Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Walk Amongst the Stars Because You Shine Like One

Chapter 21- Surprise, I'm breaking up with you!- Aug. 5

by rejected_smurf_god 3 reviews

surprise going away party

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-10-17 - Updated: 2007-10-17 - 807 words - Complete

I had one more day and I was miserable. Patrick, Amy Joe, Leslie, Andy, Nadia, Ryan, Rebekka, and Brendan had decided to come together and throw me a going away party. I wasn't supposed to know until later that night but they sent Rebekka to go get me and I could see she was hiding something from me. Getting her to tell me what was going on wasn't all that hard. It ws pretty much like this,

"Reb-" I started.

"WEPLANNEDASURPRISEGOINGAWAYPARTYFORYOU!" Rebekka screamed and then she added a "Don't tell yourself that."


"Rebekka I have a question about your childhood." I said.

"Ok." Rebekka replied.

"Were you dropped on your head as a child?"

Rebekka shook her head "Not that I know of. Why?"

I shrugged "Just wondering."

Rebekka led me up to Brendan's mom's house and unlocked the door.

"Act surprised." She murmured. Then she opened the door and every light came on and people jumped out from all corners of the room and shouted "SURPRISE!"

I let out a fake gasp and exclaimed "Oh, you guys I never would have known ou set up a surprise going away party for me!" I looked over at Rebekka who gave a thumbs up.

Brendan gave me a kiss on the cheek and a wine glass. As he led me away from the front door he murmured in my ear.

"Did she tell you?"

I laughed "I didn't have to ask. She screamed it at me."

Brendan smiled and kissed me. "Hey guess who's here?" He asked.

"Who?" I replied secreatly wishing and almost regretting that it was Pete.

"Stacy Linden."

"Stacy's here?" I asked my eyebrows raised.

"Yeah, she said you helped her through a hard time. She's here with her girlfriend." Brendan winced.

"Ooh." I winced.

"Uhm...Travis McCoy's here as well as William Bekket." He looked at my puzzled face. "He's part of the label Pete's got. Pete wasn't able to come. Mrs. Wentz says he's sick. He sends his tidings though."

I smiled on the outside but screamed on the inside. "Ok, cool."

Brendan nodded to the DJ nd a slow song came onto the speakers. It was "So I Thought" by Flyleaf. Brendan extended his hand.

"Dance, m'lady?" he asked.

I giggled and nodded. Grasping his hand he led me to the dance floor where he placed his hands on my waist. He gazed into my eyes and smiled at me. "You know I love you. Right?" he asked.

I nodded, smiling. Rebekka and Ryan twirled past us. "Of course I do. You don't ever let me forget." I said happily, watching Stacy and some greasy mole on her lip dance past us.

Jesus, even in women Stacy's got bad taste.

Brendan sighed. "Well, since you're going away I know you're going to have to break up with me."

I slowly turned back to look at him "Yeeeeeaaaaaahhh, so?"

He looked at his feet "I love you but I don't want to break up the day you leave."

My face fell. "So, you're breaking up with me now?"

Brendan nodded "Yep."

I dropped my arms from his neck and walked away. Brendan, naturally, followed me.

"Brendan, you got to understand. You don't just throw a party and then dump the girl you threw the party for." I hissed.

He nodded. "I know it's horrible timing but I couldn't think of another time."

As angry as I was at him I couldn't help but agree. What could I do? I'm going to be leaving soon. I'll be busy for ever until the day I leave.

I nodded sadly "I guess you're right."

He stared at me warily "You alright?" He asked me.

I nodded "Just getting used to being without you."

He laughed bitterly "Yeah, I don't know if I'll ever find a girl that makes me feel the way you make me feel."

I smiled at him.

"You'd be surprised." I retorted.

He nodded an dwe fell into silence. We could hear the noises from the party. I heard Travis laugh (at Rebekka most likely.)

Brendan looked up into my eyes.

"So, are we cool." He asked me.

I nodded "Frosty."

I hugged him one last time and then led him out back to the party.

I couldn't help but think that as I wandered around the party I felt lighter like a weight had been lifted off me.

I was single. Damnit.

I was free.

And it felt good.

Grrr...I hate the ending but the rest is ok.

The greasy haired girl with the ugly mole on her lip is a whore that goes to my school that used to be my friend until she told me I was ugly and then she and I kinda drifted. We occationally cat fight at times but otherwise we ignore each other.
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