Categories > TV > Buffy the Vampire Slayer > Season 8

Ep. 2 - Ch. 3, Giles' Rules

by sailorchick321 0 reviews

Giles' Rules to the new watchers

Category: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Characters: Giles - Published: 2007-10-12 - Updated: 2007-10-12 - 923 words


Giles’ Rules

Over the next two weeks Giles managed to get in contact with the chosen Watcher of each of the new Slayers, and get them all to a conference room in Wolfram & Hart. He surveyed the room, the oldest there was Isidora’s Grandfather and the youngest was the Dara’s fifteen year old twin brother. Most of the new Watchers were young, early twenties, though there were a scattering of parents there also.

Giles stood at the head of the table to begin the meeting. “Good afternoon, and thank you all for joining me here this evening.” He could hear the various electronic translators tinkering around the room. Whereas most of the girls understood at least some English many of their chosen Watchers did not.

He continued, being sure to pause often so the translators could keep up. “I am going to assume that each of you have had the chance to speak to you granddaughters, daughters, nieces, sisters, or friends and that you all know why you are here.” There was a general murmur of agreement so he pressed on.

“This,” he said holding up a three ring notebook, “is a Watchers Guide. I have one her for each of you.” He began passing them around the table. “Each guide is written in your native language and has the name of your Slayer on the cover, so please make sure you have the correct one.”

He waited until everyone had their notebooks before continuing. “You’ll notice that there are hand written pages in the beginning. Those are my personal suggestions and observations regarding your Slayer. This notebook” he held up his own most resent leather bound journal on Buffy, “is my Watchers Journal on my own Slayer. I have been Buffy’s Watcher for seven year now. She has been an absolute joy. The daughter I never had. I hope each of your Slayers will bring you as much joy as mine has brought to me.”

Giles had to pause to collect himself before continuing. “After the handwritten notes you will find several pages of rules. I’ll summaries them for you briefly now.”

He turned in his own Watchers Guide to the Rules sections. “You’ll notice that while there are hundreds of rules in the Guide that there are only six highlighted. The purpose for this is that after recent events, please see the section on the First for more detail, we have been forced to make some radical changes. The seven highlighted rules are the only ones I insistent you all abide by. The others can help you if you chose to follow them, but they are not necessary.”

“The first rule is that this knowledge must be guarded with the utmost care. You can’t tell anyone of the slayers who does not already possess such knowledge without the express knowledge and permission of myself and the rest of the council. The world is not ready for this knowledge so please keep what is entrusted to you safe.” Giles watched everyone nod that they understood before continuing.

“The second rule is to record everything. Everything you learn needs to be written down. Every battle your slayer fight, every vampire or demon she kills, every new contact or skill and every mistake needs to be recorded. I know this is a painful topic, but even her death must be documented. The records you keep now could save the life of another later on. I have buried my Slayer. I know how hard that is to think about. We were fortunate enough to have a very powerful and very naïve witch that brought her back, there is more about that in the section on witchcraft, but those are forces best left alone.

“That leads us to the third rule. I will help you get in contact with a witches coven near your home location. Please use them and seek their help. However I will warn you that while magic and be abundantly helpful, it is not always the answer. If in doubt please contact me or another of the council for advice.

“That is, in fact, the fourth rule. Please don’t hesitate to come to us with questions. While the Guide has basic information on the more common demon and creatures you will face it is by no means complete. If you come up against anything that you are unsure of how to fight contact us and we will either instruct you for send help to you. You are never alone in any fight.” He paused to stress this point. “The Girls have been told to contact us each month; I would ask you do the same. Just as an assurance that you are alive and well if nothing else.”

“The fifth rule is to stay in shape. I know that your primary goal is to observe and prepare, but a watcher often gets pulled into the fight as well. So learn some type of self defiance and be on you guard at all times.

“Lastly, and most important, DO NOT DIE, Discretion is the better part of Valor. Running away to regroup and send for help is not a sign of cowardice. Do your best, but know your limits and the limits of your slayer. If the foe is too great don’t face it alone. Are there any question?”

Hands shot up all over the room. Giles sighed and took off his glasses to clean, it was going to be a long day.
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