Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Mad By Association

Chapter 17

by poser 3 reviews

Ray has something to say

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Ray Toro - Published: 2007-10-09 - Updated: 2007-10-09 - 565 words


Number 17:

Toro's point of view ```

"A man used a stick as his substitute dick.
His wife chopped it off.
That's why he has no prick."

And the class was silent.

"Okay, Jervay," the teacher swallowed hard, if only she had a flask, she could take a swing of liqour to dispell that level of stupidity, "nice usage of the word prick." Apparently in English class today, we were told to make a short prose using the chosen word for the day 'prick'. And well that was the worst for the moment. Oh Jimi Hendrix, why is this woman staring at me. "Raymond, enlighten us," she pleaded strongly, "please."

"Uhh," I sratched my brain, my skull, my whatever, searching for something to say. Hearing some rude remark behind me, "Maybe some candy would fall out." I'm sure they're refering to my hair, but I'm not bothered, not bothered at all. "Allright," I took a deep breath, here goes nothing.

"Staring at its tip, he was cold as ice.
If he got touched, he just might cry. Um..
Skin turns red, eyes full of fear.
That's why, no, that's what happens when the tattoo gun, pricks skin for the first time."

I bowed my head, awaiting what my teacher had to say. "That was different from what I've heard whole day, good job Raymond," I smiled contentedly, "what do the rest of you think?" oh shit, did she direct that question to the class? Before I could even prepare myself for their comments one came flying with avengence. "That was gay shit!" and that's one good reason why there are suicide bombers. I turned my head in the direction of the outburst, it was Jervay.

There were a few snickers from his friends. "At least I wasn't talking about some dudes penis in mine," I said out loudly. "OHH!!" the class erupted in an uproar of laughs. "Kids come on be civil," our teacher encouraged, with a slight smirk on her lips. "Man, I only did it for you, I know that's what you homosapiens like," what? Is he retarded or what? "It's homosexuals you ass," I counteracted, why am I even doing this?

"Oh sure it is, takes one to know," why didn't I see that one coming? Seriously a five year old could have seen that insult coming. The whole class was staring at me, like if I was supposed to defend my sexuality now or forever hold my peace. "Whatever," I rolled my eyes and doodled in my notebook. "See, typical male on male junkie, 'if he got touche, he'd cry'" did he memorize my poem, what the fuck?

"Dude at least, I'm not romancing thoughts about mud wrestling with my team mates. SO fuck off !" I shouted out, grabbing my things and heading out the classroom. Later on in the day I got a note on my locker. It read : DETENTION ROOM: 303. "Fucking marvelous," I crumpled the piece of paper and strolled down the hall.

"RAY!!" Before I could enter the room fully, I was greeted by Frank, who sat at the teacher's desk reading believe it or not his biology text book. "Hey," I stopped at the desk. Sexual reproduction in mammals, I figured that's what he was reading.

Mood: I think I'm proud of myself for not being a silent loser today.

Purpose: To learn every Iron Maiden song in exsistance.
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