Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Vampire in the Attic

Not So Sweet Dreams

by BlacknWhiteRainbow 3 reviews

The door didn't open. The window didn't creak. How did he get in?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy,Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2007-10-18 - Updated: 2007-10-19 - 576 words


Chapter 2 Not So Sweet Dreams

...this guy was in my room. I couldn't tell how old he was. He could have anywhere between 16 and 30. He face had this really bizarre unageless look. He did look hot. He was probably ax murder here to kill. Did getting raped and murdered by a hot guy make it less bad? In my book it did.

He just stood there in my room looking so indifferent. He wasn't going to kill me? No, he wasn't. It hit me. It's a dream. Dur dur dur. I just had to wait for it to get over. How else could this be happening? "Sorry hun, this isn't a dream, I'm quite real." I could hear the slight pleasure he got in bursting my bubble. Oh, he is going to rape and murder me. I almost had gotten away with continuing my life, but that didn't happen to me. "I'm not going to rape or murder you." Well that was reassuring. Was I really supposed to believe him? Yeah, I guess, I wasn't getting out this situation with my sanity or life.

This time I spoke, "So um, tell me what are, you going to do to me?"
He smirked.
"I'm not going to answer that. Why don't you guess?"
He's toying with. Great. My last minutes on earth are going to be severely annoying.
"Hey, this time you're actually right, I am toying with you. It's quite fun."
"Um how did you get in my room?" I was still under the covers, with Tomathy, if one us were going to die it was going to him. Plus this was the one night I skipped pajama bottoms and just wore panties and a t-shirt.
"Would you believe me if I told you I've been living in this house longer than you?"
"Would you believe me if I told you I'm the bat that lives in your attic?"
"Then what will you believe?"
"I believe you're going to rape and kill me, for what I still don't know."
"Still thinking I’m going to kill you?”
"I'm assuming the worst."
"Then what would be the best scenario?"
I sighed, "I guess the best scenario is Christmas has come early this year and you're Santa Claus."
"Good answer."
It was my turn to ask a question,"Why are you here?"
"'I want to be here."
"Why do you want to be here?"
"You're here."
"Oh," I wasn't sure if I was flattered or not. He wasn't bad looking at all. Then again him being hot didn't erase fact that he was going to rape and kill me.
"I'm not going to rape you, okay?"
So he was just going to kill me.
"Or kill you."
"Then what are you going to do with me?"
"Just talk?"
"About what?"
"Why I'm here."
"Okay-so why are you here?"
"For you."
"Could you give me an answer longer than three words?"
He looked at his watch, he sighed.
"I've to go. Don't tell anyone about me, like they would believe you. Someone breaking into your house just to toy with you is a very unlikely story. You've always had an over active imagination."
He flicked off the lights and then he was gone. No door creaking open to let him out. I knew it wasn't dream. It was just too real. Plus the part I didn't wake up.
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