Categories > Games > Xenogears

Chocolate Promises

by Hyu 0 reviews

In his own whimsical way, Sigurd tries to get Citan to believe in promises once more.

Category: Xenogears - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor, Romance - Characters:  Sigurd Harcourt, Citan Uzuki - Published: 2005-05-09 - Updated: 2005-05-09 - 284 words - Complete

"Promises are better when they come in chocolate"

"How many times must I tell you that I do not believe in forever, Sigurd Harcourt.." those words had plauged Sigurd for the past couple of months. Ever since they had reunited on the deck of the Yggsdrasil. The words had come so, broken-heartedly that he could not help but feel frustration for being the obvious catalyst of Hyuga's pain for the past twelve years.

He knew he had to remedy it, if he and Hyuga even had the remotest hint of a chance.

He offered Hyuga a bag of chocolate kisses, pretty and foil wrapped. They were sitting outside on the deck of the Yggsdrasil like two old men, all they needed was canes and white hair to complete the look. An unspoken agreement betwixt them that they would go outside each evening to get away from the depressing aura of youth running around the gun room.

Hyuga picked out one and slowly slid the foil wrapper off, however instead of the familar words that topped the white paper at the very top, there was lettering a bit more miniscule.

Adjusting his scientist glasses, putting the magnifying lens into place, he eyed the lettering and then read it outloud.

"Promises are better when they come in chocolate..." Hyuga read off and then he glanced upward to catch Sigurd's profile.

"It's the truth, you know." Sigurd said with the hint of a rakish smile.

"Did you put anything in this chocolate that you tampered with?" The logical part of Hyuga inquired.

"Should I of?" Sigurd said innocently.

That was when Hyuga picked up the bag of chocolate kisses and whacked Sigurd over the head with it.
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