Categories > Original > Humor > Sazuke High School

Taku's Gang

by Saijumi 0 reviews

Every girl needs a group of girlfriends.

Category: Humor - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-10-17 - Updated: 2007-10-18 - 271 words

"I'm sick of sushi, how about some chicken." Matsumoto said as she fumbled through her bag for money. Matsumoto was tall and slender with short blonde spiked hair. Instead of wearing skirts like the other girls, she prefered the boys uniform becuase she never kept her legs closed and anyone could just peak up there. She is the only girl out of her three brothers and her mother ran off with the cook so she has never had a female influence.

"That's fine, what about you Taku?" Kimi asked. She had tanned skin and was shorter than Taku and Matsumoto. Her face was always covered by her jet black hair with different colored streaks in it. Kimi is kind of the odd one out of the group, but not as odd as Keiko. No one is as odd as that. Her mother is a new age healer and her father is an organic cook. She was always encouraged to express herself.

"Well, chicken it is." Taku said. She ordered the food and sat at the table while waiting for it to be delivered. "Hey, are you guys going to Keiko's party?"

"Frog girl?! No way!!" Matsumoto said while nibbling on some rice.

"Well I think she needs some support since her accident." Taku said.

"What accident?" Kimi said.

"That is a long story..." Taku said going into flashback mode.

Hey, folks this is the author here. If you didn't know, I just make up these stories as I go along so I am trying to come up with something funny for Keiko accident. Please forgive me this might take a while.
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