Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Taste of Insanity

Chapter 13

by kristinia 0 reviews

The Akatsuki attack Sound and help Konoha.

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Characters: Anko,Hinata,Ino,Itachi,Kakashi,Sasuke - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-08-25 - Updated: 2007-08-25 - 1343 words

"We are going to go help Konoha fight Sound?" Deidara asked annoyed, and Hidan snarled as he said," Jashin-sama is going to need a lot of sacrifices after this." Itachi didn't say anything as he looked at Kryn who was staring out of the window, a gentle yet sad smile on her face, as she turned towards Itachi.

Itachi closed his eyes, and let himself go back to the memory of Kryn singing in the ancient language, the sound sweet yet sad.


Sakura stared at Tsunade before smiling and said," Well.. this maybe our last mission ever, Tsunade-shishou." Tsunade looked at her solemnly as she nodded her head and said," It maybe, Sakura. Then again it may not be. Me and Jiraiya are coming as well. Orochimaru was our teammate at one point in time."

Sakura closed her eyes and said," Tsunade-shishou.. this is going to be difficult." "I know what you are thinking and don't worry. I'm making sure I live to be Hokage for a little longer." Tsunade stated smiling slightly at her student, her pride, and someone she cared for, like a daughter.

Sakura opened her eyes and she looked serious as she asked," Is Shizune joining us?" Tsunade shook her head and answered," She will not becoming with me this time. This I must do without her. She must live... cause if she comes I know she'll be killed." Sakura nodded her head in understanding.

"Looks like we are going to be away for a long time.. but we won't regret. We're doing it for Konoha, for the citizen's of Konoha's safety." Sakura stated as she looked out a window and Tsunade smiled as she said," That's true and more. We're doing it for our loved ones, and for those who have died because of Sound."

"And.. for Kizuma, who died an unjust death." Sakura said softly and Tsunade nodded her head in agreement. They stared out of the window before Tsunade finally said," You're right.. for Kizuma as well... for she had died an unjust death."


Naruto stared up at the sky a frown on his face. "Kakashi-sensei, we will be risking our lives... not for the first time but.. for some reason this time.. feels more reasonable. It's as if we are finally doing something we were supposed to do something earlier." Naruto stated towards his silver haired sensei.

"True. This battle, is going to be a battle of our lives. There is a good chance one of us could be killed but we will by dying for our home, for Konoha, Naruto. Never forget that." Kakashi stated and Naruto closed his eyes a tear falling down his cheek as he asked softly," Then what did Kizuma-san die for?"

"... I don't know. Kryn murdered her in cold blood, just to be with the one she loved." Kakahsi answered as he stared up at the sky beside one of his pupils. Naruto narrowed his eyes but the two stayed silent, each in his own musings.


Sasuke clentched his fists and said," We will destroy Sound, and one threat to Konoha will be eliminated. Now.. the other one to worry about is Akatsuki." His Sharingan activated at the thought of his brother, which hatred and rage stormed through him, like a storm, ready to tear apart anything in it's way.


Tsunade and Jiraiya automatically started battling with Orochimaru as Tsunade ordered," Spread out and fight the forces!! Orochimaru will be dealt by me and Jiraiya! Now go!" The ninja's spread out and ironically, Naruto was facing Kabuto. "We can finish this now." Naruto snarled, his eyes turning red as Kabuto smirked evilly. "So we can, Naruto-kun." Kabuto said and the two ran at each other starting a dangerous battle.

Sasuke and Sakura were fighting side-by-side, each watching each other's backs. Suddenly something in black with red clouds caught Sasuke's attention and all he said, murderously," Uchiha Itachi!!" The Konoha ninja's were shocked at the sight of the Akatsuki enterring the scene and fighting Sound alongside them.

Itachi glanced at him and blocked the kick easily. He smirked slightly as the Chidori appeared in Sasuke's hand easily and he asked," The same trick again, otouto? That trick won't work on me." Suddenly to Sasuke's horror and yet oddly sick awe, Itachi held his hand out and a Chidori was forming in his hand.

Itachi ran at Itachi and when Sasuke thought it would hit him, he blinked. Itachi had disappeared and was thrusting his hand into a Sound ninja that had tried to stab Kryn in the back when she was busy with four in front of her. He easily killed the four before he turned to Sasuke and stated," We'll finish this later."

Itachi then disappeared, leaving Sasuke in slight confusion.


After the battle, everyone was staring at the Akatsuki in confusion. They didn't know what to make of them, they had just helped them defeat Sound. Itachi contributed to the end of Orochimaru only stating something about," Repaying a debt to Orochimaru." Orochimaru couldn't do anything to Itachi so he must have been hinting at Orochimaru going after Sasuke.

"Our mission is finished. Let's go." Itachi said as he helped Kryn up and when she couldn't stand by herself, he picked her up in his arms. Deidara pouted as he turned to Ino and said," It would have been nice to get to know you, yeah." "Leader-sama, wanted to give you this, Godaime-sama." Zetsu said, politely as he handed a letter towards Tsunade.

Tsunade opened it and read it quickly before she asked calmly," He wants to be... allies with us?" Zetsu nodded his head and answered," It is best for Akatsuki. Just think we will be at your disposal if you need help." "Don't be so greedy and take the offer, bitch." The black side of Zetsu said and Itachi stated," Zetsu, shut up."

"Fine, we could use strong allies." Tsunade said and Sasuke glared at her, that meant he couldn't kill his brother like he wanted to. He watched as Kryn wrapped her arms around Itachi's neck, her face pale and she was starting to shiver. He then noticed a patch of blood on her side and her chest.

He frowned as Kryn stated," Itachi-kun... I need to be healed... or i'll die." Itachi glanced down at her and when he looked up there was Sakura, hands over the wounds, as her hands started glowing green. Itachi didn't move or do anything along with the Akatsuki. They knew this was to test their good faith in the treaty.

"She'll be fine, now." Sakura stated after backing away from Itachi and Kryn. Itachi nodded his head towards her in thanks before the Akatsuki member's disappeared.


"Tsunade-shishou.. can we trust Akatsuki?" Sakura asked, turning to Tsunade as everyone settled down in her office. "I don't know, but it was the only choice I had." Tsunade answered and Sakura smiled slightly bitter as she said," It's like it was my decision on those missions, shishou."

Tsunade nodded her head as she said," I think it's time you at least told your team, Sakura. They won't judge, but it's your decision." Sakura's eyes filled with hesitation and tears fell down her cheeks as she said," I see." She turned to them and everyone stared at her confused and worried, her eyes were full of sad acceptance.

It was as if she expected them to hate her before she even told them what happened. "Sakura-chan?" Naruto asked concerned and worried for his friend and teammate. "These missions that I have been going on and being kidnapped.... on some of them, the ones that have made me disgust my body and myself.. that has caused me to swear never to marry..."

"I was raped, three times I had miscarriages.... all those times I stayed away and Tsunade-shishou came to me, to help me through the miscarriages... that's why I was gone for those times for so long." Sakura finished, looking away and not meeting anyone's eyes.
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