Categories > Original > Humor

Sally Smith

by lost_in_the_shuffle 0 reviews

I really don't know how to summarize this one. But the story does have cookies in it:)

Category: Humor - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Published: 2007-08-22 - Updated: 2007-08-23 - 275 words - Complete

“I don’t want to be myself anymore,” the little girl announced to her mother one day.
“Oh,” her mother said, “who do you want to be?”
The little girl gave it great thought, then said “I want to be a queen and sit on a great big throne. I’d have servants to boss around all day and never have to clean my room.” She sat in her daddy’s chair and placed a tin foil crown on her head.
“Or I can be a pilot and fly a giant plane,” she hopped out of the chair and ran around the room with her arms outstretched, making airplane noises.
“I could be an actress and star in a movie,” she threw her nose up in the air and pranced around the room.
“Or I could be a lion tamer and be the star attraction in a circus.” She said, “I’d teach the lions to jump through a hoop.”
“Well,” her mother said, “it seems like you have it all figured out.”
“Yes,” the little girl said, “from now on I’m not plain old Sally Smith anymore.”
Her mother smiled and walked into the kitchen, “ that’s to bad.” She said sadly, “because the cookies that are baking aren’t for a lion tamer, an actress, pilot, or queen. Their for a little girl named Sally. I guess I’ll just throw them away.”
Suddenly the actress, queen, pilot, lion tamer disappeared and in their place stood a little girl named Sally.
“I guess being Sally Smith isn’t so bad,” she said crawling into her mother’s lap. “If I get cookies.”
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