Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Walk Amongst the Stars Because You Shine Like One

Chapter 11-Friendships Hardships-July 21

by rejected_smurf_god 0 reviews

Amy, Leslie, and Kendra are brought back together as friends.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-09-19 - Updated: 2007-09-21 - 672 words - Complete

I didn't see Pete at all for the next few days but he was the last thing on my mind. Amy and Leslie were back for round 2.

I ran into them on my way downtown. I didn't feel like driving and I walked. It was only a few blocks away so I walked often. Leslie and Ame were window shopping by a store called White Chocolate and Borders. As I strutted past them they each grabbed an arm and pulled me back.

"What do you want?" I snapped. Amy flinched but Leslie's lips crawled back into a slow smile. "Oh God you're going to rape me aren't you?!"

Leslie burst out laughing and I have to say it felt pretty good to hear.

Then Leslie shut her mouth as she finished laughing and wiped her eyes. "No we're not going to rape you. Maybe we'll yell at you some more but that's all." Leslie replied.

Amy patted my shoulder. "We've missed you."

I dropped my gaze to the sidewalk. "It didn't sound like it." I whispered, "Last time we talked."

Leslie looked at Ame and back at me. "We had to."

Amy nodded, "It was either that or slapping you."

I chuckled to myself all sadness forgotten. "Yeah, I guess I needed that."

Leslie pulled me into a hug and smiled. "It's ok now between you and Pete though, right?"

I looked at the ground and sighed. "Not exactly." I waited for Leslie to say something but suddenly the door to Borders chimed and out stepped Joe and Patrick.

"Hey it's Kendra!" Patrick exclaimed and before I knew it both Patrick and Joe had wrapped their arms around me and we're arguing over who got to hug me first. AS selfish as it makes me sound, I felt so much better at their arguing.

"Hows Pete?" Patrick asked.

Joe nodded. "Yeah has he screwed you yet?"

Leslie punched him in the arm. I made no move to answer the question. At my silence everyone froze and their mouths dropped open.

"Oh my God. He screwed you?" Amy exclaimed. Patrick turned toward her, his mouth open wide. Leslie and Joe laughed and I smiled.

I shrugged "Yeah. We were drunk."

It was Patrick's turn for an outburst.

"He DRUNKENLY screwed you?!"

He and Joe exchanged surprised looks and then Joe exclaimed "Damn!"

Leslie continued staring at me her mouth wide open. "Was it good?" she whispered.

Amy smacked her and Joe looked at Leslie with a hurt expression on his face. She shrugged. "What?! I want to know."

I looked behind me and played with my fingernails. "I can't really remember."

Joe looked at me "You can't really remember?!"

I smiled "Yes, can we move off of the subject of Pete and my drunken sex?"

Patrick was slowly turning red. Amy smiled at him and kissed his cheek.

The small gesture broke my heart. I didn't exactly know why but it did. When Leslie caught the look on my face she walked up and pulled me into the group.

"Come on we've got a lot of catching up to do." She murmured.

I smiled a true smile and walked off with them recounting my Pete Wentz experiences.

I hate this chapter it's a filler and I hate fillers.

I'm sorry it's taken me so long to update. My computer is a complete dipshit and if it was a human it'd have the IQ of 2 and the Geek Squad people had to come in and fix it BUT it was so bad that they had to TAKE the computer with them so I haven't been able to get on in FOR-EVER.

Secondly, I'm in drama so I will not be able to add during most of the weekends. Tune in this Friday and every Wendsday so I can tell you more about Kendra's sad sad love story.

I'll update you when ever I have a chance without my mother looking over my shoulder. She's at work right now. SHHH!!!!

Stay frosty yo.

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