Categories > TV > House

Lying with Lisa

by seldra 0 reviews

Cameron/Cuddy (femmeslash). A short glimpse at an unexpected tryst.

Category: House - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Allison Cameron,Lisa Cuddy - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2007-10-08 - Updated: 2007-10-08 - 336 words - Complete

Title: Lying with Lisa
Author: seldra
Fandom: House M.D.
Pairing: Cuddy/Cameron
Rating: R, I guess?
Disclaimer: House M.D. and characters belong to FOX. I am not FOX.
Summary: a short glimpse at an unexpected tryst.

Allison lay against the mattress, her breath escaping in short gasps. Her hands clenched and unclenched against the sheets. She couldn’t touch the woman on top of her – Lisa burned too brightly for that.

A sharp cry and a quiet moan escaped her lips at the climax.

“You sounded surprised,” Lisa’s silken, sultry voice murmured afterwards. “I thought you said you were experienced.”

Cameron swallowed, staring up into the eyes like storm clouds. Black curls fell like night tumbling down over the sharp arches of Lisa’s shoulders. “I’ve been with – it just wasn’t – before – I mean I – ”

She bit her lip, unable to believe her own babbling.

She was embarrassed.

When was the last time she’d been embarrassed in the bedroom? She’s certainly taught Chase a few things. And he’d practically worshipped her. But lying with Lisa was something else entirely.

Hell! Allison felt her face flushing. She’d just had the best sex of her life and she was stammering like a fourteen year old on her first date!

“Come on,” said Lisa, reaching down and smoothing Allison’s long hair with her fingers, “get up. We still have to go to work.”

Her heart was in her throat. She nodded. “We should shower.”

“Yes,” Lisa agreed, but there was a dark look of regret in her eyes, “but not together.”

Before the weight of her words could sink in, Lisa had moved over Allison and strode out of the bedroom without looking back. A moment later she heard the bathroom door shut and the shower started.

Allison took a deep breath.

She realized sadly, licking her lips, that they could not remain Allison and Lisa indefinitely.

They were changing back into Doctor Cameron and Doctor Cuddy.

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