Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Times Square Can't Shine As Bright As You

Is it serious? I'm afraid it is

by lil_chica007 3 reviews

FOB's off on the new tour, and something they see makes them take a detour from their day off.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Published: 2007-08-23 - Updated: 2007-08-24 - 1201 words - Complete

It was about 3 weeks into the Fall Out Boy tour and Haley had still not spoken to Pete face to face. He tried calling her several times and even stopped by her apartment, but she had ignored him every time. A few days ago, she began texting and IMing him again, but that was the extent of her contact with him. It was driving Pete insane. How could a girl that he’d barely spent any time with and hadn’t even managed to kiss have such an effect on him? He was sitting in the back lounge of the bus staring at his sidekick, willing her to send him another message.
“Hey, what’s up?” Patrick asked, walking into the room and sitting down next to him on the couch.
“Oh, uh…nothing. I’m not doing anything.” Pete quickly shoved his sidekick in his pocket and grabbed a magazine.
“Um, ok…” Patrick gave him a weird look and flipped on the TV.
“He’s waiting for Bill Beckett’s sister to call him.” Andy said from where he was reading a magazine in the corner. “Cause he liiiiikes her.” He added in a sing-song voice.
“oooOOOooo” Joe called from the front of the bus. He thumped down the narrow hall to the back. “Who likes who? What did I miss?”
“Pete likes Haley.” Andy said, putting his magazine down.
“Old news.” Joe snorted. “I thought it was going to be something everyone didn’t already know.”
“What do you mean everyone knows?” Pete panicked.
“You get all dopey every time someone mentions her.” Patrick pointed out.
“It’s been obvious since my party. When was the last time you volunteered to cook anything? You only did it so you could stare at her boobs.” Joe added.
“She does have nice boobs.” Pete thought out loud.
“You’re doing it again.” Patrick said.
“Did you see that Victoria’s Secret ad she did?” Joe nodded to himself appreciatively and Pete glared at him. “Sorry, didn’t realize she was off limits.”
“But does she know?” Pete looked at Patrick, worried again.
Andy shook his head, “I don’t think she really knows you well enough to notice.” Pete sighed, feeling relieved.
“I almost kissed her.” He smiled broadly. Joe gasped and squealed like a 12-year-old girl.
“How did it happen? What was it like? We need details!” he bounced in his seat, sarcastically.
“I’m getting out of here before you start braiding each other’s hair.” Patrick got up and headed towards the front of the bus.
Pete started to explain the situation, “Well, I was showing her my tattoos…” he gestured towards his lap and his tattoo.
“So that’s what the kids are calling it these days.” Andy joked, nudging Joe in the side.
“I call mine Little Joe.”

It was a few days later, and the bus was headed to Boston, where they would have a day off before playing the show. Pete had still barely spoken to Haley. Although they were speaking, he gave himself credit for that, mostly by text message. He hadn’t actually heard her voice in almost a month and it was driving him crazy. It had taken Joe exactly 20 minutes to tell everyone he knew that Pete kissed Haley. He conveniently left out the ‘almost’. While most of his friends were giving him a hard time about his high school crush, Ryland had sent him a picture he took at Joe’s party. It was of Pete and Haley laughing as she tried to flip a hamburger on the grill. Pete thought she looked beautiful in the picture, but different than the last time he saw her. Looking back, he could see how fragile and damaged she was. He was currently lying in his bunk pretending to take a nap, but he was really staring at the picture, just like he did every night before he went to bed, which he had taped to the wall right by his head. Suddenly his sidekick vibrated, making him jump. He glanced down at the screen and saw Alex Suarez’s number in the caller ID. “What’s he calling me for?” he asked himself before answering.
“Hey, Alex.”
“Actually it’s Victoria. I just grabbed his phone.” She was talking a mile a minute.
“Oh, hi.”
“Turn on TRL. Quick.”
“Why?” Pete asked, confused but climbing out of his bunk and heading towards the TV anyway.
“Just do it. You don’t want to miss it.”
“Ok.” Victoria hung up before he even finished speaking. Pete walked into the lounge where Patrick and Joe were playing Guitar Hero, and shut off the game, changing the channel to MTV.
“What was that for? I was winning.” Joe complained.
“I need to watch this for a second. It’s important.” Pete moved to the couch and sat down in between the two of them.
“Why?” Patrick put his controller down.
“I don’t know yet.” They all quieted down as the show came back on after the commercial.

“Hi, welcome back to TRL.” The host smiled at the camera. “We’re here with the supermodel Iona.”
“Hi.” Haley smiled and waved at the camera, but her smile didn’t light up her eyes the way the guys had all experienced. She looked asleep on the inside, like she was just going through the motions without any feeling.
“You’re in town for fashion week, right?”
“Yes, I am.”
“Are you having a good time in New York?”
“Yeah, it’s great here.”
“Now, you’ve recently announced your retirement from modeling. You’re so young. Is this related to recent absence from the public? The tabloids have been putting you on ‘Baby Watch’”
“No, no. It’s nothing like that. I just needed a break, so I went home…to Chicago. I hung out with my brother and my friends. Just relaxed for a while.” Haley shrugged.
“So was this break what prompted your retirement?”
“Well sort of. I had been thinking about it for a while, but it made me realize everything that I’d been missing.”
“Like what?”
“Well, I haven’t spent real anytime with my brother in almost 7 years. And my good friend is teaching me to play the bass guitar.” She smiled at the camera. Pete smiled back, like she could see him.
“So then, what’s next for you. Are you just going to take some time off?”
“Yeah. I want to do all the things I’ve never gotten the chance to. I’m only 22. I want to just be young and have fun before I’m too old to know what fun is.” She laughed.
“Sounds great. That’s all the time we have. Check out the number 3 video, now.

All for guys sat staring at the TV in silence.
“You know what this means, don’t you?” Joe was the first to speak.
“Yeah, she said I was her good friend, not just her friend.” Pete said with a big, goofy grin.
“No, it means we’re going to New York.” Joe said, jumping up to go tell the driver.

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