Categories > Games > Final Fantasy X > Hymns of Fayth

Making a Deal with the Devil

by Summoner_Lulu 0 reviews

On the way to Luca to open the Blitzball tournament, Grand Maester Mika asks a favor of Seymour that could have dire consequences…

Category: Final Fantasy X - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Drama,Fantasy - Warnings: [!!!] [?] - Published: 2007-08-25 - Updated: 2007-08-25 - 1607 words

Chapter 3: Making a Deal with the Devil

Seymour stood on the deck, looking out over the rolling waves of the ocean that passed under the boat. The motion of the waves unsettled him a bit, never having been one for long trips over water. Even traveling over the Moonflow was pushing it. But this was an important journey, so he had no complaints about traveling by sea on the large boat. He, along with Grand Maester Mika, was headed to Luca to open the Blitz Tournament. It was to be his first public appearance as Maester; a very important day indeed. To make it all the more memorable he had a little...surprise in store for his audience. It was nothing too dangerous, of course. He would be able to handle the situation quickly, and with the many other Summoners expected to be attending everything would go his way. A small smile made its was to the Maester's lips at the thought of the upcoming events; his place in the hearts of Yevonites everywhere was soon to be secured.

The sound of several pairs of foot steps sounded behind Seymour and he automatically knew that it was Maester Mika and his entourage of guards. Over the years he had become accustom to the man's paranoid delusion that the Al Behd were out to get him, hence the guards. He went nowhere without them, even his rooms back in Bevelle were riddled with an absurd amount of Warrior Monks.

He had to suppress a sigh at the old man's appearance, Seymour had enough of the Maester's long talks about how Yevon was Spira's savior and it was the answer to all their problems. It was no doubt to give another lecture or to rattle off another annoying list of 'helpful facts' that the Grand Maester had ventured out of his cool rooms below deck and into the hot setting sun.

"Seymour, lovely day isn't it?" Mika asked kindly, lifting his boney hand to shield his eyes. He stepped out of the cage of guards and over to Seymour's side, his hunched back making the journey a little longer than normal.

"Yes, Lord Maester." Seymour responded formally, never taking his eyes off the crystal clear water. He contain the shudder that wanted to escape him at the man's scent. It was nothing a human would be able to pick up, but for a Guado the scent was prominent. The horrid smell that came as the warning of death, it was no where near the sweet smell of the Farplane that came after. The ancient Maester was very near his end and he had been spending an ever increasing amount of time talking about how much Spira needed him. The old fool was planning something...

Mika suddenly burst into a bought of painful coughing, pulling Seymour out of his thoughts. Hesitantly the Guado Maester grasped his superior's shoulders, holding the frail man up. "My Lord you should return to your chambers." He motioned for the guards to come and pick the old man up.

As the Warrior Monks came to grasp him on either side the Grand Maester found his voice, "J-join me, Maester Seymour." It was an order, that was easy to divine even through the roughness now present in Mika's voice.

Seymour nodded and lead the way to the Grand Maester's chambers. This was it; this was where Mika's little schemes would be revealed. The Summoner could just feel the old man's willingness to trust in him a great request that would possibly even break his precious Yevon laws.

Once within his rooms Seymour helped Maester Mika onto his large bed, carefully positioning the man so he would be comfortable. Reaching behind himself, he pulled up a chair next to the bed and gazed down at the jaundice man. His yellowed skin and eyes were only part of his problem, as the younger Maester could see from his training in the priesthood. His heart was greatly weakened and his lungs were hardly allowing enough oxygen into the blood stream for the man to stay conscious for long periods of time. It was only a matter of time before his body gave out completely.

"Seymour...Spira needs a strong leader...." Mika broke into a small coughing bout before continuing again, "Kinoc is a soldier...not a proper man to become... Grand Maester after I am gone." He closed his heavily wrinkled eyelids and drew a deep breath before opening them again. "The Ronso is hardly any better." He continued, more quickly and steadily this time. "You, young man, are almost ready for the position. You know what is necessary for... Yevon's great plan to be accomplished and you do all you must to help further its... goal." He attempted to lift himself up, but just dropped back onto the bed with a muffled thud. "You only need a little more training and... preparation. Unfortunately, I fear I do not have the time to teach you what is...required." His words cam with some difficulty and his eyes began to drift cautiously over to the guards and healers that lingered about the room.

Listening with wrapped curiosity, Seymour hung on every word the Grand Maester struggled to say. He was offering him power over all of Spira, with a small price. He turned and gestured for the bystanders to get out, "Leave us." Once all were gone he turned back to Mika, an expression of mock concern on his face. "You wish for me to allow you to stay on as an Unsent? At least until I am ready to be Grand Maester?" He questioned, putting on a fake tone of childish awe.

The much older man nodded feebly, "Yes, it is for Yevon and Spira that I ask this. Without a proper and firm leader the people will fall into sacrilege. Sin...will never be...defeated."

Seymour bowed his head in a falsely humble gesture. "I vow to do this for you, Maester. For Spira. Until I am ready to take your place I shall allow you to remain Unsent."

The old nodded, sighing in relief, "" Mika was out seconds after his words left his lips and Seymour settled in for a long night.


Nearly two hours had passed and Seymour still sat in the same spot next to the Grand Maester's bed, reading a book on Aeons. The man had lulled to sleep a long while ago and it didn't seem as if he would ever wake. Every so often the young Maester lent in and checked his mentor's breathing and heart rate. Both were steadily slowing; he wouldn't last the night.

Checking the clock, Seymour realized that it had been almost a half hour since he last checked the old man's vital signs. Closing his book and placing it on the dresser nearest him, he leaned over and pressed his ring and forefinger to Mika's jugular vein. He waited a moment and...nothing. He had slipped away without the Guado's notice.

The now only living creature in the room sat back in his chair and took in a deep breath, now able to smell a hint of the Farplane. Mika wouldn't wake as an Unsent for another couple of hours, so Seymour decided it was a good time to get some sleep of his own. Standing, he grabbed his book and walked out the door, leaving the Maester's dead body alone. Closing the door behind him, Seymour looked to the gathering of guards in the hall. "The Maester has ordered for no one to disturb him. No one is to enter his quarters. I will wake him in the morning." After receiving a nod and a salute from the guards he headed for his own rooms.

The Guado Maester's own quarters were just down the hall, his two Guado soldiers awaiting him outside his room. He nodded lazily to them both before entering his room and closing the door behind him, locking it. Leaning against the door Seymour glancing around the slightly smaller room, relived to be alone with his thoughts. Tomorrow he would not only be announced as the Guado Maester to the public, but the Prince of Yevon as well. He laughed, his goal had been accomplished much quicker and easier than previously calculated.

Seymour pushed himself off the door and walked over to his bed, dropping back on it. After a moment of laying on it - his arms spread wide and his legs dangling off the edge- he sat up and looked over to a picture resting on his nightstand. He gazed at the portrait of the raven haired woman then grabbed it, following the line of the girl's face with a pointed nail. "Lulu I'm getting so close to keeping you from the fate you have placed upon yourself..." Seymour's voice was so full of sadness that it sounded as if it might break, but he was able to finish what he had to say to the portrait before he sat it back down.

The Maester stood and untied his obi, letting his half-concealing top fall off his shoulders and onto the floor. He picked it up and rested both the obi and robe over the back of a nearby chair. Seymour sat back on the bed, removing his boots and socks then tossing them haphazardly on the ground. Pulling down the covers he rested himself comfortably in the soft bed, falling fast asleep.

Author's Note: Sorry the chapters have been so small, but the next one is going to be much bigger. Promise! Don't forget to review!
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