Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > The Crack Of Night, The Death Of Dawn
The Crack Of Night, The Death Of Dawn
(#) XxIceCreamHeadachexX 2007-10-09
Oh, no need to thank me. Your beautiful writing DESERVES reviews. Tis' an awesome chapter. Oh, and I forgot to tell you in the earlier review, that I absolutely adore the title of this fic.
You have an amazing talent for writing. Update soon!Author's response
Your beautiful reviews DESERVE thanking! lol, I just keep repeating you like an idiot. Anyway, thanks, I came up with the title myself.The Crack Of Night, The Death Of Dawn
(#) mooniexmisfit 2007-10-10
I am adoring this. It's so vivid, more when you can!
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