Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > I'm Free

Chapter two

by Kyoko-Uchiha 0 reviews


Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Itachi,Orochimaru,Sasuke,Tsunade - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2007-08-25 - Updated: 2007-08-25 - 712 words


"What’s the matter? Are you scared of me? Do you think I’m going to kill you?" He asked her in a mocking voice, breathing in her ear.
"STAY AWAY FROM ME!" she yelled.

End of Recap

"Okay then, I'll see ya around...Sekeko." Itachi whispered in her ear and disappeared. Sekeko continued to cry, but her sorrow didn't last very long. Intense rage followed. Trees were knocked down, boulders were shattered. All because a stupid kiss.'WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?!'her conscience yelled at her again. 'YOU'RE SO STUPID!WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!'
Sekeko cried even more from stress. She wanted to go home, but not in this mood. She feared if she went, her home would be in pieces. She needed to blow off some steam. Exert chakra. She preformed a few handsigns and shouted "Multi shadow clone jutsu!" and at least 200 dopplegangers surrounded her. But of course they didnt last. They all disappeared into smoke in a matter of seconds. The real Sekeko nearly feel over with exaustion. She stumbled on her was to her village.
A few days passed since her interesting encounter with Itachi. It all seemed like a dream, but she knew it was real. And she wanted to see him again for some reason. Did she love him? She didn't know.

Sekeko flinched as she stuck the needle in her vein. She discarded it as soon as it was empty and quickly bandaged herself. She reached for her arm warmer to conceal the bandages but was interrupted by a tapping on her window. She grabbed her arm warmer and slipped on. once it was at its highest area on her arm she stood up and ran to the window. A little hawk was waiting for her to open the window so it could give her its message.
Sekeko clicked open the window and watched the bird hop in. She looked at its talon and reached for the scroll. She peeled open the note and found it was another mission.
"Ugh...not another one. I've already done one this week. Whatever." She complained as she tossed it over towards her desk and shooed away the bird. She had her night set apparently.


"Thank you for slaying that ninja." Villagers praised her for killing a rouge ninja.
"It was my job. Thank Tsunadae for sending me here." She responded to the villagers’ kindness before leaving. Sekeko ran towards Konaha as fast as she could, not really paying attention to the presence of chakra approaching. She thought it was one of the other ninjas of her village. But as soon as she saw a black coat with red clouds she froze. Itachi was standing about thirty meters away from her. She looked at his face and saw he wasn't very happy. It was a bad idea any way considering he had his Sharingan activated. Sekeko put her hand on her head due to the terrible head ache she had just received. Her vision blurred and she fell to the ground. The last thing she was able to make out was Itachi walking toward her.

"Ugh...Where am I?” She asked herself out load as she rubbed her eyes and looked around. Some sort of cave? There was a crack above her so she could see. Her eyes widened when she saw Itachi. He was just standing there, staring at her blankly. Sekeko blushed but her flustered emotion didn't last long. She was scared again...but she was also enraged.
"What the hell am I doing here? What do you want from me?” She asked him, her voice raised. Itachi didn't respond. He didn't even blink. He just continued to stare at her.
"ANSWER ME DAMMIT!" She yelled, becoming very frustrated. Itachi took a deep breath, but still didn't answer her. Sekeko became even more enraged. She preformed hand signs and bit her thumb until it began to bleed, then slammed her hand on the ground. "Summoning Jutsu!" she shouted and a HUGE silver fox with red eyes appeared behind her. Itachi continued to stare at her, but his facial expression changed from content to frustrated. "You don’t make this easy.” He said.
"Kera, Attack." She commanded the large beast behind her.

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