Categories > Original > Sci-Fi > Murder Mystery Space Station 13

Chapter 3 - Last Man Standing?

by Sensi 0 reviews

Maybe? Maybe not. I don't even know anymore...

Category: Sci-Fi - Rating: G - Genres: Sci-fi - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-09-09 - Updated: 2007-09-09 - 1214 words

Jayven Kuo sighed as he dragged John Dark into security. The boy looked distressed to an amazing amount, not surprising being that he was about to be thrown in jail. He opened the doors and threw the former research technician inside. He sighed and went to gazing at the cameras.

Alex Riggs looked at Will Riker's body. "I don't even need an analyzer for this...shot through the brain stem, dead as a doornail.? He glanced up at Corley. "Well, pinky, got any fancy analyzers for this?" Corley chuckled and shook his head. "No, no such luck. With a laser gun, fingerprint scanners aren't very useful. I had to scan the captain?s corpse, and the culprit's wearing gloves, at least while he's doing the crimes. He isn't stupid, that's for sure."

John Dark looked to the side, and noticed the other prisoner. "So...uhh...what are you in for??"Max Power turned his head slowly, gazing into Dark's eyes. John knew right then that his cellmate was insane. "I'm here because I purged them." The handcuffs on the maniac clinked. "They're dead. They deserved that. I'd kill them again too. You'll join them too. The evil ones will be gone, the Great Purging is at hand. You will all die." Kuo glanced inside. "Don't mind him kid, he's crazy." John backed off, and sat on the bed. "This is gonna be a long day..."

Jim Smith gazed sadly at the body of Riker, still lying on the floor where he had died. A pity, Riker'd been a good worker and person, albeit a little tipsy around the edge, but still a loss to the station. The research tech, John Dark, had been accused of the murder and thrown in jail for it. All's fine and good, Smith supposed. He went over to the toxins heater, where Riker's mixture still rested. " take this to Gonja..." A fist hit him in the back of the head, and he stumbled. He turned around. "'s you and not Dark. I guess I'm not surprised, for some reason...But you made a mistake. We're on even grounds, and you're not taking me down."

Corley walked into toxins lab through the still open door, why didn?t they close those things? "Hey! Jim! Gonja's whining that you're taking too long! Hurry up with the stuff!" Corley looked around inside. "Eh? No one?" He looked around again, this time cautiously. "I wonder..." He quickly walked across the lab, and glanced at the heater. "Nothing, I guess he's on his way then." Corley laughed at his own paranoia, and left the lab.

Gonja sat in the former Captain's desk. He was worried over pretty must everything. Despite the fact that they had captured John Dark, he felt in the pit of his stomach that they were wrong. Sure, the evidence was stacking against the kid like meat on a sandwich, but there was that little nagging doubt in his mind that they weren't right. The door opened, and he almost reached for his gun. Almost. "Corley reporting, sir." Mcnail shook his head back and forth. "Where's Smith?' The strain on his nerves was obvious. Corley looked confused. "Sir...I checked out toxins lab, there was no one there..." "Am I surrounded by idiots?" Gonja thought, then panic began to spread in his mind, what if...? "Did you check the heater?" "Yes, there was nothing there." Gonja looked up at him, his eyes looked like they were stuck in back of his head. Realization dawned on Corley's face. "Where's Smith...and more importantly.... Where's the bomb!?"

Alex walked into security, holding in his hands a pill. "Medication, Kuo." The guard nodded and opened the door. Alex walked in between the two security doors, watching as one closed behind him and opened in front of him. "Oh Maxie, it?s medication time!" The prisoner grumbled and stared at him. "Come on, open up.." He held Max's mouth open and began to push the pill in when Max pulled the handcuffs around his neck and began to pull inwards. The doctor began to choke. John got up. "Ahh! Guard! Help!" But there was no need, Alex's fist met Max's face and the prisoner went to the side, then another punch and he went down. The doctor backed off and grinned. "Maxie, didn't I tell you not to fight?" He fed the downed man a pill. After he did that he glanced over at Dark and the research tech looked back at him, he noticed the glint in the doctor's green eyes...he could have sworn he saw madness. Could it be...? "Coming out Kuo." The guard opened up the doors, and Alex left. John Dark sighed, how did he get himself onto a station with murderers and murderees and crazy prisoners and mad doctors anyway? Yes, it was going to be a very long day...

Varrius Frost and Brace Sprinter sat on chairs, half panting and half laughing. The two looked at each other, then burst into laughter again. Neither of them noticed the figure sneaking into the plasma research, and the figure again applying a screwdriver to the fire alarms in the area.

John Farrell ran onto the bridge, interrupting Corley and Gonja?s stunned silence. "Umm...sir...we have a problem." Farrell handed the Head of Personnel a pair of meson scanners. "Sir...there's a huge fire on engine." The three looked at each other for what seemed to be a long while. "What's happened? Are the engineers okay?" Farrell shrugged his shoulders. "You know as much as I do now." Gonja sighed. This murderer was going to make him go crazy...if he didn't kill him first. "We have no choice, we eject the engine." The other two nodded agreement.

A minute later, the engine of Space Station 13 was ejected from the station, once a fuel source for a station, now a tomb for two silly engineers.

Jack Smith carried a chair into shuttle bay, his head dancing around in a hundred different directions. He tried to apply his brain to the factor, tried to keep calm and think rationally, but he simply couldn't. He moaned, this place was going to drive him insane. A closet opened behind him, and he jumped to the side awkwardly, falling out of his chair. Karl Marx looked sheepish. "Sorry, I was...err...investigating a murderer lead in this closet." Jack rolled his eyes and sat back up in the chair, he glanced around the room as Marx stretched, and his eyes caught something leaning against the airlock. "Eh? What's this?" He walked over, strangely calm. He picked up the something, which turned out to be an ID card. Karl walked over and glanced over his shoulder. "What's that?" Jack Smith read it aloud. "It says...Miranda Bluegear, Assignment Security Officer..." The two looked at each other with horror before slowly retreating out of the room.

Author's Note - Dum dum dum. Honestly, if I had left the core story parts the same, and written a couple parts different, this could have been so much better...Ah well. It's an old story, and I don't have the heart to re-write it. And besides, it could have been much worse...right? Feh.
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