Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Alchemical Reactions

The Philosopher's Stone

by MirrorBehindTheWall 3 reviews

Perenelle and Dumbledore make a deal...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy - Characters: Dumbledore,Harry - Warnings: [!!] [?] - Published: 2007-10-11 - Updated: 2007-10-11 - 3371 words

Disclaimer: Owning Harry Potter is a huge responsibility! You have to be seen in public, have your private life investigated, and be the centre of more than half the world’s attention. Therefore, it should be fairly obvious that I have shied from this responsibility and instead sit writing chapters in my basement with a plenty of anonymity. I don’t own it.

Author’s Notes: Okay, so last chapter was very filler-ish, though it did contain plenty of character development. This chapter, on the other hand, has a bunch of plot in it, so enjoy!

A huge thank you to Insane Juggler and Emmadarling over at for betaing!

Alchemical Reactions

Chapter Eight
The Philosopher’s Stone

July 10, 1991

Dear Perenelle,

How are you, my dear? It has been long since we’ve last spoken, much to my chagrin. Though it likely doesn’t feel nearly as long to you, it has indeed been years. I hear that you have taken it upon yourself to look after one of your descendants, for which I applaud you. Merlin only knows how I’d fair if I had to look after a child full time with my already busy position as Headmaster looking after three hundred of them! I understand that instead of having him here at Hogwarts, you and Nicholas have been teaching him yourself, which is very commendable. I certainly hope his studies are going well.

I’m afraid that I’ve sent this letter under an ulterior motive. It has to do with the rising of Voldemort. I realize that most believe him to be dead and that we’re probably two of very few who believe that he will rise once more. Unfortunately, I have come across some irrefutable evidence that Voldemort has found himself in a position to regain a body. Rumours have been surfacing about Dark activity in Albania, and when I sent one of my previous professors (on Sabbatical for last year) to investigate, he returned much less than man than when he had left. There has been a greater concentration of snakes in the area for years now, but now Muggles and the occasional Wizard are vanishing too. I firmly believe that Voldemort has begun his plans to regain his body and his immortality. His plans appear to focus on Nicholas’s Philosopher’s Stone.

It’s likely that you’ve grown angry from just those few words. I must apologize. However, I have tried to explain the situation to Nicholas more than once, but he has refused to listen. He does not realize how much danger it is in. He is well known for being the sole possessor of the Philosopher’s Stone, and as such it is very likely that all the possible locations for where it may be hidden have already been investigated or are very close to be. I know that Nicholas does not want to part with it, but we need to protect it at all costs. It is currently sitting in one of your vaults, and I am offering to collect it and bring it to Hogwarts where it will be given the utmost protection possible. I’ll have each of the professors set an enchantment or trap before the Stone, and I’ll personally guard the very object myself. You know that Hogwarts’ professors are some of the finest and that we will do our best to protect it. I humbly beg of you to allow us to look after the stone for you. It is not safe where it is.

Please, consider my offer. I await your owl.

Your old friend,



Perenelle reread the letter for what was likely the fiftieth time in the three weeks she’d had it in her possession. She had yet to make up her mind completely, as it was a decision that had to be discussed with Nicholas. She had taken great pains to confirm some of the facts that Dumbledore had supplied, and had come to the same conclusion that he had; Voldemort was on the move. The only thing he had gotten wrong was the location of the Stone: it was hidden safely in her jewellery chest, protected enough to mask its true power, but mildly enough that it wouldn’t draw attention. Ever since Harry had stolen it accidentally when he had first come to live with them, she had added additional protections.

She sighed, and moved out to the veranda to await her morning meal and a well needed cup of tea. “Teppy,” she called softly, summoning the elf to her.

“Yes Mistress Perenelly?” he replied, popping into place.

She smiled. “Could you please inform Nicholas and Harry that I will not be joining them for breakfast?”

“Yes Mistress Perenelly. Would Mistress be liking her food out here?”

“Yes, please. Could you also bring me a copy of the Daily Prophet?”

“Of course, Mistress Prenelley. Teppy will be back,” and the little elf popped away.

She sighed, still contemplating the issue of the Philosopher’s Stone. To give or not to give, that is the question, she thought tiredly to herself. Of course, she had fewer issues than Hamlet had, though she had greatly enjoyed viewing the play herself in the Shakespearean era. It was at risk…but…

She ate her breakfast almost mechanically. Still thinking on the issue, she didn’t even notice when her fork went back to her plate to find nothing there any more. Sighing once more, she went into her study to contemplate the situation.

Opening the Daily Prophet, Perenelle gasped. Someone had attempted to break into to Gringotts—something that hadn’t occurred since the last Goblin Rebellion. They had broken into her vault. Albeit, it had been one of her fake vaults that was rumoured to hold the Philosopher’s Stone, but that wasn’t the point. Someone had broken into one of the most highly guarded places in England. Just for the Stone. It was another interesting factor to throw into the mix.

It was three hours later that she had finally made up her mind. The Stone would go to Dumbledore, but not until she acquired enough Elixir to keep her and Nicholas alive a few years longer…just in case. If something did happen to the Stone, they would at least have a bit more time to set their affairs in order.


August 10, 1991

Dear Albus,

I hope that you are well. How is Hogwarts doing? I haven’t visited in years, it feels like. Perhaps I shall endeavour to visit soon, if I have a moment. Things have gotten busier around here since Nicholas and I adopted Harold, the one you correctly identified as our descendant. I have no idea how you manage a school full of children full time—he is a lot to handle—though his studies are going quite well. I highly suspect that if he were to attend Hogwarts at this point in time he would find himself incredibly bored for at least three years.

Descendants aside, I have seriously contemplated your offer. I have yet to discuss this with Nicholas, and I kindly request that you do not either. It has become my matter. The Philosopher’s Stone is welcome to your protection, though I wish to oversee the protections placed upon it. I will visit in the coming weeks to drop it off—on the condition that you have the protections prepared. It has remained safely guarded for over six hundred years and I would not see it vanish from the most magical place in all of the United Kingdom for lack of protection. I’m sure you understand.

Expect to see me before the term begins. I hope your preparations for another year are going well, and it will be a pleasure to see you again.



September 30, 1991

My dearest Perenelle,

I’ll begin this letter quite bluntly: you requested that I inform you if there are any attempted break-ins into the corridor guarding the Stone. Unfortunately, one occurred just yesterday, though not with the goal of stealing the stone. Three students, out of bed at night and presumably running from the caretaker, accidentally stumbled upon the corridor. Perfectly accidental, I assure you. The Cerberus did not even bark before they ran out of there, entirely unaware of its purpose.

On a happier note, the term has begun well. It is a shame that your foster son could not attend, for even though he is advanced of his peers, I feel that he would benefit from the atmosphere at Hogwarts, after having lived at an orphanage for the majority of his life. Please let him know that there is always a place for him here.




October 1, 1991


I am not pleased to hear that three students were able to break in. I will be arriving shortly for a visit, to strengthen the protections upon the door itself. Please, ensure that the protections do not falter. I cannot update them every month.

Incidentally, who were the three students? Why were they wandering in the hallways after-hours?


October 2, 1991

My dearest Perenelle,

I will ensure that the protections will remain strong. I do not feel that there is a need for you to take time out of your most assuredly busy schedule to waste energy on something that I can easily do. In fact, as soon as I finish writing this letter I shall strengthen the protections to the best of my ability.

The students who accidentally accessed the corridor have no Death Eater connections, if that is your worry. Hermione Granger (a Muggleborn, which is why you likely do not recognize the last name), Neville Longbottom, and Ron Weasley were the students who accidentally stumbled upon the room. I believe they were wandering the hallways solely due to the fact that young Mr. Weasley had been challenged to a “Midnight Duel” by Draco Malfoy, who remained safely in his bed while alerting the caretaker of students out of bed. A prank caused by a family feud, that is all, I assure you.

Again, I express my deepest apologies that mere students were able to enter the corridor. I am going to strengthen the wards as soon as I hand this letter over to Fawkes to deliver.




November 1, 1991

My dearest Perenelle,

I truly hate to begin letters without proper formalities in the beginning, but I’m afraid I must. You probably suspect what has occurred by now—there was an attempted break-in at the corridor, this one purposeful in nature. I assure you, the Stone is safe. I’m afraid that I cannot inform you who did it, as there was a disaster that panicked the students at that very moment (most assuredly set up). However, whomever it was that broke-in could not get past the Cerberus. From the signs left behind, he or she is likely wounded, perhaps even close to death. Hopefully that will assail some of your fears.

I’m so very sorry. It appears that I need Fawkes to place upon my strongest enchantments possible. If it’s any consolation, let me remind you that there are plenty of obstacles and traps after the Cerberus that will keep the Stone safe.



November 3, 1991

You know already that I am displeased. Remember, Albus, you have the lives of two much respected members of the Wizarding Community in your hands and the happiness of one boy’s.


P.S.—I am not your dear.

November 15, 1991


I apologize most sincerely. It will not happen again—no one short of Voldemort could enter the corridor now, and he is several thousand miles away.

Please, forgive me.




June 15, 1992


I cannot tell you how sorry I am.


Voldemort entered the school. I will be conducting an investigation immediately as to how he did so—though I highly suspect the now deceased Professor Quirrel, who arrived home from Albania changed. I believe that perhaps Voldemort was “hitching a ride,” as the Muggles say, in Quirrel’s body. Unfortunately, he masked his presence well enough that I was not aware of it.

Voldemort managed to get down to the very last of the protections in place for the Philosopher’s Stone. Unfortunately, I was not in the school at the time as the Ministry had called me away on very urgent business. Fortunately, one of my professors managed to stall him long enough for a notification to reach me, and I was able to cast him from the school. Unfortunately, Voldemort’s attempts left the Stone destroyed. I’m so terribly sorry.

I realize that you probably will not wish to speak with me ever again. If that is the case, I shall simply wish you farewell.




June 20, 1992


I cannot express how angry I am with you. I expected the Stone to be safe, and it was not. I expected Voldemort to be unable to enter the castle, yet it he was. It appears as if Nicholas was right in forbidding Harold from attending Hogwarts.

However, I do understand that we all have our failings. No man—or woman—is perfect, Albus, and you would do to remember that yourself. As Nicholas puts it, “Death is but the next great adventure.” I have lived longer than most beings in this world. There is enough Elixir left to put our affairs in order, and then I shall bid you farewell until your time comes.


July 10, 1992

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore
(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. Of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Flamel,

We once again humbly invite you to join your peers at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The attached list includes second year books as well as timing to take your first year examinations, if you so wish. It would be a great pleasure to see you in September.

Term begins September 1st. We await your owl no later than July 31st.

Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress

July 14, 1992

Deputy Headmistress McGonagall,

Thank you for your kind offer, but I’m afraid that I will not be attending Hogwarts for my schooling. I will, however, be sitting my O.W.L.s at the school at the end of this year. My home-schooling has been going exceptionally well. I hope to sit for the N.E.W.T.s at the end of the following year, or failing that, the year after.


Harold Flamel

Signed: Nicholas Flamel


July 18, 1992

Dear Mr. Flamel,

Thank you for your prompt response. I’m afraid that the Ministry forbids any Wizard or Witch under the age of fifteen to sit the O.W.L.s, as it is also prohibited for anyone under the age of seventeen to sit for their N.E.W.T.s. I believe this legislation was put in place to ensure that Wizards and Witches with experience entered the workplace—geniuses or no. They want to completely avoid employing anyone under the age of fifteen (as legislation states any Witch or Wizard that has received the minimum of three O.W.L.s may be employed), to avoid magical accidents and mishaps.

However, if you change your mind in the following years, I’m sure many of the professors at Hogwarts would be happy to provide extra material for you to work on. After you have proved that you are capable, of course.

Have a good year,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress


“Harry,” Nicholas said softly as he walked into the library, to make his young charge aware of his presence.

“Yes?” Harry asked, not removing his eyes from the book he was currently reading nor shifting position.

Perenelle also entered the library. “Harry, we need to talk to you,” she said, equally as quiet as her husband.

This time Harry put his book down. “What is it?” he asked.

“The Philosopher’s Stone was destroyed,” Perenelle said bluntly.

Harry stared at her for a moment, not letting her know what he was thinking. “How much Elixir do you have left?” he sighed. “Or can you make a new one?”

“There’s enough Elixir for the next few years. I’m afraid it’s impossible to make a new Philosopher’s Stone—it was a complete accident that I made it in the first place,” replied Nicholas. “I was doing some experiments in the lab and unfortunately the resulting backlash destroyed more than half my notes. I’ve never been able to recreate them.”

“So you’ll be dying then,” Harry said bluntly.

“Yes,” Perenelle said, smiling softly. “Though, it isn’t really that big of an issue. When you’ve been alive as long as we have…”

“I understand,” Harry nodded. “Just out of curiosity, how was the Stone destroyed?”

Perenelle made a face. “A combination of Voldemort, Dumbledore, and my foolishness.”

“A very dangerous combinations,” Nicholas joked.

“Shush, you,” she told him. She turned back to Harry. “Let’s just say that I felt the Stone needed to be removed from its location due to a possible threat, and its removal was its downfall.”

“Not to sound selfish, or anything, but what will this mean for me?” Harry asked, knowing that he probably wouldn’t be of legal age in the Wizarding World by the time they died.

“We’re going to attempt to have you emancipated in our Will. Failing that, we’ll ask you who you want your guardian to be.”

“How will that work, exactly? I haven’t exactly associated with many Witches and Wizards, you know.”

“Actually, Harry,” Nicholas began hesitantly. “You’ll be taking some specialized lessons that I can’t teach you starting after your birthday.”

“What in?” Harry asked cautiously, not liking the hesitation he had sensed in Nicholas’s voice. He knew the Flamels were redirecting the conversation, but he couldn’t care less at that moment. He needed to think things through on his own first.

“Oh, combat, strategy, application, duelling…” He said casually, grinning when Harry groaned. “Stuff this old bag of bones can’t teach you.”

“Must I?”

“Yes. While you are very knowledgeable, you know nothing about applying the skills you have. I have yet to see you do anything astounding with that Magic Sight. You could discover other talents, in fact. For all you know you could be a Seer, yet you cast Divination aside simply because it’s ‘wishy-washy.’”

“Well it is!”

“Perhaps,” Perenelle commented, inclining her head, “But this knowledge is still necessary. You know how much danger you’re in. What’s worse, is that the Ministry will likely force you to Hogwarts if they emancipate you—where you’ll be in much more danger.”

Harry sighed. “Alright. Fine. Doesn’t mean I’ll like it though.”

“We didn’t think you would,” Nicholas grinned. “You’re too much of a bookworm.”

“Yeah, but at least I know when it’s worth it to learn something new,” Harry said, before pausing momentarily. “Incidentally, will you also begin teaching me Alchemy?”

Perenelle and Nicholas exchanged glances. “Why?”

“You’re the expert…” Harry shrugged. “I figured that you might want to pass on some of your knowledge.”

“We’ll see,” said Nicholas. “You need a basic grounding in Runic Magic, Muggle Chemistry, and Potions first.”

“Check, check, and check,” Harry replied grinning.

Nicholas hummed speculatively. “I’ll do the checking, Harry. Not you. We could do it right now, in fact.”

“Fine,” Harry sighed, before closing the book he’d been reading (/The Magic of the Mind /by Joseph Moore) and getting up. “Where to?”

“You really want to learn this?” Nicholas said in exasperation.

“Of course,” Harry said. “There’s so many possibilities with Alchemy…”

“Alright, alright,” Nicholas conceded. Perenelle just watched in amusement. “Assuming you perform adequately, we’ll begin Alchemy with your other lessons.”

“Thanks!” Harry grinned, before sitting back down and grabbing his book once more.

“And what happened to taking the tests now?” Nicholas asked, smirking as he rose from his chair.

“Damn,” Harry swore, before following the man out of the room as he beckoned.
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