Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Silence in Scars.

Not Now Frank.

by VampireUntil12pm 3 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Humor,Parody,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2007-10-05 - Updated: 2007-10-05 - 1332 words

Mikey's Point of View
I was waiting outside the toilets for Ray, the leader of the group that was organising the school play. He was in charge of obsolutley everything, I felt a bit sorry for the dude. But hey, he was in an older year and he signed up for it, not my problem I suppose.
"Mikey!", I saw him come out and I smiled before walking with him through the campus park, him playing around with his phone while I had my hands dug deep into my pockets and the hood of my jacket kept low over my face. I was thinking about what happened last night, and what I saw earlier this morning. I closed my eyes for a few seconds and shuddered at the thought, How could she do this to herself? But then, not want someone to help her? I remembered what her arm looked like before I bandaged it up for her. When I pulled back her blankets and saw the blood staining her shirt, and her arm resting across her chest I lifted it up gently and just felt like crying. The cuts were long and deep, and the sight of them forced me to restrain myself from hugging her then and there.
"Hey Mikey, you ok dude?", I felt Ray gently nudge my arm. I glanced at him with a half hearted smiled and nodded. What was I thinking? I loved her, but there was no way I was able to save her from herself while she doesn't let me. I just loved her too much though. I suddenly felt warm tears build up in my eyes and I sniffed in the cold air in hope for them to disappear. Bringing my hands out of my jacket, I took off my glasses and wiped my eyes quickly before Ray was able to catch up on it.
"Ok, the place should just be around here somewhere near my block.",lost in my train of thought, we entered around a corner but I stopped abruptly as Ray suddenly fell to the floor, yelling. I was down on my knees in a flash to see if he was alright, when a fist collided with the side of my head. I stumbled a bit on the floor, landing on my hands and then straightening myself but wincing in pain. I looked up and saw a few of the jocks from school, punching the palms of their hands.
"Are you Iero's friends?" he asked. I nodded slightly and Ray shook his head from the floor. The jocks sniggered and bent down closer to us.
"Well.. little emo kid.. give him this message for us." Then before I could say anything more about 3 fists came flying at once toward me. It was too late for me to shield myself with my arms and i crashed to the floor, feeling myself being pinned down I was punched on every inch of my body and at the same time could hear Ray telling them to fuck off but with a last kick to the head all I could see was black.

Normal Point of View
I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket as I tried to finish off my canvas scetch in class. I know we weren't allowed phones in class, but I found that the only people who would ring me on my cell would be Gerard, Mikey, Frank or my cousin Mia and it would only be in a major emergency. I pulled it out of my pocket, ignoring the teacher's questions as to who had the phone on and could they kindly turn it off.
"Stephanie? Hello. My name's Ray, you probably don't know me but you're the only one on Mikey's phone list that's answered."
"Umm. Why do you have Mikey's phone? Isn't he meant to be at that drama meeting?", I asked. Now fully aware that the whole class was staring at me and frankly, it was creeping me out.
"We were on our way to the meeting," he sounded worried, "Some jocks came past, knocked me to the floor and punched Mikey. Said something about Frank and bashed him. He's passed out on the floor and I didn't know what to do except ring people on his mobile and-"
"Calm down." I said, now fucking worried myself. "Where are you?" I asked quickly.
"Umm.. Near D block.. next to the park where the rows of cabins are." He said. I knew where he was talking about.
"Ok Thanks Ray, I'll be there in 2 seconds just stay there." I said, then hung up and started to pack up my shit.
"Umm Stephanie? Where do you think you're going?", I heard the teacher ask, putting down the book she was reading. I spun around and pointed to the school gates.
"Out. Emergency Miss. Bye." I said, quickly running down the hall and down the stairs leading out of the building. I slung my bag over my shoulder and ran as fast as I could through the green field. I made it to the other side and as I rounded the corner to the carpark I was held still by someone; and while I was taking in their image their warm lips met mine in a soft kiss until I pulled away.
"Frank, Not now. I have to get Mikey." I said, and watched as his face clouded over.
"It's always Mikey." He said, before walking past me toward the school again. I shook my head and continued to run until I caught sight of the toilet blocks and the park next to them. I sighed and kept running, past the toilets and through the park until I finally made contact with the footpath near D block. I slowed down a bit and held onto the wall as I walked, getting closer and closer to the corner. I hope he's here, I thought, finally getting there and rounding the corner.
"Oh my god!", I said. Running over and dropping to my knees next to him. The boy with quite large hair that sat next to him looked toward me and smiled.
"You must be Stephanie." he said. I nodded and looked down at Mikey, he looked fucking terrible. He was bruised all over, and had cuts on his head from where someone would have thrown something or kicked him. Also his arm was twisted in the wrong way, so that must be broken just to add to his mess.
"Mikey? Michael." I asked as I touched his face. I felt him twitch a little and his eyes slowly opened.
"Mikey, talk to me, you alright?", I asked. He hissed as he tried to move his broken arm and tried to nod.
"I'm fine Steph, arn't you meant to be in class?" he asked, closing his eyes again and touching his head with his other arm. I smiled and pushed my hair behind my ear.
"Ray called me, and you don't look fine. C'mon I'll take you to the Medical Centre to get your arm plastered." I said, bringing his arm around my neck as I tried to lift him up. Fuck I was weak. I felt him suddenly lighten a bit though as Ray got on his other side and helped to lift him to his feet.
"Here, stay with him and I'll go get help. You gonna be ok?" Ray asked as I sat Mikey on a seat near the block wall.
"Yeah, I'll be fine." I said, turning back to Mikey who had now opened his eyes and was looking up at me. I smiled and stroked his cheek.
"Pussy." I said to him, smiling. He smiled back and rolled his eyes.
"I should have let my kung fu action on their asses huh?" He asked.
"Yeah.. hey.. why did they beat you up? Did they want anything in particular?" He looked up in thought and then looked at his hands.
"Frank. They wanted Frank."
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