Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > We Fell Out Of Love, I Fell Into Hope

A Desperate Attempt

by WynonaKing90 3 reviews

gerard asks georgie a weird quetsion...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2007-08-26 - Updated: 2007-08-26 - 1130 words

a/n- sorry for the late update! im sorry ^^!!!! but believe me, i plan to continue cause i have a fuckin awesome plot! btw- i love your reviews. you all rock ;D

I woke up to find that it was 2:00am, three hours after the 'incedent' happend, and gerard still wasn't home.
i looked to my side to find Frank sleeping soundly, and a empty feeling all of a sudden over came me.
i felt like crying, but there were just no tears to spill. i honestly felt hopeless.
then i started to panic. gerard could be home any minute...or may-be he already saw us?
i quickly jumped out of bed and shook frank awake.
'frank!!' i said, pulling the sheets off of him.
'wha-what?' he asked groggily.
'Gerard could be home any minute!!' i exclaimed, pushing him out of bed. i then looked around the room for his clothes.
'oh shit,' he mummbled. he then started pulling on the pieces of clothing i threw at him.
after i was dressed, i told him to stay in the bathroom while i checked to see if gerard was home.
i went down stairs and saw gerard reading a book in the kitchen. my heart stopped and i felt weak. oh god, he could have saw us.
'g-gerard?' i said, walking up to him.
'what?' he asked, flipping through his book.
'you're home,' i say.
'yeah i am' he didn't show any sign of anger or...anything. he must not have saw us. i sighed. but, why did i get the feeling that even if he..he did know, he just wouldn't care?

'Georgie!!' mikey squealed.
he ran up to me and wrapped his arms around me.
'what the hell, mike, you scarred the shit outta me!' i exclaim, moving over on the couch to make room for him. he sat down next to me as i continued to watch this dumb reality show.
'guess what?' he asked. he was obviously giddy.
'its you and gerard's 5th annaverseryyy!!!!' he said. why the fuck was that boy more excited about our annversary than i was??
'yeah it is,' i replied flattly. i then flipped the channel to the cartoons. invader zim...sweet.
'aren't you wondering what gerardy is gonna do for you?' he asked. god, that boy could be so gay it wasn't even believeable.
'yeah sure,' i was too busy watching zim and the lice, that i wasn't really paying attention.
'gawdddddd Gerogieee babyyy!! you are so fuckin cluelesss!!! He's gonna take you to this resteraunt, right? then you two are gonna stay the night at the spa and THEN...' he waited for me to express excitement. to his disapointment, all i did was nodd, waiting for him to go on. i wasn't excited as i should be, because for one, it was all a god damn act. he'd make everything feel perfect out in the public resteraunt where it would probably make the tabloids, then, once we get to the spa suit, he'd make a sorry attempt to "get it up", it wouldn't, THEN we'd spend an awkward night. him sleeping on the couch, me sleeping on the bed.
'then what?' i asked him.
'then hes gonna fucking ask you...oh my god! i can't say,' he said, slapping a hand over his face. 'i already said too much!'
'gosh, i cant believe alicia never figured out you were gay the hole two years you've known her,' i replied.
Mikey gave me a shocked look.
'Aren't you even curious?' he asked.
'yeah, sure i am, but its 7:00 in the morning and im pretty tired,' i said.

Around lunch time gerard told me to pack my things and told me about our "suprise" get away. i could tell he was trying his best to look excited, but i could see past that shit. not only that, but a ball of guilt was eating at me. i almost couldn't look at him.
After i packed my stuff, gerard took me to this fancy ass spa and walked me into a room where we put all are stuff before going away for dinner. he seemed pretty fuckin nervous, which was making me nervous.
When we arrived at this fucking five star resteraunt, i was wondering what all the fuss was about. i mean, sure, it was our anniversery, but gerard stopped carring about that shit awhile ago.
'whats the occasion, gerard?' i asked, as we were seated to a table.
'its our anniversery,' he said, looking over the menu. i rolled my eyes. i hated how he was so fucking distant. i didnt want all this shit, i wanted his heart.
i then sighed and nodded, deciding i wanted a lobster dish.
After a quite, and awfully awkward "romantic dinner" he popped the question. i didn't even see it comming. once our deserts arrived he asked /it/, and i swear to god i nearly choked on my cake.
he said:
'Georgie, what do you think about having a baby?'
i looked at him, my face turned white, and quite honestly i felt like barfing.
'wha-what?' i asked.
'you heard me, what do you think? i think we're ready,'
'Ready? ready? you've been so fucking emotionally distant from me and you think we're 'ready'?' i asked. i was angry and upset and i dont know.
'i haven't been fucking emotionally distant at all, baby. you were the one who left me. you!' he snapped. he was trying to whisper, but was horribly failing.
'all i did was grow up, gerard. you are so naive to think the world is dark and nothing good can come out of it. but guess what, gerard? i came out of this 'horrible world' i did. and i know you once loved me,' i replied, all of a sudden not hungry for chocolate.
gerard just sighed.
'i just think a kid would help things, alright?'
i felt touched at his "attempt" to work things out, but..a kid?
'you dont love me anymore, do you gerard?' i asked. i was quite serious.
there was a pause.
'honestly, i dont know'
i could hear my heart break, again.

When we retired to the spa room, Gerard hopped into bed. i could tell he wasn't wearing anything underneath the covers, which was kinda making me wet.
'come here, georgie,' he said, looking at me.
i obeyed.
and that night.
no matter how borring it was.
we "did it".
and honestly, i knew the kid thing was a desperate attempt, but i took it. i fucking took it.
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