

With all the people pushing their way to the front she didn't really have chance to see who they had paired her off with. Left with little choice she made her way towards the left-hand door and then up ashirt set of stairs to search for her room.


Now that she thought about it 'Cell' seemed like an appropriate description.

And the room was completely symmetrical, mirroring it's accommodations for both of it's occupants. And despite being very utilitarian, it was quite cozy. Immediately on both the right and the left as soon as you came though the door were a pair of clothes cabinets. That was followed by a pair small desks, complete with chairs. After that there was a small blank area, where both her and her roommate's luggage had been placed. Right above their trunks, on both walls, were a pair of lamps made out of the same greenish glass as the lanterns that hung in the common room. Finally there was their beds. They were recessed into the wall, and had a heavy greens curtains for privacy. The mattresses were quite comfortable and their beds also came with several blankets to combat the cold air of the dungeons.

Agena pulled aside her beds curtain, and brought her feet around to the floor as she sat up in her bed. She noticed for the first time that her room had a window. It was small and round and set high almost up at the ceiling. The glass itself was either very dirty or frosted over, since it only allowed light to pass though it.

There was a mumble and a thumb from the bed that was across from her. Amoment later a hand appeared from behind curtain pulled is aside.

Goooood morning.” came the light and sleepy voice of her roommate.

Agena smiled, as the girl stretched. This was Daphne Greengrass. While she had never met any of the Greengrasses before. But she knew of them. Of coarse that was only what she had overheard from both her Aunt and Pansy's mother.

They were a particularly colorful family. Her grandfather, Hadrian Greengrass, had worked for many years at the Ministry of Magic. More precisely he worked in the Department of the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. And according to his granddaughter, he had been raising, until quiet recently, a herd of Diomedes Horses. He decided to give it up and go into retirement, after one of his mares had kicked him unconscious. And due to the carnivorous nature of their breed, it tried to eat him. Daphne said he was now missing a few fingers on his left hand.

However Hadrian Greengrass was famous, or perhaps infamous for other things. In his younger days, had been a rather 'prolific' man. According to her Aunt Andromeda, he had trouble “keeping his wand in his robes.” When she first heard that statement, it had caused Agena a bit of confusion. After all when your eleven years old, certain euphemisms didn't click right away.

Hadrian Greengrass had six children, three by his wife, one by another wizard's wife and the others were through two different muggle women. As a result Daphne had a large and very interesting family. One of her half-blooded uncles for instance, had gained a bit of notoriety for magically modifying a muggle weapon called a /Rifle/, and then then used it to hunting Nundu in Africa.

In fact several members of her family had followed their patriarch's example, by seeking careers in animal husbandry. Daphne had an older sister and a cousin who were both studying dragons at the reserve in Romania. Her father was currently in Greece, working with an international consortium of wizards who were studying, the behavior and speech capabilities of Manticores.

Agena wasn't sure how she felt about Daphne though. The way she talked and carried herself, she kind of came off as being a dumb and bubbly girl. She had large and almost feline shaped eyes. But in all honestly, Agena thought she was pretty, maybe a little bit on the chunky side. But who knew how long that would last. Aside from the philandering of her grandfather, and the careers they sought, the Greengrass were known for one other thing, their women. They were sought after and envied for their endowments.

But Daphne was more than just some giggly girl. She seemed to be strangely intuitive. During the feast and later when they had talked before they went to sleep, she noticed that Daphne had a tendency to finish other peoples sentences. And during one instance Daphne had actually answered a question, before Agena could even ask it. In retrospect it to be somewhat creepy. Although Daphne didn't even seem to notice that she had done it.

“Morning Daphne.” Agena, she giggled slightly as her roommate tumbled out of her bed, and onto the floor. Daphne jumped back up with asqueal.

“It's cold!”

She hopped from one foot to the other on stone floor. Eventually she fell back into the warm comforts of her bed.

“Oh, come on it's not that bad,” Agena laughed. She didn't really mind the cold. Though she might change her mind once winter took hold of the castle. She'd might have to write to her Aunt and ask for her to send a rug or something. And speaking of which. She needed to write a letter to send to her family. After that it would be just amanner of finding where the Owlery was.

From the halls came the sound of people laughing and running. But then came a knock and the door opened wide. Standing in the doorway was avery tall and slender girl. She had a little silver badge pinned to her robes.

“Good, your both up,” She said in raspy voice. “Get yourselves dressed and to the common room, the head of our house will be giving out your class schedules, before breakfast.”

Both of them gathered up their clothes and ran to the bathrooms.


When both arrived in the common room, they found a large group of students were crowded around the large coffee table that was in the center of the chamber. Most of the students were first years like her. Amajority of them were crammed onto a pair of dark green couches. Acouple of others had to stand or sit on the floor. Pansy was already there and was fortunate to arrive early enough to have gained a seat on the armrest of one of the couches. Draco on the other had was looking rather smug, he had managed to secure an armchair all to himself. Most like with the help of two large and rather troll like boys that were standing on both sides of him with their arms crossed. Agena knew one of them was named Crabbe but she was a little fuzzy on name of the other.

One thing was out of place though. Sitting in a high backed chair was aman dress in black robes. He had a large hooked nose, and long oily hair. Agena had seen the man sitting at the head table during the start of term feast. Other than Professor Dumbledore and that stern looking witch, who called out their names, she didn't pay much to the other teachers.

But now that she had a good look at him, she found herself feeling alittle queasy. He looked like the kind of man that was no stranger to the dark arts. But at the same time... He looked sort of sad. Like aman who had lost everything in his life... twice over.

He said nothing as they walked up, so they followed the led of the others who had arrived before them, they stood quietly and waited for whatever was going to happen. A couple of older students came in to the common room from the dorms. They walked straight to the professor. Some of them greeted him with a 'good morning' or some other short greeting. He didn't always respond in kind. She noticed that with some students he gave them a nod or acknowledged them by their family name, others he didn't respond to at all. But no matter what his greeting was, he would hand them a sheet of paper from one of the seven stacks that were on the table in front of him. Afterwards those students went to the entry way of the common room and disappeared out into the dungeons outside.

Agena then saw that there were several older students that were standing along that wall watching all of them. She saw the tall girl who had come to wake them up, as well as that half-blooded boy that showed him the way down here the night before. There were a couple of others there too, all of them wore Prefect badges.

After a few more of few more joined the group. The man in black robes stood up from his chair.

“For those of you who do not know me, I am Professor Severus Snape. In addition to being the head of Slytherin House, I also serve as Hogwart's Potion Master.” He spoke in a soft, yet commanding voice. “ I am very pleased that this year we have been graced with the presence of so many from most exemplary of families. Bulstrode. Kalvin. Parkinson. Goyle. Malfoy....”

The Professor head scanned the whole room starting with those on his left. He only called the names of those from the oldest of wizarding families. Each name he puctuated with a solid nod. However when he came to Draco and his friends, the corners of his mouth turned upwards in the slightest of smiles. Draco looked very pleased at the acknowledgment.

Professor Snape continued to his scan of the room calling out the names for those he felt were most noteworthy. However felt a bit of panic as his cold black eyes fell upon her. He paused in his scrutiny of the class. And suddenly she was reminded of that look that Mr. Olivander gave her. There was recognition and then the slightest hint of confusion. His pause didn't go unnoticed by some of the other students. A few of them had turned to both her and Daphne.

Fortunately he looked away from her, and continued his trek around the room calling off the names of those from. He did not call out her name nor did he say Daphne's. He called out. Lanstrom. Nott. Tooke. Unfortunately she was still the target of several curious stares. Particularly from both Pansy and Draco.

“The names I called out,” the Professor said, regaining the attention of those assembled, “are those from families that have served Slytherin with the utmost distinction. The rest of you, Itrust, will not disappoint me. I expect the very best from /all/of you. Slytherin has claimed the House Cup for the past six years. And I would be most put off if some first year became directly responsible for it being removed from my office.

“All of you are Slytherin. And I expect you to act like it. Your intelligence and cunning will get you praise and earn points for your house. And for any rule breaking you commit, I suggest you utilize that intelligence and cunning of yours not to get caught.”

Agena could say that she wasn't expecting to hear that. Most teachers wouldn't say such a thing. And in her opinion it made him a far more intelligent man. He recognized that some things were beyond his control. That wasn't a quality that you found in many adults.

After that they all lined up to receive their schedules from the Professor. She wanted to get out of the room as quickly as she could. Mostly because she didn't like that look on Pansy's face. She had questions on her mind, and Agena wasn't too keen on answering anything right now.

By the time she reached the table she was trying to look everywhere, other than where her Potions Teacher sat. She wished to avoid any possible probing or questions he might throw at her. So with anervous hand she reached out to take her class schedule the he held out. But then he then did something that caused her insides to twist up. He didn't release her schedule when she tried to take it.

This unexpected act caused her to fully face him.

“You are... Agena Culverin. Correct?” he asked in a low voice. Once again she found herself once again under the man's cold gaze.

“um, I... uh, yes sir.” she replied nervously. She didn't like this. People were staring at her. And even worst Draco was still in the room.

“Tell me child. Who is your mother?” He asked leaning in.

“I... I don't... I've never... I was raised by my...” her mind was all over the place. She didn't want to reveal to much about herself.“... I was raised by a witch named Andromeda Tonks.”

“Tonks?” he repeated. He released her schedule to her and brought his had up to his chin. He knew that name, for that she was certain. After asecond he waved her off. She ran over to Daphne, who had waiting near the door along with a few other students. Agena was certain that he watched her as she ran away.

“I'm starting to get a little dizzy, I'll go ahead and take this group up to breakfast,” said one of the Prefects, it was the girl who had come by to wake them earlier that morning. She spoke to a couple of the others that were waiting to do the same thing. She then turned to them and said, “Come on you lot. I'll be showing you aquicker way to get to the Great Hall.”

Their group followed with a bit of enthusiasm. After taking a few twists and turns in through the dungeon, they started to ascend a wide staircase.

“So what was that all about?” Daphne asked her.

Agena replied the only way she could.

“I really don't know.”

Author's Note: It's fixed yeah. The start on chapter 5 soon. I'm a little hesitant to say when it will be out, since it took me forever just to sit down and revise this. Some of you will wonder how will Agena effect the story line. She'll make her friends and find her place in Hogwarts. Before she interferes in the storyline.
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