Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > Moonlight

Scroll 11: Brotherly Love

by kirayasha 0 reviews

A sesshomaru story...

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance - Characters: Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru - Warnings: [R] - Published: 2005-12-30 - Updated: 2005-12-30 - 15903 words

Scroll 11: Brotherly Love

By kira

Author's notes: Once again I'd like to thank my betas, Ithilwen & Tiranth for their invaluable help in making this story the best it can be! Thank you, Ladies!! Thanks also to Blaze-chan for encouraging me to keep on writing! huggles

Inuyasha managed to come through his first year of life, experiencing nothing worse than the usual scrapes, bumps and minor illnesses that plague any youkai child. Gradually, as she came to know her young charge better, Tsuki began to realize that the fever Inuyasha got while teething was just as normal for a human child as it was for a youkai one. The same with the odd cold or two he came down with as his body learned to build up resistance to the world around him. Tsuki also began to realize that while Inuyasha was not as fragile as the human babies she remembered from the village that bordered her father's, he was also not as strong as the youkai ones she had seen around the palace. He was in a word, simply "Inuyasha" and he was a dear to her as her own pup would have been. Somehow, making it through life's little milestones was considered a great accomplishment, although Sesshomaru thought it was complete and utter nonsense, a fact he wisely kept to himself.
Spending time with his father now meant a recitation of Inuyasha's achievements instead of time spent learning how to govern the empire that the young youkai lord thought he was going to take over any day now as Inutaisho traveled down the long road to senility. Sesshomaru was sure that no one but a befuddled old man would think that anything a baby hanyou did was that important. To make matters worse, Tsuki, who spent all her free time looking after Inuyasha, echoed his father's sentiments. But the thing that really galled Sesshomaru more than anything else was the fact that Inuyasha adored him, no matter how short tempered he was with him or how much he ignored his presence.
So instead of coming back from a particularly trying day of dealing with the ministers and bureaucrats that helped make his father's job easier and unwinding under Tsuki's loving care, he found himself face to face with a younger brother who was rapidly becoming an annoyance. All Sesshomaru had to do was walk into Tsuki's room, and Inuyasha would crawl over from where he had been playing and climb onto Sesshomaru's lap. Then Sesshomaru would have to sit there patiently while Inuyasha babbled on, either pulling his hair or grabbing his fluff, until after what she considered to be a descent amount of brotherly bonding, Tsuki would emerge and picked him up to nurse him. Sesshomaru found himself forced to listen all over again to the same stories his father had told him earlier, nodding in all the correct places while wondering why everyone felt it necessary to dote on a hanyou child of all things. So he nearly missed hearing something that no one had heard before.
"Muu..." Inuyasha cooed as he held out his arms to his elder brother.
Tsuki's eyes went wide and she let out a high pitched sound somewhere between a giggle and a squeal of delight as she cuddled Inuyasha.
"Tsuki?!" Sesshomaru looked over at her, his heart pounding as he tensed to protect her from whatever had made her scream.
"Did you hear it?" She looked over at him, a silly grin plastered on her face.
"Muu..." Inuyasha cooed at her and giggled happily as she made silly faces at him.
"Sugoi! You said it again!!" Tsuki said softly as she tickled Inuyasha's belly.
Sesshomaru watched Tsuki as she played with his brother and he wondered if he should ask her what she was so excited about. Curiosity won out as Tsuki seemingly ignored him in favor of the little hanyou. Quirking an eyebrow at her, he asked, "What's so amazing about Inuyasha cooing?"
"You mean to tell me you didn't hear it? He just said his first word and I can't believe you weren't listening!"
"Nani? I was listening and he didn't say anything other than his normal babble. Come to think of it, all he does is make stupid noises." Sesshomaru looked at her like she was crazy.
"Stupid noises? Baka! He's trying to learn how to talk! And he just said his first word!"
" tell me what did he say?" Sesshomaru quirked an eyebrow at her as Inuyasha waved his hands and cooed happily.
"Baka! His first word was 'Maru-chan'..." Her irritation turned into a smile when Inuyasha said it again.
"See! He's calling you!" She cuddled Inuyasha before sitting him on Sesshomaru's lap. "Who loves his big brother?" she cooed.
"Kawaii!! I really have to go tell Ningen-hime! She's never going to believe it! Who have thought that his first word would be Maru-chan!" she giggled and left before Sesshomaru could hand his brother back to her.
"I believe you said that before..." Sesshomaru said dryly.
"Muu..." Inuyasha cooed and waved his hands excitedly as he bounced up and down on Sesshomaru's knee.
"Careful, Whelp! You're going to...fall..." Sesshomaru said, and feeling rather pleased with himself that Inuyasha's first word was his name, he allowed himself to favor his brother with a slight smile. Picking up the end of his fluff, he playfully teased Inuyasha by holding it just out of his reach. "You can't catch it..." he said in the same soft sing-song tones he used with Inuyasha when no one was around to hear him.
He chuckled softly when Inuyasha reached out and finally caught hold of it. "Not bad, Whelp, not bad at all..."
"Come, Maru-chan, let's go have a picnic. It's a beautiful day outside and it'll be fun! Inu-chan will love it too and it'll be good for him to be outside in the fresh air and sunshine." Tsuki smiled at her mate and reaching for his hands, she took them gently in hers. "Please...You've been so busy lately that I never see you anymore." She moved smoothly into his embrace. "I miss you so much, Maru-chan, it hurts..."
"Hai, I miss you too, but couldn't we go on our own without him?" Sesshomaru asked hopefully.
"Iie... Besides, why would you want to go without him, when it's so obvious that he loves and adores you? I'm actually surprised at you, Maru-chan!" She pushed away from him and stood there, back towards him, confused and saddened by his insistence they be together without Inuyasha. Tsuki could not for the life of her understand why he was not thrilled with the idea of spending time with his baby brother. She knew he had been very excited when she was pregnant as they used to lie awake at night for hours taking about it and besides, she thought he liked babies. She considered herself very lucky to have the chance to care for Inuyasha and as time went on she came to love him very much, and she was sure Sesshomaru felt that way about him as well, so it came as shock to hear otherwise.
"But, we're with him all the time, Tsuki-chan, except when I'm busy with my father. It's like I can't see you without seeing him as well. We never alone together anymore and well...ummm... we haven't had sex in months! Damn it! I'm tired of hearing your excuses about being worried you're going to get with pup again and won't be able to care for him or you're afraid he'll wake up in the middle of it! Shit! Why the hell can't he go spend the night with his mother? He's a big pup now and he won't need you for much longer. Look at him! Because of his human blood, he's grown much faster than he would have if he were youkai-"
"But he's still a baby! You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were jealous of him!"
Sesshomaru looked at her like he she was mad before her words sank in, "Keh! That's ridiculous! As if I would be jealous of a mere hanyou!"
"'A mere hanyou!' He's not a mere hanyou! He's your little brother not to mention our foster son and I just can't believe you'd be so, awful about him! You know, I don't want to go anywhere with you!" She spun on her heel and headed towards Inuyasha who had awaken from his nap, crying.
"Fine!" Sesshomaru glared at her retreating form. Closing his eyes, he mentally counted to ten and then left for the peaceful yet lonely haven of his old rooms. He walked swiftly through the corridors pondering what she had said. Me, jealous of a stupid hanyou?/ Never!/ He sighed softly./ I just miss you, Tsuki-chan, that's all. You spend so much time with him, you never have time for just me anymore...All I want is to be with you and do all the things we used to do together, before he came to dominate your life. Why can't you see that? Why must we fight over him all the time? /Sesshomaru shook himself out of his reverie as he approached his room. Kneeling, he quickly slid the door open and crawled inside, then shutting it behind him; he stared at the empty confines of his lower chamber. The unfurnished room seemed cold and barren and it reminded him painfully of the way his life had been before he met Tsuki. Closing his eyes, he realized he would rather be there with her even if he had to share her with Inuyasha, than be all alone again.
Sesshomaru took a deep breath and blew it out slowly, calming himself, before heading towards the door. Once outside, he slowly retraced his steps.
"Come, let's go on that picnic. I'll get the things together while you finish feeding Inuyasha," he whispered in Tsuki's ear. When she did not respond, he tried apologizing, before gently nuzzling her cheek until he coaxed a smile back onto her face.
"Hai..." she sighed softly and he quirked an eyebrow at her, before she shook her head to clear away the slight frown that briefly settled there. Smiling sweetly, she handed him Inuyasha, before snatching the hanyou back again. Cuddling the laughing infant close, she danced over the shoji leading out to the warmth of the inner garden. "Coming?" she called out over her shoulder as Sesshomaru stared at her dumbly before following her out.
He turned, and closing the shoji behind him, he heard her thanking the servant for their lunch before the trembling woman handed it to him. The frightened woman bowed and he gave her a curt nod in return, before leaving with his mate and brother. They strolled along the low veranda surrounding the women's quarters, and Sesshomaru was pleased to note they were heading in the direction of Ningen-hime's rooms. Only because he had had a lifetime's worth of practice was he able to keep the calm mask of indifference plastered on his face, when they paused just outside her rooms.
"Please wait for me here, Maru-chan," she said softly before disappearing inside along with his brother.
Sesshomaru waited patiently, his mind filled with happy thoughts of finally having some private time alone with his mate. He was therefore surprised when he saw Tsuki emerging from the rooms, his brother and the human in tow. There was one brief moment where his cool mask of indifference threatened to erupt into a petulant frown as he was worried Tsuki had talked the human into coming along with them before he noticed his father's presence.
"Sessho-kun," Inutaisho said; a touch of amusement in his voice. "What's all this I hear about a picnic?"
"Ummm..." Sesshomaru stood there, trying to think of something to say, while hoping he could get them to look after his brother, while seeming not to. "Hai. We're going to go picnic down by the plum orchard. Why? Are you coming with us?" Please say you won't and that you and the stupid human rather spend time here with Inuyasha...
"Sorry to disappoint you, my son, but I have other things to do at the moment. Perhaps Izayoi-hime would like to go?" He turned to the human who was standing there cuddling her son.
"Gomen nasai, but I'm also wanted elsewhere this afternoon. Atsuimi-hime asked me if I could show some of the new girls proper court etiquette." Izayoi smiled sweetly and Sesshomaru was sure she and his father were up to something, but he just could not bring himself to argue about it.
Inutaisho chuckled, "She means showing them how to behave like a lady during various ceremonies, while giving a hint of the whoring to come later..." He winked at Izayoi and she sighed and shook her head at him as a deep crimson blush spread across her cheeks.
"Dono-sama!" she exclaimed before hastily adding, "You'll have to forgive him, Waka-sama, as Inuyasha just hit him in the head with one of my geta when he tried to take it away from him. What I'm really supposed to be doing is showing them how to discreetly show interest in a man. Despite what some people think," Izayoi paused, "subtlety is far more alluring than the methods they've been taught to favor." She gave Inutaisho a faint mocking smile as she playfully teased him by underscoring her words by tilting her head to the side as she pretended to look at her son, exposing the long smooth plane of her neck in the way that the dog general found enticingly erotic.
"Hai...Then we mustn't keep you," Sesshomaru said softly when he detected the undercurrent of flirtation going on between his father and the human. He closed his eyes and waited patiently while Tsuki made her goodbyes before adding his own, "Sayonara, Chichi-ue; Ningen-hime." He gave them each a slight bow and he briefly watched them walk away before turning to his mate. "Come, Tsuki-chan, let's go."
The walk to the orchard was as uneventful as the setting up of their picnic. Inuyasha for once did as he was told and stayed put where Tsuki had set him down. When they were finished, the little hanyou playfully pretended he did not want to move. He sat there, chubby arms folded across his chest, looking away, before slyly looking back, until he could not take it any longer and started laughing. The more his older brother frowned at him, the more he laughed until he had Tsuki laughing along with him. Growling softly, Sesshomaru leaned in to say something to him, when Inuyasha reached out and grabbing two handfuls of his older brother's hair he pulled himself up into a standing position.
"Inuyasha!" Sesshomaru said through gritted teeth. "Let go!" He tried untangling his brother's hands, but it only made him pull harder.
Tsuki also tried getting him to let go but to no avail. A few tense minutes passed until Inuyasha, tiring of the "game" abruptly let go, taking a few silvery strands with him.
"Shit!" the youkai prince swore as he rubbed his temples.
"Maru-chan! There's no need to swear! Besides, he's just a baby and you're a man..." Tsuki picked Inuyasha up and held him close as if to protect him form his older brother.
"And you know how much I love it when you pout..." she said suggestively
Sesshomaru glared at her before smiling, "Are you trying to be subtle, Tsuki-chan?" Encouraged by the look she gave him, he leaned closer.
"Hai..." she said breathlessly, leaning closer to him as well.
"I find it very alluring and so much better than the methods you were taught to favor," he said softly.
"And that's why you love me..." she whispered in reply.
Closing her eyes, Tsuki moved even closer to him, and Sesshomaru was quick to close the distance between them. Just as they were about to kiss the momentarily forgotten member of their party made his presence known, "Muu!" Inuyasha burbled happily as his brother and Tsuki separated.
"Why don't we eat now?" she said softly, hoping to diffuse some of her mate's irritation.
"Grrr..." the two brothers replied with an identical growl.
"When's he going to sleep?" Sesshomaru sighed softly. He sat there, watching his younger brother crawl after butterflies, his body radiating impatience and frustration over the situation. He really wanted some quiet time alone with his mate, and the fact that had their son Aisoku lived he would be pretty much enjoying the same circumstances as he was now, was totally lost on him.
"He'll sleep when he's tired, Maru-chan," Tsuki replied in what felt like the hundredth time. "I told you, he doesn't always like to take a nap in the afternoon." She sighed as well. "I was hoping some time spent outside in the fresh air and sunshine would-"
"Make him sleepy," he finished for her. "I know that, but he's been crawling around for a while now." He yawned and Inuyasha looked over their way. "He's making me sleepy when he's the one who should be napping!" Sesshomaru closed his eyes and growled softly when he heard his brother laughing. The little hanyou had tried to stand up by himself but had fallen on his butt and he sat there, clapping his hands and laughing.
"Sssh..." Tsuki soothed. "Come lie here with your head on my lap and maybe he'll take the hint." She reached out and gently stroked his cheek. She smiled, pleased to see he returned it in kind and she patted her lap before her smile broke into a giggle.
"Keh..." Sesshomaru said before moving to take her up on her offer. He laid there, his head nestled comfortably in her lap, while she rubbed his temples. Under her gentle touch, he could feel his tension melting away and he was surprised to find he didn't mind it one bit when Inuyasha came over and snuggled up next to him. As far as he was concerned the faster the little hanyou went to sleep, the better. Unfortunately, Tsuki's touch proved to be too soothing and he drifted off to sleep long before Inuyasha did, much to his mate's amusement.
Tsuki carefully maneuvered herself out from under Sesshomaru's head. When Inuyasha stirred in his sleep, she tenderly rubbed his back until the he fell back asleep. Sighing softly at the sight of the two brothers dozing peacefully in the shade of the plum trees, she reached inside the lunch box where she found some scraps of paper and a small brush, ink stick and her ink stone. She also removed an old chipped sake cup with she filled with some water from the bamboo flask. She then spent the next twenty five minutes in peaceful contemplation of the sketches she would make, grinding the ink stick into ink for her sketches. After carefully loading her brush, she made a few quick strokes on a small piece of paper before she set to work on sketching the peaceful scene before her. This became the first in a series of small paintings she would paint of the slumbering brothers. This small sketch would later find its way into Inutaisho's possession and he carried it with him until the end of his life. Tsuki also managed to draw several other quick sketches for a watercolor she planned on making when she had time. As she gathered up the sketches that had been drying in the sun, Tsuki heard the familiar half groan half sigh that signaled Sesshomaru's return to wakefulness. She quickly put her things away and sat watching him with amusement as he surfaced from his dream.
Sesshomaru, feeling the weight of someone lying across his chest, carefully moved his arm out from under his head. In his dream-fogged mind, it was Tsuki who had snuggled up against him and he slowly brought his arm down in arc to rest against the small of her back. Unfortunately his hand met nothing but the grass he was lying on despite several minutes of furtive feeling around for the missing half of his woman. Frowning, he cracked his eyes open as he looked down to see who lying across his chest. The look of horrified disappointment on his face when he saw it was Inuyasha, made Tsuki laugh despite the pang of sadness she felt inside.
"Did you have a nice sleep?" she asked softly and Sesshomaru growled as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.
"Hai..." he sighed. "Do you think you can come here and get him so I can get up?"
"Hai...just give me some time to finish packing everything," she said as she folded the cotton square they had used as a picnic table. After carefully placing it inside their lunch box, she came over and knelt beside him. Leaning over, she gave him a quick kiss before picking up Inuyasha.
"What did you do while we sleeping?" Sesshomaru asked after stifling another yawn.
"I just sat there and sketched..." she said with a giggle.
"Sketched what?" he asked as he sat up and stretched his arms over his head.
"You, Inu-chan, the trees..." she said sounding somewhat vague and Sesshomaru had the feeling she had been sketching yet another sketch of himself and his little brother. He would not have minded had she kept the sketches to herself, but she often made of point of sharing them with Ningen-hime and Sesshomaru hated the idea of the two them sitting there cooing over them. Just thinking about it made him flush with embarrassment and he hoped Tsuki would not notice.
"Look who else is up..." Tsuki's soft voice intruded upon his thoughts and he looked over in time to see Inuyasha yawning sleepily on her lap.
"Muu..." he said as he reached out to his brother.
"Not now, Whelp, we need to get back to the palace," Sesshomaru said and he stood up in one fluid motion before leaning over to assist Tsuki. After a quick look around to see if they had forgotten anything, the three of them slowly made their way back to the palace.
Inuyasha's disturbance of their private moments was fast becoming a reoccurring nightmare in Sesshomaru's humble opinion. It also did not help that Sesshomaru was frustrated that Tsuki still refused to allow him to couple with her because of her fears she would become pregnant again. While Atsuimi-hime had been somewhat helpful in her suggestions, when she was not teasing him about it, as to what to do to relieve his tension, to Sesshomaru, they felt more like a prelude to pillowing rather than a substitution for it. Plus there were some things that Tsuki refused to do no matter how much he wheedled and coaxed and he often left her in tears, angry more with himself for upsetting her than for her refusal to do as he asked. It was becoming more and more torturous to be in her presence than not, so he reluctantly moved back permanently to his own quarters. He was to spend many a lonely night, engaged in solitary pursuits while his thoughts refused to stray far from her. After yet another sleepless night he came to a decision that was to set the pattern of his life in later years. He had decided to wander his father's lands, in the hope that the farther the distance between them the less temptation, and the easier it would be to deal with not having her in his bed as often as he wanted. Having made that decision, he was amazed to find that sleep came much more easily that night.
"Hai...?" The dog general looked up from the set of scrolls he had been reading and looked at his son who was seated across from him.
"I was thinking it's about time I learn more about your empire," Sesshomaru said as he too looked up from the scroll he had been reading.
"Well, I was thinking a good way to do that would be to go out and survey the lands. This way I can get to know those who live there."
Inutaisho thought it over for a minute as he studied his son's face. "I went through the same thing with your mother when she had you."
"Nani?" Sesshomaru quickly pretended to study the scroll in front of him in an effort to hide the blush that slowly spilled across his cheeks./ Please don't tell me pillowing stories about you and Haha-ue.../
Inutaisho shook his head./ I see I hit a nerve there...but which one?/ "I said 'I went through much the same thing with your mother.' Unlike Tsukikage-hime, she really had no excuse-"
"Tsuki-chan," Sesshomaru whispered softly, a look of longing passing on his face.
"Tsuki-chan," the dog general smiled at the correction. "Other than she refused to let go of you...I know you don't want to hear this, but your mother still nursed you even though Toukasa-chan was fully able to." He paused and collected his thoughts. "Sessho-kun, I have no idea why they do that, other than it must be some woman thing. All I know is your mother loved you very much and she should have recovered sometime after you were nearly a year had she been able to let go. I really missed her and I wanted her back in my bed."
Sesshomaru felt the heat increase across his cheeks./ Damn it! He is going to tell me pillowing stories! I suppose I should be thrilled that he thinks I'm old enough to talk about such things like a man, but I really don't want to hear this shit.../ He groaned softly and tried not to wince when his father paused.
"Sessho-kun, are you alright?
"Good. Then go inform your mother and the girl of your decision. When you're through, come back to me and we'll discuss what you need to do."
"Hai..." Sesshomaru got up and left as quickly as he could while trying to appear as if he had all the time in the day to leave. As he closed the shoji leading to his father's study, for one brief moment he could have sworn he had heard the sound of his father chuckling, but quickly dismissed it.
Striding purposely down the corridors of the palace on his way to the women's quarter's, Sesshomaru thought of ways to break the news to Tsuki that he was leaving to go survey his father's lands.

Izayoi sat in the middle of the tatami lined floor in Inutaisho's room, waiting patiently for her mate to join her. She had spent the time watching over Inuyasha as he napped contentedly close by. She found it hard to concentrate on the scroll she was supposed to be reading as she missed her son and the afternoon visits were very precious to her. Now that he was awake, she put her scroll away and played with him. It was a rather noisy game, where Inuyasha would alternately throw the brightly colored wooden animals around the room and she would get up and retrieve them for him or he would bang two of them together. It was not the first time Izayoi wondered if she should have given him the softer youkai toys made out of old leather. However, she just could not bring herself to let Inuyasha play with the smooth river rocks and polished sticks that Sesshomaru often gave him. The way Inuyasha liked to throw things around made her hesitate to let him play with them as she was afraid he would hurt someone or possibly himself. No matter how many times Tsuki told her that was what youkai babies played with, they reminded Izayoi of the things poor village children used to amuse themselves. Still, despite her misgivings, she made one concession, a simple owl made from dried grasses that brought back fond memories of one her nurse had given her as a child. Wincing at the sound of the wooden toys hitting the delicate lacquered tables, Izayoi wished Inuyasha liked the toy as much as she did.
"Inu-chan, please stop that, baby, you're going to break something and your father will be mad at us," she gently admonished when a wooden dog landed on the low table, knocking over her empty tea cup.

Inuyasha sat there, laughing at her, banging his toys together when he suddenly stopped. "Iii!" he cried as he dropped the toys and leaning over, he twisted around until he had pushed himself onto his knees and crawled towards the inner shoji.

Izayoi hastily gathered her son's playthings together in one pile before going to wait by the door with him.

Inutaisho listened carefully to sounds on the other side of low shoji leading to his room, before quickly sliding it open. "Boo!" he cried as he stuck his head in and Inuyasha squealed with delight. The dog general slid it closed and played "boo" with his young son a few more times before he crawled completely inside his room. Kneeling on the floor, he scooped Inuyasha up in his arms and stood up. Making silly faces at him, Inutaisho walked over to his mate and kissed her on the cheek. "Did you have to wait long for me, Koishii?"

"Iie, I don't think so," Izayoi said softly as she tried disentangling Inuyasha's hand from his father's ponytail. "Don't eat that, Inu-chan!" she said before finally freeing it. "Tsuki-chan and I think he's getting his back teeth as he's started chewing on everything in sight again." She smiled at her mate's raised eyebrow. "Thankfully he's not sick this time like he was the last time he was teething. But I do wish he'd stop throwing things."

Inutaisho laughed. "Hai..." he said as he picked up the straw owl, that Inuyasha had thrown earlier, from where it had landed in his scroll bin. Izayoi smiled as the dog general took the owl and rubbed it on Inuyasha's belly. "I'm going to eat this tasty lil pup!" he said in a rough high pitched voice and Inuyasha laughed as he tried to grab the owl.

"How was your day?" Izayoi asked. She was now sitting on one of the large cushions in the room, and she had a clear view of father and son. She watched them play with each other, happy that Inuyasha had someone else to play with besides herself, Tsuki, and Sesshomaru, as there were no children around Inuyasha's age for him to play with. The only one close enough was a daughter who was recently born to a lesser nobleman and his wife and by the time she would be old enough to play with, Inuyasha would be too old for her. Sighing softly, she wished things would have been different for Tsuki's son would have been the prefect playmate for Inuyasha had he lived. That thought saddened her, so Izayoi forced herself to smile and after a while her mood lifted as she watched her son play with his father.


Sesshomaru quietly slid the outer shoji opened, and slipping his sandals off, he entered Tsuki's room where he saw her sitting quietly reading a scroll. "Tsuki-chan...?" he said softly and was happy when she looked up and smiled. "Is Inuyasha asleep?"

A slight frown creased Tsuki's brow. "I honestly don't know, Maru-chan. He was sleeping when he left here earlier, but he could be awake now. Why?"

Sesshomaru gave a barely perceptible shrug. "No reason," he said softly, "other than now I know we won't be interrupted." A few quick strides and he was at her side, smiling as he thought of how he would like to spend the time with her, and wondering just how he could get her to tell him how long they would be alone before Inuyasha came back.

"If you had bothered to come around more often, you'd know that his mother takes him every afternoon to go play with your father," Tsuki said softly and there was no mistaking her frosty tone.

"Gomen, Tsuki-chan, but I've been very busy lately-"

"I'm sure you have been." But that's no excuse for ignoring me, my love...

Sesshomaru reached out and took her hand. "Arigatou, I appreciate you being so understanding, Tsuki-chan." He raised her hand to his lips and kissed her palm. "And now I'm sorry to say I went and did something foolish."

"Hai...?" Please tell me you haven't found a wife after assuring me you never would...

He grinned sheepishly at her and Tsuki felt an icy stab of fear through her heart. Closing her eyes, she steeled herself for what he had to say, missing the look of sadness that briefly flashed across his face. A moment of silence hung in the air between them between them before he spoke. "I told my father I wanted to get to know his empire better by traveling throughout it. I figured I would start with the perimeter so that I could learn its boundaries and then eventually travel the interior."

"Hai...that's wonderful and all, but you do know I can't possibly go with you." She opened her eyes and looked him sadly as a couple of tears silently coursed their way down her cheeks.

Sesshomaru, hating to see her like that, looked away. "Hai, I know that. That's why I said it was foolish. You do realize that if I'm going to inherit all of this, I need to know more about his empire." He gently squeezed her fingers. "If I didn't have you, I'd have gone months ago, but I couldn't bring myself to leave you and-"

"But you can now," she said flatly as her eyes started to well up with tears. "Why? Don't you love me any more?"

Sesshomaru, irritated by what he perceived as her foolishness, made a little snort of disgust. "Don't be stupid, Tsuki! I still love you and I always will, so get that nonsense out of your head. I honestly have been busy with my father, but I was also upset with having to..." he looked away, and finishing softly, said, "share you."

"Nani? Share me? With who?" She thought about it for a minute. "Takahara?" she said as she looked at him like he had three heads.

"What about Takahara?" Sesshomaru growled and her smile quickly faded.


"What do you mean 'nothing'?" Sesshomaru glared at her.

Tsuki, suddenly feeling defensive, retorted angrily, "Nothing! There is nothing going on with him!" She made a small sound of despair as angry tears stung her eyes.

Scowling at her, he replied coolly, "Are you sure?"

"Hai!!" she shouted at him. Looking away to calm her anger and wiping her tear stained cheeks, the silence stretched between them before she broke it. "All that nonsense with him was settled long ago and thankfully he hasn't bothered me since. He barely even glanced at me the other day when Ningen-hime and I brought Inu-chan to see Toukasa-chan. Maru-chan, there isn't anyone else I want to be with, so why would you have to share me?" She looked at him with a puzzled frown on her face as she could not for the life of her figure out who he meant or why he suddenly seemed less tense.

Sesshomaru sighed and quickly changed the subject. "I'm glad you're not crying any more, Tsuki-chan, and I suppose I could tell my father I've changed my mind," he said as he prayed she'd let the matter go.

She gave him a funny look as she pretended not hear him. "I know I do spend a lot of time with Ningen-hime, but that's because she likes being around Inu-chan. She is his mother after all, and had things worked out differently... I'd also want to spend time around whoever was looking after our pup."

"I know that, and let's just drop the matter," he said, and leaning in he tried to kiss her, but Tsuki deftly moved away when she heard the outer shoji open.

"Inu-chan!" she said and Sesshomaru paled when he thought she had guessed who he had meant until it dawned on him someone had opened the outer shoji. He scooted around on his knees until he sat there facing the intruders. Groaning softly, he realized he had wasted yet another afternoon in which he could have been alone with her.

"Suu!" Inuyasha cried as he leaned out of his father's arms.

"Gomen nasai, forgive our intrusion, but someone was hungry," Inutaisho said as he set Inuyasha down on the floor.

"Hai, we knocked and when there was no answer, I thought maybe you were sleeping and that's why we entered. Please forgive us," Izayoi said softly to Tsuki who had stood up to greet her.

"It's alright, we weren't doing anything important. I was just telling Maru-chan about the afternoon we had spent with Toukasa-chan and the ladies. Oh, look!" She pointed over at Inuyasha who started crawling towards Sesshomaru.

Sesshomaru sat there, wishing he could leave, as he really did not want to watch his father fussing over his half brother. He felt a stab of jealousy over the fact his father never had much time for him when he was younger and it was only when he was on the verge of manhood that his father started spending more than just an hour or two in his presence. Sadly he realized that it was only when he had started showing an interest in his cousin Hitome-chan that his father had really come into his life. It saddened him to think that his father preferred spending time with his brother rather than him and Sesshomaru found it galling that an infant hanyou was more appealing than a full blooded adult son. It was several minutes before the insistent tugging on his hakama penetrated his thoughts.

"Muu!" Inuyasha cried as he banged his hands on Sesshomaru's thigh. Inuyasha smiled when Sesshomaru looked down at him and spoke.

"What do you want, Whelp?"


"I think he wants you to pick him up, Sessho-kun. You know, it's funny, but he was crying before and Izayoi-hime thought he was hungry. Maybe he just missed you," Inutaisho said.

Sesshomaru, feeling extremely uncomfortable playing with his brother under his father's scrutiny, leaned over and picked Inuyasha up so that he stood on his lap.

Inuyasha immediately started to bounce up and down on his toes and he laughed when Sesshomaru looked at him and quirked an eyebrow.

"That's amazing, he must have really missed you, Sessho-kun, and that's why he was crying. I hope you'll forgive me for keeping you away from him for so long."

"Hai..." Sesshomaru said softly. "Chichi-ue, do you think I can put off my trip for a while?"

"Hai. You know, if I were lucky enough to have had a brother when I was your age, I wouldn't have wanted to leave home either." He smiled and nodded at Sesshomaru. "Who wants to grow up big and strong like his brother?" Inutaisho gently tickled Inuyasha's sides, causing him to giggle, and bounce more vigorously on Sesshomaru's lap. "You know he really loves that straw owl you gave him. Who would have thought that a simple human peasant's toy would be so appealing? And that he would be so gentle with it?"

Sesshomaru looked at his father and sighed. What straw owl? Then it hit him./ That old piece of crap?/ "I don't know...who?"

Inutaisho laughed. "It's a rhetorical question, Sessho-kun. Seriously, I'm surprised he hasn't ripped it to shreds as he's very hard on his other playthings. By the way, that horse you loved to play with now has three legs and a half-eaten tail." Inutaisho grinned at his elder son. "Don't look at me like that, Sessho-kun. I tried giving him river rocks to play with but his mother claims he's going to get hurt playing with them. Besides, Inu-chan loves playing with your old toys."

I bet he does. Sesshomaru thought as he wondered what other childhood treasures of his Inuyasha had broken. "I see..." Sesshomaru said listlessly as he pulled the end of his fluff out of Inuyasha's mouth. "Must you chew on that?" he said softly.

Inutaisho looked at his sons and felt happy, watching them interact with each other. "Anyway, I think you need a break worse than I do, so I'll leave you here to spend time with your brother. There's nothing better to make you forget the cares of the day than to sit back and enjoy the simple pleasures of being around a baby. No wonder your mother always wanted more of them..." He looked over and nodded at Izayoi, who made her goodbyes to her friend. "If you'll excuse me?" Inutaisho gave Sesshomaru a slight bow, before turning, and walking over to where Izayoi stood with Tsuki. Having said goodbye to the girl, he left along with his human mate and Sesshomaru watched them go.

The joys of being around a baby, my ass! Let me tell you, Chichi-ue, there's nothing joyful about being puked on, drooled on, and pissed on or any other number of disgusting things they do...


"Dono-sama!" Takahara cried as he entered, from the opposite end, the same hallway as Inutaisho and Izayoi. "I've been looking all over for you. I was told you were in your rooms and when I failed to find you there..." he trailed off, quickly closing the distance between them.

"You went in search of me," the dog general finished and laughed.

"Hai!" Takahara laughed along with him. "Konnichiwa, Ningen-hime," he said and gave her a slight bow which she returned.

"Konnichiwa, Takahara-sama. Dono-sama, it appears you both have something of importance to discuss, may I be excused?" she said softly.

"Hai, I will send for you at dinner time. You may go." Having dismissed his human mate, the dog general headed down the hall to his rooms, Takahara at his side, talking about nothing important until they reached the privacy of Inutaisho's rooms. "What's so important, old friend?"

Takahara, who had heard the news via his network of yamainu spies, told him. "It seems Ryukotsusei is up to his old shit again."

"And you know this, how?" The dog general, quirking his eyebrow at him while he waited for his response, decided to go to his tansu and look inside. After finding a small bottle of sake, he returned and set it on the small table top brazier to warm. "Well?" he asked as he went back and retrieved two small cups.

"While I was out riding this morning, I came across a couple of yamainu who looked pretty beat up. They said the old dragon was trying to oust them from their territory. I told them we would look into the matter."

"I see. You did well to tell them that." The dog general picked up the bottle of sake to check its warmth. "Gomen, my friend, but this is all that's left from last time." He smiled at Takahara, although the smile did not reach his eyes. He had smelt the faint odor of a lie hidden in Takahara's story and while he could not tell which part was the falsehood, it saddened him to think his old trusted friend was plotting something behind his back. "We will leave early tomorrow to see if there's any truth to the matter," he said as he poured the remains of the sake into their cups. They drank in silence until the dog general broke it. "Who knows," he shrugged. "We may find ourselves with a valuable if weak ally. The yamainu would make an excellent buffer to the north and if we can bring one tribe under our banner, the rest will soon follow."

"My thoughts exactly," Takahara said as he drained his cup./ /"Arigatou." He held his empty cup up and then set it down. "I've taken far too much of your time away from the lady. If you'll excuse me?"

"Hai..." Could Sessho-kun and the others be right about you? Are you planning something, my friend?


As soon as Takahara had left, Inutaisho sent for his wife as he had several things that he needed to discuss with her before he left. The okugata-sama was pleased to be summoned and she made a great show of it in front of Izayoi who simply shook her head sadly. Atsuimi had seen it and she came over to her.

"You must forgive okugata-sama, she's been very happy at the turn of events lately," Atsuimi said as the two women walked through the inner corridors of the women's quarters.

"Hai, I know that. I've been spending a great deal of the dono-sama's time during the day, so it's only natural she would have the nights..." Izayoi trailed off softly.

Atsuimi-hime laughed. "Hai."

"Don't get me wrong, Atsuimi-hime, he should spend more time with her than me and she should certainly be the one to warm his bed at night, but..."

"But you're beginning to understand her as it were, ne?"

Izayoi nodded. "Hai..."

"He'll probably spend the rest of the day and most likely the night with her," Atsuimi said knowingly.

"I know..." Izayoi said softly. "I wish I didn't feel so jealous, but I can't help it."

Atsuimi shrugged. "So you're jealous and you can't help it. It's what you do with those feelings that you can help."

Izayoi thought about it. "You're saying I shouldn't give in to those feelings, ne?"

"Hai." Atsuimi nodded. "How is it you know this, but she doesn't?" she said dryly.

Izayoi smiled. "Who knows? But I appreciate it nonetheless." She sighed softly before continuing, "Just knowing that someone acknowledges the fact that I do feel this way, helps a lot to banish those feelings. I don't know why, but it does." She shrugged and then smiled brightly at her. "Arigatou, Atsuimi-hime."

"Douitashimashite, I'm glad I could help. Would you like to come to my rooms and have tea?"

"No thank you, but perhaps I could another time? Or maybe you would like to come to my rooms instead?"

"Hai...Perhaps another time, then. And don't worry; I'm not angry. I'm sure there's another man in your life who wouldn't mind spending time with you and I wouldn't want to keep you." Atsuimi smiled at Izayoi's puzzled expression. "Think about it..."


"Hai! Sayonara, Ningen-hime."

"Sayonara, Atsuimi-hime," Izayoi said as she turned and headed to her rooms.


Sesshomaru was up at dawn the next morning. He stretched and yawned softly, careful not to wake his brother who was sleeping peacefully between himself and Tsuki. As much as he wanted nothing more than to lie there, snuggling up behind his woman, while thinking up pleasant ways to wake her up, he could not, whether or not Inuyasha was there. He was to leave within the hour for the mountains in north where the yamainu tribes dwelt on the fringe of his father's territory. Yawning again, he quietly slipped out from under the old quilt and padded softly over to where he had left his clothes. Minutes later he was dressed, and kneeling next to Tsuki's and Inuyasha's sleeping forms, he bent and kissed them goodbye, before straightening and leaving.

He headed through the dim and empty corridors of the palace, hurrying to his room, where he kept his armor. On the way there, he met up with his father and was pleased to note his father had spent the night with his mother rather than his human mate.

Inutaisho, noticing his son discretely scenting the air, chuckled inwardly at him. Sessho-kun, in case you're wondering I always spend time with your mother before leaving on a long and dangerous journey as there is much to discuss before I go. If we happen to spend time afterwards engaging in the pleasures of the flesh, so be it, but that is really none of your concern, my son.

"Chichi-ue, I was on my way to get my armor and I was wondering-"

"If I could help you? I'd be honored to, my son."

"That's not was I was going to say, Chichi-ue, but if you don't mind, I can help you with yours afterwards."

"Hai. I understand Toutou-sai assisted Hirogawa in the making of your new armor."


"Hai, and therefore you know it's going to be as strong as it is lightweight. May it always protect you as long as you wear it, my son," Inutaisho said as they paused in front of the low door leading to Sesshomaru's room. They knelt before Sesshomaru slid the door back, and crawling inside, they sat up admiring the beauty of his armor before getting up to go over to it. It was hung upon a wooden form and Sesshomaru eagerly ran his hand over its smooth surface, noting the way the tiny lacquered leather plates were enchanted to appear as one whole unit. He then touched the upper breastplate and shoulder guard and noted with satisfaction that they were forged in the manner that the taijiya had copied from youkai smiths from the cured remains of a dragon's rib and jaw bone respectively, and therefore it would offer protection against them as well. He also noticed with wry amusement that there was only one shoulder guard in order to accommodate his fluff

He stood there for several minutes lost in thought before his father's voice intruded upon his reverie, "Are you going to stand there all morning admiring it, or are you going to put it on so we can leave?"

Shaking his head to chase away his stray thoughts, Sesshomaru said, "I was just waiting for you, Chichi-ue"

Inutaisho chuckled and as he set to work helping his son into his armor, he explained the finer points of it, with the chief one being it was lightweight and comfortable enough to be worn like a second skin. Plus it was made so that he only needed one person to help him into it, which was something Inutaisho wanted his son to remember. "Sessho-kun, when you finally do go out on patrol, it'll be easy to sleep in this since it fits you closely and it'll keep you dry underneath as well as warm. Plus it has an interesting feature that'll work as long as you are wearing it."

"What is that, Chichi-ue? I already know I can wear it and transform and that it'll grow with me and melt away at such times only to reappear when I'm back like this."

"That's true, Sessho-kun, and I'm glad to see you were paying attention. Anyway, the most important feature is this; should your armor become broken in the heat of battle, it will regenerate the missing and broken parts in much the same way your body will heal your wounds."

"Is that why Hirogawa wanted a drop of my blood and a strand of my hair?" Sesshomaru asked as he ran his hand down the front of his armor.

"Hai. It is now bound to you in such a way that no other may wear this and when you are old and finally pass on into the next realm, if your sons bury you in it, it will protect your bones for all time."

"Oh..." Sesshomaru said softly as he thought over.

"And don't worry; I'm having something made for your brother as well." He waved his had at Sesshomaru's look of dismay. "I know he's too young for armor at the moment, so I asked Hirogawa's wife to weave some cloth made of fire-rat fur and from there make Inu-chan a simple gi to wear until he's old enough for his own set of armor."

"Hai..." Sesshomaru smiled wanly.

"I know it seems like a silly extravagance, but he's not as strong as a youkai pup. And besides, I couldn't resist getting him something as well. You know how much I like to spoil my sons." The dog general grinned.

"Hai... And arigatou, Chichi-ue, I really appreciate this more than you know." Spoiling your sons my ass! More like spoiling the brat and this is just your way of making me feel less left out...

"Sessho-kun, this is for you." Inutaisho, reaching inside his kimono sleeve, pulled out a silken bundle. "Izayoi-hime gave this to me and asked that I deliver it when you were dressed in your armor." He laughed at the expression on his son's face. "It's not from her, Sessho-kun; Tsukikage-hime had asked her to give it to me, so that I could deliver it to you."

"Hai." Smiling sheepishly, Sesshomaru took the proffered bundle and opened it. Inside, was a soft silken obi of dark blue with indigo watermarks woven into it. "It's beautiful, ne?"

"Hai. Let me help you." Inutaisho soon had the sash draped around his son's waist, and stood back to admire him. "She chose well, Sessho-kun. Now come, let's go help me into my armor."



Tsuki woke up later that morning, keenly feeling her mate's absence. She did not have long to miss him, however, as Inuyasha also decided "now" was a good time to get up. He had rolled over and away from her and would have normally snuggled up next to his brother. Since Sesshomaru was not there and Tsuki had gotten up to make tea, he missed the soft comforting warmth and security he got from sleeping between them.

"Wah...!" he cried as he pushed himself up into a sitting position. "Muu! Suuuu!! Waaaaah!!" The tears poured down his cheeks as he scrunched his face up tightly. "Wah!!"

"Coming, Inu-chan!" Tsuki said as she stepped back around the sleeping screen. "What's a matter?" she said softly, kneeling next to him and gathering him in her arms before standing up. Inuyasha cried and hiccupped in her ear as she gently rocked him back and forth. She held him so that his head was resting on her left shoulder and it was not long before his tiny fist balled up the collar of her sleeping kimono. As she walked around the sleeping screen, she felt him pull it towards him as he stuck his thumb in his mouth. "Silly pup. Are you hungry, Inu-chan," Tsuki asked. "Silly pup, silly pup," she sang softly, while making her way to the brazier where she had a small pot of water for tea. After checking to see if it was ready to boil, which it was not, she moved away from it and headed over to her tansu. Opening one of its many doors, she reached inside and pulled out clean clothing for Inuyasha, before closing it and sitting in the middle of the room. After setting his clothes down within easy reach, she gently laid Inuyasha down on the tatami. "Silly pup, silly pup..." she sang over and over and Inuyasha cooed along with her. She quickly changed him and then put him to her breast. Still singing, she nursed him until he had his fill. Then she sat him down and gave him a ball to play with while she went and made a pot of tea. Fearing he would get into it, and burn himself, Tsuki left it on top of the tansu. Turning around, she laughed when she saw him crawl over to her. "Silly pup!" Tsuki said again and then bending down, she picked him up. "I would like to have my tea in peace this morning, Inu-chan. But since Maru-chan's not here, I guess I'll have to manage without him. Now, will you be good and let me have a sip?" she asked as she reached for her teacup and Inuyasha also reached out his hand. "Iie! You can't have that, Inu-chan! It's too hot and you'll burn yourself." Sighing, Tsuki decided to see if she could get him interested in a game of roll the ball on the floor as she wondered how Izayoi had tea whenever he spent time with her. "I guess your mother waits until after you've gone..." she mused out loud to Inuyasha, who gurgled in agreement.


It took three days of hard riding to reach the edge of Inutaisho's territory where it butted up against the mountainous region of the yamainu. They set up camp as they waited for word of their arrival to reach the leader of the yamainu. Fortunately they did not have to wait long before their leader and a small group of his men appeared. A lone figure detached itself from the small group that headed towards them. He walked slowly and when he was about halfway from his men and the dog general's camp he paused.

"Oi!" his voice rang out over the stillness of the summer day. "I mean you no harm! I've heard the great Inutaisho would come to hear our troubles and give aid to us!"

"Wait there!" one of the dog general's sentries called out before dispatching another to go in search of Inutaisho. Soldiers slowly gathered, giving the impression that they were they there out of idle curiosity, while really gathering there as the first line of defense. A few minutes later Inutaisho, accompanied by his son and Takahara, arrived to see what the fuss was.

"I am the one called Inutaisho! State your business!"

"I am Kurayami, leader of the northern tribes. I seek permission for me and my men to enter your camp!"

"You may enter, but all weapons are to be left here, under the watchful eye of my weapons master!" Inutaisho called out, before turning to his men. Nodding, one of them took off in the direction of the weapon's master's tent. Inutaisho waited patiently for the yamainu to arrive and once they did, he left orders for them to be given food and drink while he talked to their leader.

"Come, this way," Inutaisho said as he headed towards the large pavilion that was set up for him to receive the representatives of the northern tribes. He figured things must as serious as Takahara had claimed if their leader had left his mountainous stronghold to speak with him personally. And yet, he could not shake the feeling something was not quite right as he had been told by his own spies that Ryukotsusei was happily ensconced in the mountains of the western most border of the dog general's lands, doing nothing more than wenching and raiding the tiny human settlements there. They said the raids had practically stopped once the humans started to send the old dragon pretty young women. And as much as that tribute disgusted the dog general, he was inclined to ignore it as long as it kept Ryukotsusei occupied.

"Hai." The wolf and his two men followed Inutaisho and Takahara while Sesshomaru brought up the rear. Sesshomaru studied them intently, even though to all outward appearances he appeared to be mildly bored by the whole thing. Once everyone inside the tent, Sesshomaru hung back and spotting a passing lieutenant, he saw to it they would have refreshments and a wench to serve them, before slipping inside.

"You've already met Takahara and this is my son, Sesshomaru," Inutaisho said as Sesshomaru sat down on his right pleased that his father had addressed as an adult.

"I have left my own son back home guarding our territories. This is my nephew, Nibori," the young wolf nodded when introduced, "and this is my old friend and trusted advisor, Kokuyo. Rather than waste the dono-sama's time, I will come to the heart of the matter. You have heard of the dragon Ryukotsusei, ne?"

Inutaisho quirked an eyebrow at him as he sat back and folded his arms across his chest. "Hai...?"

"Well he's taken a liking to our lands and our women..."

"Really? I have heard he has developed a taste for human flesh," Sesshomaru said softly and judging by the startled gasps and looks he got, he was pleased he had taken the time to listen to Myouga-jijji's complaints about his father's business. However, he was not about to give away the fact he knew the old dragon was currently holed up in the area bordering territories of the western tribes, for his father had once told him, if you give your enemies enough silk they will find a way to hang you with it.

"I had not heard that, Waka-sama, and besides whoever told you that was lying."

"Indeed...?" Sesshomaru said, quirking his eyebrow at the wolf and looking very much like his father in the dim interior of the tent.

"Hai! That old dragon has even carried off my sister, Yoshiko. We found her ravaged half-eaten body some days later. Fortunately we came across Takahara-sama, and he told us about you and he swore you would listen to our pleas for help. I can see he didn't lie about you for you are here just as he'd said."

"It was bad enough my poor mother was widowed, now my poor younger sister and brothers are orphaned. I want my revenge on the bastard who did this! My uncle said you would help us and-" Nibori was interrupted by the woman who had entered with a tray of food and drink. Inutaisho watched as the older wolves soothed the younger.

"Arigatou, Hana-chan," the dog general said. He was about to dismiss her when he noticed Nibori eying her and there was no mistaking the lust in his eyes. So the whelp finds her attractive, eh? Good, I must find a way to get her alone so I can tell her I have work for her to do later on... "I want you to stay, my dear, and serve us." He turned to the wolves. "She's very beautiful, ne?" Inutaisho said with a smile. He noted with amusement that Takahara seemed upset by the attention the girl was getting from the young wolf. Too bad, old friend, she's got better things to do than warm your bed tonight. And just to make things even more interesting, I'll see to it Sesshomaru keeps the two of them alone and away from the rest until the morning... It'll be worth the price of a few bottles of sake and a new kimono to see what information she can pry out him.

"That's terrible. It must be hard for you to be away from them," Takahara said.

"Hai, but they'll manage. My aunt is looking after them and if we can count on your help, it'll do much to ease my mind while I'm away." He looked over at the dog general.

"Hai. However, I wish to think this over before I commit to anything," Inutaisho said before leaning over and speaking softly to Sesshomaru. "My son will show you where you can stay until I have come to my decision." The dog general rose along with the others. Minutes later Sesshomaru was leading the yamainu through the camp to an area set aside for their "guests" until his father could decide what to do with them. It was heavily fortified without seeming so and all Sesshomaru had to do was get them settled with Nibori alone in his own tent, then go back and bring Hana with him under the guise of a little "fun."


"You mean this is all for me?"

"Hai. I figured if you had your own tent, it'd be easier for you to be alone with the girl," Sesshomaru winked at him and the young yamainu grinned as he felt his cheeks heating up at the thought.

"But why not bring her to your tent? Wouldn't it be easier?"

"Hai...but then it would be harder for you to find it in the dark. Besides, we would want my father's men to think you were spying on the camp, ne?"

"Hai, I suppose so. So when will you be back?"

"Hopefully soon." He smiled. "When I saw her earlier, I told her to try and be available for whatever duties my father needed and I told her to stick around in case I /wanted /her." The two of them laughed.

"She's that good, ne?"

"Hai... I'd better get going before someone else spots her. Waka-sama or not, if I don't get back soon, she'll get tired of waiting and then where would we be?"

"Hai... I'll see you later, then!" Nibori said when it hit him. "Wait, you said I'm to be alone with her?"

"Hai... Is there a problem with that?"

"Hai! I mean iie! I mean she is your woman, ne?"

"Hai, you could say that," Sesshomaru laughed "And more importantly it also means I'm free to do with her with what I like, and I feel like sharing the wealth." Sesshomaru winked and he felt disgusted by the young wolf's nervousness mixed with lust. "I may stay for a bit or I may bring her and leave." He shrugged.

"Arigatou!" Nibori exclaimed in the same tone one would use when given a large treasure rather than a lowly whore and it was all Sesshomaru could do to keep the bile rising in his throat down.

"Keh. Think nothing of it. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go find her."


"He's safely in the tent, Chichi-ue, and waiting for me to return with Hana-chan," Sesshomaru said as he entered his father's tent.

"Good. You know what to do then?" The dog general turned to the girl.

"Hai. I'm to show off my charms, ply the boy with sake and get him to talk..."

"Good, I knew I could count on you. Sesshomaru, take Hana-chan to..."

"Nibori, his name's Nibori." Sesshomaru said.

Inutaisho nodded. "-Nibori's tent. Play your part well, Hana-chan, and I'll see to it you're handsomely rewarded."

"Hai! Arigatou, Dono-sama."

"Iie, arigatou to you, Hana-chan," the dog general said as he dismissed them.


Sesshomaru led the girl through the camp, enduring the catcalls and ribald remarks of his father's men as he made to Nibori's tent. Glancing over at Hana, he was surprised to see a look of amusement on her face and after a while he simply ignored her bawdy replies. Just walking through the camp with her, reminded him painfully just how much he missed Tsuki for both women were of a similar height and build. He was happy that Tsuki had the good fortune to be spared a life as a camp follower as he realized she would never have lasted long in such circumstances. And yet here he was with a girl, who while slightly older than Tsuki, certainly enjoyed her work. And he marveled at how she could wink at and flirt with the passing men when he knew Tsuki would be dying of shame. Even so, he was grateful when they stepped through the opening of Nibori's tent.

"Look who I brought," Sesshomaru said with an enthusiasm he did not feel. Stepping aside, he reached around and held the tent flap open, allowing Hana to enter the room, much to Nibori's delight. Hana favored the young yamainu with a similar smile as she closed the distance between them. She sat on the floor cushion across from the men and coyly asked if they wanted her to pour sake for them.

"I brought a bottle with me," Sesshomaru asked as he held up a small earthenware jug.


"Hana-chan, if you will do me the honor of pouring for us?"

"Hai," she said with a shy giggle. Hana took the proffered jug from Sesshomaru and after locating a couple of teacups; she poured for them. Sesshomaru took the jug from her and poured her a cup as well. After he set the jug down he raised his cup along with the others and everyone cried, "Kampai!" Hana then made sure that no cup was empty and after a while Nibori took on the role of keeping her cup full. Sesshomaru also noted with wry amusement that no one seemed to notice he was barely drinking, not that he cared. But what had amazed him the most was the fact that, despite matching Nibori cup for cup, Hana seemed giddy while Nibori was clearly intoxicated and he hoped the young wolf would not pass out before she could get the information they needed. Sighing softly to himself, he sat back and watched as Hana flirted with the young wolf and he tried not to groan out loud in disgust at the yamainu's feeble attempts to flirt back. When he could not stand it any more Sesshomaru moved over to sit next to Hana.

"Hana-chan," Sesshomaru said softly as he hoped none of the sickness he felt in the pit of his stomach reached his voice, "why don't you show our guest some hospitality?"

"Hai..." she said breathlessly and leaning forward, she slowly slid the right side of her kimono off her shoulder. Nibori watched as she drew her hand back from her arm and left it covering the soft fleshy mound of her breast. Smiling seductively at the young wolf, she moved her hand again so that where it had once covered her breast modestly; she now used her fingers to tease the nipple.

"She's very beautiful, ne?" Sesshomaru said as Nibori stared open mouthed at the girl. Unable to find his voice he simply nodded at Sesshomaru, while never taking his eyes off Hana.

Hana slowly sat back and removed the kimono from her left shoulder, fully exposing her breasts. This time instead of touching herself, she reached out and took Nibori's hands and carefully placed them over her breasts. She moaned softly at his clumsy attempts at fondling her and catching Sesshomaru's eye, she nodded at him. Taking his cue, for the tent suddenly felt hot and stifling, Sesshomaru quickly got up to leave.

"Where're you going?" Nibori asked and there was no mistaking the lust in his voice.

"Back to my own tent as I can have her anytime I want, so consider her my gift to you. She's a good woman, aren't you, Hana-chan?"

"If you say so, Waka-sama..." she said with a giggle.

"Hai, I do..." Sesshomaru said as he paused by the tent's entrance. By now the girl was completely naked and she seemed to be enjoying herself despite the wolf's awkward advances. "Enjoy, my friend," he said, and turning to leave, Sesshomaru quietly slipped out, having done his part in his father's plan. Walking slowly back to his father's tent, his thoughts were on Tsuki and he wondered if he should tell her what he had done, when he imagined her tear stained face. Realizing it was better if he kept it a secret, he imagined instead, she was telling him about all the stupid things his brother had done during the day.


Three days after Sesshomaru had left, Inuyasha took his first steps. He had pulled himself up on the little table where Tsuki sat working; turning a couple sketches into a finished watercolor. He was tired of her half-hearted attempts to amuse him by looking up and making faces at him. He tried in vain to reach across the table to get at what she was so engrossed in, that he stumbled and quickly righted himself.

"Inu-chan! Be careful, little one, or you're going to hurt yourself," Tsuki said with a smile.

Inuyasha smiled at her and bounced up and down a few times on his toes. Tsuki watched him and laughed, before she went back to her painting.

"Suu?" he cooed. Inuyasha bounced a few more times before he took another sidestep.

"What are you doing, Silly Pup?" Tsuki asked as she briefly looked up.


"Maru-chan's not here, sweetness..."

Inuyasha sidestepped again before squatting down. He held on to the low table and briefly mouthed it before decided he did not care for the taste of old lacquer. Pulling himself upright again, he took a couple more sidesteps as he inched his way around. When he reached the corner of the table he had a brief moment of panic when he reached out and nothing met his outstretched hand. He stood reaching out with it, before he grabbed the adjacent side, sending a little shockwave through the table.

Tsuki, thankful she was just loading her brush with paint, frowned and looked up at him as she cried, "Careful, Inu-chan!" Smiling she said, "How'd you get there?" She reached out and pinched his cheek affectionately. "Be a good little pup and stay in one place. I'm nearly finished and when I am, I promise I'll show it to you."

"Suu!" Inuyasha's baby laughter was joined by Tsuki's own.

"Go play with your ball..." she said softly as she went back to her painting.

Inuyasha frowned as he did not like being ignored. He was about to let out a loud protesting cry, when the movement of Tsuki's paintbrush caught his eye. He watched fascinated as it moved across the paper, almost dancing, and he wanted it. He reached out and tried to grab it, but it was as erratic and ephemeral as the butterflies that flitted about the garden. So he sidestepped again and slowly inched his way closer to her. He soon realized if he moved slowly enough and resisted the urge to bounce happily, Tsuki would forget about him as she made her brush meander across the paper. Growling softly, he stalked his "prey," inching closer and closer to his foster mother and the paintbrush she held in her hand. Just when he had gotten close enough to possibly grab it, Tsuki set the brush down and looked over at him, a look of amazement on her face. "Just how did you get here, Inu-chan?"

"Suu!" he said as he inched his way closer to her.

"Sweet Kami-sama!" she exclaimed. "You're walking and I nearly missed it! We must show your mother!" Tsuki stood up and came around behind him and picked him up just as he grabbed the paintbrush. "Give me that!" Tsuki said as she took it away from him and set it down and Inuyasha started crying. "Don't cry, Inu-chan!" she soothed as she made her way to her friend's room.


"Ningen-hime! You're never going to believe it! Inuyasha started to walk!" Tsuki was sitting in Izayoi's room, nursing Inuyasha while she told her how he inched his way around the table to her. "It was the most amazing thing! And he was so good too. He let me sit and paint while he watched. Not even Maru-chan is that patient!" She laughed.

"Really? Do you think he'll do it again?" Izayoi asked.

"Hai... or at least I think so. Why don't we see if he'll do it again, when I'm done?"

"Hai! Should I move one of my tables closer for him?"

Tsuki shrugged as she thought about it. "I suppose it couldn't hurt. Good he's finished." She sat him on the floor and tucked her breast back inside her kimono. Tsuki then gathered him back into her arms and made her way over to the table Izayoi placed in the middle of the room. "Come, Inu-chan, let's see you walk again..." she said softly as she set him down next to it. Moving around to the opposite side, Tsuki sat next to Izayoi and waited. Inuyasha stood there and bounced up and down on his toes a few times, smiling shyly at the two women, who smiled back. "Come, Inu-chan!" they called and Inuyasha plopped back onto his bottom, before leaning over and getting on his hands and knees, he crawled quickly over to them.

Tsuki laughed as Izayoi picked him up. "You were supposed to walk to Haha-ue, not crawl, silly baby," Izayoi said softly.

"Aha!" Inuyasha burbled happily at her.

"Silly baby..." Izayoi said softly as she held him close.

Inuyasha sighed contentedly and laying his head on her shoulder he stuck his thumb in his mouth as he felt the silky softness of her kimono with his free hand. Eyelids growing heavier, he gradually fell asleep.


Hana reported back the next day, confirming Inutaisho's suspicions that the whole thing was just some elaborate ruse. However, that did not stop him from forming a treaty with the yamainu, which greatly pleased him as he was able to leave a small detachment of men behind to keep an eye on things. A huge celebration was planned for later that night to cement things and Sesshomaru was looking forward to it as it meant they would be heading for home the next day.

He had spent the day listening to Nibori's tales about Hana while wishing he was elsewhere and drawing on his experience with Tsuki, he threw in a few made up stories of his own before a long silence settled between them. Finally unable to stand it any longer, he asked Nibori what was troubling him.

"I'm worried about my little brother, Kouga," Nibori said softly. "He was sick when I left and I hope he's alright. You should see the lil runt." He laughed. "He's one summer already and he's just starting to walk and there's no stopping him. He used to make my mother crazy as she was always frightened she'd wake up one day and he'd be gone. Who knew she'd be the one to leave..."

"Hai..." Sesshomaru nodded. "I too have a little brother that age. He's only crawling, but he's such a pain in my ass."

"Really? I've got a couple of younger brothers and they're all like that until they get bigger. Don't you know that? Or do you only have sisters?"

"Iie, I didn't know that," he said sarcastically, and then softening his tone, he went on, "I did have a sister once when I was little, but she died soon after she was whelped..." Sesshomaru trailed off, surprised that he was opening like that to his potential enemy. As much as he hated himself for being so weak, a part of him wanted to hear more about Nibori's brothers and if that was the price he had to pay, he found he was willing for once to pay it.

"Gomen, I didn't know..."

Sesshomaru shrugged. "It's okay. Tell me more about this Kouga."

"Hai. He's the baby of my family, totally spoiled by my mother as he was all she had left of my father. There's not much to tell as he doesn't do much as you know, but it was fun to watch him trying to get up and walk. He used to fall down on his ass all the time and he'd get this real insulted look on his face. My mother used to say one day he'll take over the tribes and be a great leader. If he does, then he'll have my support."

"What about you? Don't you want to rule the tribes?"

"Iie! I'm not much of a leader; I'd rather serve under a great man than try to be one. Besides, that's all nonsense anyway, as my cousin Sorato is going to take over one of these days. So tell me about your brother. What's his name?"

Sesshomaru sighed. "What's to tell? His name's Inuyasha and he's..." he hesitated, and feeling Nibori's silent encouragement, he went on, "he's the son of one of my father's concubines."

"Oh... I have a half brother too, although I never met him." At Sesshomaru's puzzled look, he clarified, "I remember hearing my parents talk about him once. And all I know is he's around my age and I think his name's Keiichi or something stupid like that." He laughed at the look on Sesshomaru's face. "That's what I remember the most about what they had said. He was a real idiot and he lives with another tribe somewhere to the south where life is so much easier."

"I have a foster brother named Keiichi. He's a real idiot too." Sesshomaru laughed. "I'm surprised he's lived as long as he has. There he is, the one over there whispering sweet nothings into his mare's ear. Imagine riding a mare into battle." They laughed.

"Aah ..." Nibori said softly.


"Nothing, Sesshomaru-sama, Tell me more about your brother."

"What's to tell?" Sesshomaru shrugged. "He eats, shits, and gets into my stuff if my woman isn't careful."

"Your woman? I thought you said he was your brother," Nibori asked as he quirked a bushy eyebrow at Sesshomaru.

"My woman looks after him." Sesshomaru sighed.

"You've got pups of your own too?" Nibori asked, sounding impressed.

"Iie, she was carrying a pup and she lost it. And when it looked like the stupid... woman couldn't take care of him, they gave him to my woman," Sesshomaru inwardly cringed when he realized he nearly said "human." Bad enough I nearly gave it away that Inuyasha's a hanyou, but why the hell am I telling something I found hard to talk to Tsuki about? What is it about him that I can talk so freely about something so painful or is it just that I need to sort my feelings out, as Tsuki would say? /He frowned and turned to glare at Nibori when he felt the wolf pat him softly on the back. /Great now he's offering me sympathy...

"I see." Nibori nodded. "He sounds like Kouga. Just wait until he gets teeth and starts gnawing on your stuff. We used to have this one really pretty lacquered table that my father brought back from some long ago raid, and none of my other brothers ever touched it when they were little. Kouga chewed it up like it was an old piece of wood. It was all I had left of my mother too." He sighed sadly as Sesshomaru nodded. "I guess now I'll have to find me a woman to look after him for me and keep him out of trouble. It shouldn't be too hard as there are many who want to marry into my family. When I get married, will you come to my wedding feast? I know we just met yesterday, but I feel as though we could be friends."

"Hai, I feel that way too. If my father doesn't have other plans for me, I suppose I could come."

"Good, it's settled then."


"So, do you have a lot of duties to do for your father? You know, like looking after tribe members, settling minor disputes, patrolling the territories? I can't believe all the shit I've got waiting for me when I get back. It almost makes me wish I could stay here forever."

"Not that much, as my father has a ton of men to do most of that for him. I've been working on treaties with him and reading petitions. Gods, the shit his people whine and complain about..."

Nibori laughed. "Tell me about it! This one's mad that that one stole his woman, and this one after all the fussing and fighting and complaining suddenly decides he doesn't want his woman back as he'd rather have another one!"

"Or that one's upset that another has more land to patrol for my father and it's not fair that he doesn't. Never mind that this one's old and looks after a little plot of land, because that's all he's capable of. They're worse than the women at times! Thankfully my mother takes care of the women's issues and they only bother my father as a last resort. In fact the last time one of them went over my mother's head like that, she found herself married off to an old man on the other side of my father's lands. In fact he was so old; he had had sons older than her." Sesshomaru laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"Rumor has it that this woman thought she could take her old husband to bed and get with pup so she could set her own son up as heir." Sesshomaru laughed again. "What she didn't know was he...he...had grown so old he had forgotten how to bed a woman."

"Really?" Nibori laughed. "May Kami-sama protect us from that fate!"


They laughed for several minutes before silence stretched between them.

"Damn, it must be nice to not have so many worries that you can listen to idle gossip, amusing as it is," Nibori said softly. "Seriously when I get home, I've got to step up and run my household in my mother's place, as well as help Sorato out. I'd give anything to live comfortably and hope my future woman keeps Kouga out of my shit."

"Well, I was supposed to go out on patrol and learn the lay of land. You know, get a feel for my father's empire, but that all changed when we were told you needed our help," Sesshomaru, feeling defensive and slightly insulted, said. "I've got a vast empire that I need to learn how to govern, which is a lot harder than keeping track of a few tribes."

"True, but let's not fight, my friend," Nibori said. "We're supposed to be allies, not enemies. Besides, if the elders hear us fighting, it'll ruin everything and we'll never hear the end of it." Anyway, if what my father said is true, you won't need to learn how to govern an empire..."So let's just sit here and brag about our brothers. I know you'd rather brag about your woman, but give me a break; I don't have one at the moment, that is unless I can coax Hana-chan into being mine..." he winked and the tension that had settled between them was broken when Sesshomaru laughed. Turning the conversation towards the benign topic of family life, they chatted some more about their brothers before their conversation turned towards women and the feast later that night.


"Let's show your mother what you can do, Inu-chan." Tsuki said brightly as she came over to him. Inuyasha had been standing and holding on to Tsuki's low table, happily banging a small wooden Dharma doll on the table. Tsuki took the doll away from him, much to Inuyasha's annoyance, and he started to protest loudly before she grabbed his wrists and said softly, "Let's go, Inu-chan!" He stood there for several minutes, standing in front of her, until he picked his foot up a few times before finally taking a step. The more Tsuki encouraged him, the farther he walked until they made it all the way over to where Izayoi sat.

"Oh my! What a talented little boy you are!" Izayoi said as she hugged him.

"Aha!" Inuyasha said with a laugh.

"Hai! Haha-ue!" Izayoi said "That's me, and that's Tsuki-chan." She pointed to her friend.

"Suu!" Inuyasha said and the two women fussed over him. They tried to teach him how to say "Chichi-ue" but the little hanyou couldn't say it. All he did was make a few burbling noises so they stopped trying to teach him how to say things in favor of playing "roll-the-ball" with him. When he grew tired of playing with the ball, Izayoi took Inuyasha by the wrists and walked him around the room until he started fussing.

"Gomen, Inu-chan, Haha-ue's sorry she tired you out. And you must be hungry as well..." Izayoi soothed as she picked Inuyasha up and cuddled him, before handing him over to Tsuki so that she could nurse him.

His tummy full, Inuyasha happily settled down for a nap and the two women spent the time discussing the letters they had received from their men.


Sesshomaru lay awake long into the night, thinking back about his conversation with Nibori and wondering why he had told him so much about himself. Nibori may have been easy to talk to, but he was still a potential enemy and it was never a good idea to reveal a possible weakness to one. Still, he felt good about having done so, for talking about Inuyasha to someone who was not involved in court politics and more importantly someone who did not know he was hanyou lifted a weight off his heart he did not know was there. With a start, he realized he missed the little runt as much as he missed Tsuki before a little voice in his told him he was really just longing for her and that Inuyasha was an unfortunate part of being around her that he had to put up with. Still, he was happy he was leaving for home at dawn for that meant being with her again. Rolling over, Sesshomaru closed his eyes and soon he drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

He woke up at dawn to the sounds of the camp breaking down and packing away. Sesshomaru quickly dressed and gathered his things as well, before collapsing his tent. Once everything had been carefully stowed away, he hurried off to get his mount.

Within minutes Inutaisho's troops were on the move and Sesshomaru was happy to be heading for home.


Sesshomaru sat on his horse, wishing his father had allowed him to take his war dragon instead. Had he been able to, he would have been home already. So he rode on, half listening to his father's conversation with Takahara, as his mind drifted towards Tsuki and coming home. Grinning inwardly, he thought about all the things he wanted to do with her as soon as he got back and he hoped she would not mind that he did not head to the bathhouse first. In fact he hoped they could have a bit of fun before during and after his trip there. He was enjoying a particularly intense fantasy when another familiar face came to mind. His brother would be there too, most likely being tended to, which would not give Tsuki the opportunity to welcome him home in the manner he was hoping she would. Sighing, he let his thoughts drift to Inuyasha and wondered what the little runt got up to while he was gone. After his talks with Nibori about their brothers, he realized maybe having Inuyasha around was not as bad as it seemed. While he was not much fun now, he would grow up and then Sesshomaru would have someone to teach things to. Although he was not exactly sure just what one would teach a hanyou, or even if Inuyasha would live long enough for him to do so. Since Sesshomaru had never really paid much attention to him, and he took for granted all the little things his brother did and the milestones that Inuyasha had passed, that Tsuki and Izayoi celebrated.


After three days of riding hard and getting thoroughly soaked in the autumn rain, they finally rode in through the main gates of the palace. Sesshomaru quickly dismounted and even though he was in a hurry to see Tsuki, he forced himself to walk sedately behind his father and Takahara. He was glad when his father dismissed his friend as he turned his attention to him. They hurried through the gathering storm, and ran up the steps leading to the main building. There inside they were greeted first by the okugata-sama, who welcomed them home formally. Izayoi also greeted Inutaisho formally much to Sesshomaru's amusement and she was quickly forgotten when he saw Tsuki. She stood there holding Inuyasha in her arms and she struggled with him for a few minutes before she set him down on the floor. "Wait," she said with a smile as she knelt down behind Inuyasha and took him by the hands. Straightening up as much as she could, she said softly, "Walk to Maru-chan..."

Inuyasha laughed. "Muu!" he cried as he took a step.

Sesshomaru laughed. "Very good, little brother," he said as he knelt down and Inuyasha took another couple of steps before Tsuki let go of his hands. He took a couple of wobbly steps before Sesshomaru caught him. "Gotchya!" he said as he picked him up. "Here, you take him before I get him all wet," he said as he handed his brother off to Tsuki.

"Hai. Gomen nasai, I'm sorry to have made everyone wait while Inu-chan showed off, but I thought you both would like to see it," Tsuki said softly, keenly aware that she not only made Sesshomaru wait, but she had also made the dono-sama wait as well.

"All is forgiven," Inutaisho said. "What you've just showed me was priceless. Domo arigatou gozaimasu, Tsukikage-hime." The dog general pinched Inuyasha's cheek and with a rustle of silk he was gone, accompanied by his wife and human concubine. Tsuki giggled at the sound of the okugata loudly protesting that he was making her all wet and ruining her new kimono when he threw an arm around her.

"Miss me?" Sesshomaru asked impishly.

"Hai! Come, let's get you out of those wet things before you get sick," Tsuki said as she gently took his arm and lead him towards the women's quarters.

"Hai...but aren't you forgetting something?"

"Hunh? I don't think so..." A puzzled frown settled on her face and Sesshomaru chuckled softly.

"You sure about that?" He quirked an eyebrow at her.

"Hai..." she said softly as it hit her. Stopping dead in her tracks, she turned to face him as she settled Inuyasha on her hip. "Welcome home, Maru-chan," she said impishly as she leaned in to kiss him.

So she does remember the last time I was soaking wet.../Sesshomaru gently took her face in his hands and brought his face closer to hers. Capturing her lips with his own, he kissed her like he meant it until a tug on his sleeve reminded him they weren't alone and they broke away from each other. /Just wait until I get you alone, Tsuki-chan, because I'd love to know just how much of that afternoon you remember...

"Muu!" Inuyasha cried, holding his hand out to him.

Sesshomaru laughed. "What do you want, runt?"


"Inu-chan, Maru-chan can't hold you as he's all wet. Let's hurry back, before he makes a fuss," Tsuki said and as they made their to the women's quarters she sang softly to Inuyasha. "Silly pup, silly pup!"

Sesshomaru chuckled and shook his head. "Silly pup?"



"Silly pup indeed," he said as they walked along the near empty corridors. "Is there anything else he can do?"

Tsuki looked over him, surprise written all over her face until it melted into a smile. "Hai. I started giving him a couple of spoonfuls of okayu in the morning and again at night before we go to sleep, and I don't think he likes it all that much better than he did the omoyu* I used to feed him, but it's helped him sleep better at night. He's also staring to call Ningen-hime, 'Aha' which is just too cute and he also..." she prattled on about all the things they did together while he was gone.

Sesshomaru smiled and nodded in all the right places./ Hai, it really is good to be home again. Who knew I missed the runt as much as I missed Tsuki-chan.../


*okayu: Regular rice gruel.

**omoyu: Thin rice gruel fed to babies at around five months to help wean them off the breast.

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