Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Hello You.

"Circles have WAY more fun."

by TheLoudMime 6 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2007-10-19 - Updated: 2007-10-19 - 810 words


A stupid grin was still plastered to my face the next morning as my eyes flickered open. You know, the way you still feel high after a great night. I rubbed my eyes and glanced down with disgust at my outfit, last night’s clothes which I’d been too lazy to take off. I finally gathered up the strength to get up, and I did a little dance on my way to the bathroom. Which, of course, my gayer-than-thou roommate (Jean, as he was now known. Apparently, Alex wasn’t French enough) had practically moved into. Not that I’m a homophobe or anything. I’m bi. But there is such a thing as being TOO gay. Like, when it’s only for attention.

I didn’t really mind about the bathroom. I was still too happy to care. I picked up the remote and started strutting around the room, “Dah-na-na-na-na-nah…I don’t want you…to be no slave…I don’t want you…to work all day…but I want you…to be true…’cause I just wanna make…love to you,” I pointed vaguely at the TV, “love to you.” Oh yeah. My music taste keeps getting better and better. If only you could see me now.

Jean came out of the bathroom, dripping and smelling like he’d just rolled in a field of candyfloss. (Oh what a field that would be.)

“And where did you run off to last night?” He said prissily, eyeing me up and down with his beady little eyes, looking sickened at my current state of crustiness.

“Nowhere, did nothing, met no one.” I replied, predicting his next two questions. I skipped past him into the bathroom.


I ignored him and shut the door. My thoughts drifted back to last night and you. Oh God. Once I’d started I couldn’t stop. I thought about you when I was in the shower, I thought about you on my way to college. Same through all of my classes. There was a lot to think about when it came to you. Thanks, Gerard. You’d turned me into a teenage girl.

College seemed to pass in a second, thanks to my new distraction. When I finally escaped, I headed over to Walmart for my afternoon shift, looking in through the Starbucks window as I passed, just in case I saw you sitting there. You weren’t. I started my shift, and was stacking loaves of bread on the bottom shelves happily when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

“Hey there.” You smiled. I turned around on my hunkers and saw a pair of black-clad legs. I stood up, and was met with your PrettyBoy smile once again. I almost felt guilty seeing you, like you could see that I’d been thinking about you.

“Hi.” I grinned stupidly.

“Thought I might’ve seen you here. Did you go last night?”

“Uh, yeah, I talked to you, remember?”

“Really? Jeez, I apologise for anything I said. I was pretty out of it last night.” You replied sheepishly, running your hand through your bedraggled hair.

“Nah, s’ok.” I sighed. “I forgive you. Kidding! You wouldn’t have known you were drunk though.”


“Well, just a bit. But nothing major happened! You guys really were awesome last night.”

You punched my arm. “Aw, thanks. So up for next Friday? Same time, same place. ”

“You bet.” No way was I missing that. “Yeah, so, um, yeah! Uh,” Go on Frank. Don’t go all awkward now. “Youwannahangoutsometime?” Don’t forget to breathe either, Frank. It’s not like you’re asking him out. Yet.

“Sure! Hey, my friend Ian’s having a party this weekend. Well, not so much a party as an excuse to get wasted. Come, please?” I pretended to look torn between the prospect of doing sweet fuck all, or spending a night with you. “They’ll be free drinks…” You teased.

“Fine then, you’ve persuaded me…” I grinned, trying not to jump in sheer ecstasy.

“I’ll meet you at the swings in Crewley Park on Saturday at half seven then. Be square and be there.”

“Kay. But what if I want to be circle?”

You laughed. “FINE. You can be circle if you want.”

I fluttered my eyelashes. “Circles have way more fun.”

I turned to see my supervisor glaring disapprovingly at us. “Yeah, I sort of need to work now…” I said, disappointed.

“OK. Sorry. See you later!”

“Bye!” You walked past, carrying a six-pack of beer. I watched you out of the corner of my eye until you walked out of the store. My shift seemed longer somehow. Probably because I wanted to get home to worry over what I was going to wear. Yeah, thanks again Gee. Teenage girl symptom number two.

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