Categories > Celebrities > Good Charlotte > Thicker than Blood.


by pops-of-sunshine 0 reviews

Ansley has been living away from her small town home of Waldorf, whisked away to New York City. Her cousins and the other boys come to visit, and almost all at once, more things happen to her than ...

Category: Good Charlotte - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-10-12 - Updated: 2007-10-13 - 576 words

Those were my last words to the manager at Mojo Jojo's coffee house. Clutching my paycheck in my left hand, I paced up the sidewalk towards Kerri's apartment building. Freedom, I thought as I untied my apron and threw it into a gutter. It still had coffee stirrirs in the pocket, and they flew out on the sidewalk. I barely noticed.
Skipping steps here and there, I went up to the upper floors of the complex, narrrowly missing an old ginger-colored cat. Arriving in front of apartment number one-twenty-one A, I rang the doorbell.
A tall, heavyset guy wearing horn-rimmed glasses and clutching a newspaper answered the door. "Come on in," he muttered in his deep, southern-accent-tainted voice. Kerri was watering her daisies in the windowsill.
"I saw you a few minutes ago. Did the elevator break down or something?"
I shrugged. "Stairs never killed anyone."
She rolled her eyes as she walked over to the sink and stated matter-of-factly, "Go shopping for that giant walking encyclopedia"- she gestured towards Will , who merely smiled- "and see if you and those damn stairs are the best of chums."
Pulling out a chair, I got my cell phone out and began to play Snake. Suddenly, it began to ring. I opened and closed it, then answered. "Hello?"
"Yes, may I speak to a miss Ansley Madden?"
I swallowed. "This is she."
"I'm sorry to inform you that Lily Madden, a relative we assume, has been in an automobile accident. We're transferring her to Hopkin's as we speak--"
Scared, I hung up, jumped out of my chair, and announced, shaky voiced: "Guys, Grandma's been in an accident-- I gotta go!"
"Wait!" Kerri put her watering pail down. "I'll go with you."

"I'm sorry, we can't let you--"
"NO! Let me see my grandma!"
I could barely hear anything over my sobs. Two nurses held me back, preventing me from going further into the wing. Kerri was standing a few feet away, leaning against a wall and staring at the floor tiles. A few minutes after I gave up and sat down on the floor, an important-looking black man came forward.
"Miss Madden?"
I nodded.
"I'm going to have to ask you to remain seated..."

On the ride home, all I could do was think.
Grandma was my last family, besides my aunt and four cousins in Maryland. Now she was gone... and I was almost alone.
"You'll always have me and Will, An," Kerri reasurred me. "You can move in with us; would you want to?" Since I was on my last paycheck, and in need of having someone around, I had almost no choice but to accept. Nearly out of idleness, I dialed my Aunt Robin's number.
"Hey Robbie."
"Oh, hello, dear! How are you and mom?"
There was an awkward silence,then I explained to her-- the taxi driver had stopped in the middle of a four-way, and a pickup hit the taxi in the side; somehow, something happened, causing Grandma to bleed to death. I didn't hear the details.
I heard her try to cover the reciever and tell someone, though I didn't know who. She returned a few seconds later, and asked, "Do you want the boys to come up?"
I felt my chest lighten a little. "Paul, too?"
"And Billy? Of course."
"That would..." I had to swallow; there was a lump in my throat. "That would be wonderful."
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