Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Horus Goes Home
Horus Goes Home
(#) Shadowstar 2008-01-15
some of your capters are missing please put them back up intell you finish you other Horus Goes Home.Horus Goes Home
(#) spedclass 2008-03-10
maybe post it on a different website?maybe's response
uh it is posted there as well as tth and wc3Horus Goes Home
(#) drink_my_blood7 2008-07-21
i like the story the bits that i was able to read, it was anoying when the chapters did not have any storyies in them.
Horus Goes Home
(#) hptrump 2008-09-13
Good because I tried to read the story for the first time but over half of the chapters were empty.Author's response
Yes its something with this site and I have tried yet again to update or repost and it has issues with it for some reason. this is also posted over at twisting the hellmouth as far as it is written so until this site lets me reup or something check there to read. I do post other stories here though.Horus Goes Home
(#) spedclass 2008-09-13
please send me a copy of your story at i love ur story and hate that all youe chapters arent here so please send me it i wont copy any ideas as im not an author u can check my ff .net account spedclass i have never writin a story and dont plan to ever!
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