Categories > Games > Kingdom Hearts > After the Battle but not the End of the War

Alone on an Island

by keyblader_twilight 0 reviews

The trio find themselves on a deserted island with only common highschool students. What happens when the truth starts to leak out?

Category: Kingdom Hearts - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Sora,Riku,Kairi - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2007-09-13 - Updated: 2007-09-14 - 340 words

Chapter 5: Alone on an Island

The group got together, trying to decide what to do. "We should build a shelter and fire!" A girl suggested.

"What about food?" One of the bullies complained. "I can't survive if I can't eat!" Eventually an arguement broke out.

Sora whistled and everyone stopped. "Listen. We have to try and gte along. At least for now. Now, we should decide on who souhld do what."

"No one asked your opinion, shrimp," the gang leader said and the bullies all nodded. "We can decide for ourselves, right guys?" The group shouted in agreement. "So, you stay on yuor side of the island, we'll stay on ours. Got it?" He walked away, not waiting for an answer. The five girls and the gang leaders friends also followed him.

"I was starting to think they owuld never leave," Sora admitted with a laugh. The other two also chuckled. "I'll give them three days until they come back."

Riku smirked. "I'll take that bet and make it two hours."

Two hours later, there was no sign of the other group. They already ahd a fire going and food to eat. Sora and Rikuwere busy making a log shelter while Kairi was cooking. "This is hopeless!" Sora yelled, trying to break a log in half.

Riku chukcled and walked over to it. "Why don't you just cut it with air?"

"Cut it with air? What do you think I am, some kind of magician?"

There was a long pause. "Oh." Sora smiled weakly and looked down at the log. "Airaga," he whispered and a blast of wind cut the tree clean in two. Sora smiled at his work.

"Way to go, genius," Riku chuckled as he lifted another branch full of leaves to build a roof. After half an hour, they step back and admire their work. A crude hut is made from tree trunks and leaves. It looks pretty good but wouldn't hold up in a storm.

Everything seemed fine until Kairi called to them. "We have trouble!"
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