Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Back To The Future

The Truth Hurts Worse

by GoogleGeek 3 reviews

"I saw her boobs." C'mon, we all know that there is only one person who could say that...

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-10-23 - Updated: 2007-10-23 - 1715 words - Complete

Last night's concert in Michigan had gone good. Cameron had stayed with Mel, who was catching up with them in Rosemont. Lana hadn't watched the show because she was going to catch up with some friends. She had missed both of the shows they had played so far.

"Pete!" Lana called as she walked out of the buses bathroom. She grimaced as she walked towards the cramped, back corner of the bus and opened the shut door, wearing nothing but a pair of track-suit pants and a bra.

Patrick looked up from his laptop and gasped. Andy looked up from his book and gasped. Andy grabbed Patrick's hat off him and covered Cameron's eyes with it.

"I can't see!" he complained, whacking the hat away before turning back to the car racing video game. "Awwh, now I'm losing."

Joe smiled smugly. "Now, all I have to do is beat Pete and I shall ultimately rule" he cried triumphantly.

"Joe, you can't beat me because I ultima..." Pete dropped his control and stopped his sentence.

Lana glanced behind her, trying to figure out what Andy,Patrick and Pete were looking at. "What?" she snapped, before planting her hands on her hips. "Baby, can I talk to you for a minute?" she asked sweetly.

Joe and Cameron spun around too. Cameron's face was unreadable but Joe had some sort of smirk on his face. He either looked disgusted or turned on, it was hard to tell.

Pete got up quickly and left the room with Lana. "Hey," he said once they were alone. "Can I ask you something?"

"O.k, but then you have do something for me." she teased.

"Why are you only wearing pants and a bra?" he asked, keeping his eye's directed on Lana's face.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought this was the kind of stuff you liked." She said mockingly. putting a hand to her open mouth. "But, if you want, I can just cover it all up and never let you see my flesh again."

Pete shook his head, smiling. "No, I like it. I just don't think Andy likes thinking about giving his son an early sex ed talk." he chuckled.

Lana rolled her eyes and didn't laugh. "Fine, I'll change" she huffed.

Pete squeezed her shoulders. "Thank you. Now, what did you want me to do?"

She looked up at him. "We need to stop at the next store." she said.

Pete scratched his head. "But, we stopped like an hour ago, just out of Michigan."

"Yeah, but I need some things."

"What sort of things?" he asked curiously.

"Tampons." she said, straight-forwardly.

Pete nodded slowly. "Oh."

"So, can you get the driver to stop next time?" she asked sugar-sweetly.

"Sure." he replied uneasily.

"Thanks!" she grinned before kissing him on the cheek and dashing off.

Pete went up to the bus driver and slipped him a five. "Keep this and stop at the next store." he said before joining the other boys in the back room.

He took a look at the T.V screen and saw that his car was moving. He frowned when he saw Andy holding his control in his hand.

"Drop the control now." he warned, taking a step closer. "Or nobody will get hurt."

"Wait..." Andy held the control higher in the air so Pete couldn't reach it. He moved Pete's car and rammed it into a wall. With an innocent smile on his face he passed the control back to Pete. "Here you go."

Pete glared at him before placing his attention back to the game. "What did I miss while I was gone?"

"Nothing." Joe said. "What did Lana want?" he asked trying to make it sound as casual as he could.

"Nothing." Pete said, blushing.

Andy frowned. "Sure..."

Pete swallowed his saliva that had formed in his mouth. "Lana has lady problems..." he explained uncomfortably.

"Oh....." the boys chorused together ending with a ripple of laughter. Except Cameron, whose eyes were fixated on the television screen.

Pete could feel his tanned cheeks turn pink. "Happy now?" he asked, slightly embarrassed. But, the boy's knew he wasn't too mad as that all too familiar Pete Wentz grin was curling at the corners of his mouth.

"Extremely." Joe answered, sarcastically. "Now, may I ask one more thing?"

Pete rolled his eyes. "If you really must." he sighed.

"Why wasn't she wearing a top?"

Pete stared at Joe, not quite sure how to answer that. "Umm.." Pete tried to find the words to answer. "I really do not know." he answered, awkwardly.

Andy quickly glanced at Cameron, trying to see if he understood what they were talking about. "Can you sort of make sure it never happens again?" Andy asked, politely.

"Please, never again." Patrick agreed quickly. "I saw way more then I wanted of her."

Cameron hit the pause button on the video game and looked up. "I saw her boobs." he said, nodding proudly.

Andy froze while the boys laughed. "Dude, he is so not gay." Pete smiled, receiving a high-five from Joe.

Around twenty minutes later, the bus had slowed to a halt at a gas station. Patrick gazed out the window and frowned. "Why did we stop?" he asked curiously.

Pete smirked. "Like I said, lady problems."

The boys groaned and Joe grabbed for a near-by pillow. He hurled it towards Pete who ducked. It hit the wall and then fell back onto the floor. Pete picked it up quickly before lurching it back at Joe. Cameron grabbed a different pillow and just randomly threw it. Pretty soon, they were all throwing pillows around, sometimes hitting each other and sometimes missing.

Lana raised an eyebrow as she watched from the doorway. She faked a cough to get the attention which caused them to turn around and look at her. "Is anyone coming?" she asked annoyed.

The boy's turned to Pete, staring at him, waiting for his offer. He quickly got up and walked out the door. They could hear the bathroom door lock.

"I want a donut!" Cameron said. "Dad, go get me a donut?"

Andy gave him a stern look. "Please?" Cameron corrected.

Andy rolled his eyes as he got up. "Anybody else want anything?"

"I want a donut, too." Joe said.

From inside the bathroom, they heard Pete call "Make it three."


Inside the convenience store, Andy headed straight for the bakery section. He grabbed the first box of donuts off the shelf. He inspected the inside to make sure that all of the iced dozen donuts were there and weren't broken. He shrugged and headed for the counter but Lana beat him too it.

"You go first." Andy said to her.

"I was going to anyway." she replied, passing the tampon box to the pimply teenager. He scanned the box and received Lana's money before she left the store.

Andy placed the box on the counter and pointed to a magazine behind the clerk.

"One of these?" the teenager asked smirking, holding the gossip magazine in his hands.

Andy nodded, and stared at the cover. It looked like one of the less trashy issues. "Thanks." He grabbed his purchases and headed for the door.

"Wait!" the worker called him back. "That girl before, do you know her?"

"Yeah, why?"

The kid shrugged. "No reason." he said, smiling. "Enjoy your magazine." he added as Andy walked out the door.

He climbed back onto the bus and handed the guys there donuts. Pete had come back from his bathroom break and it seemed that was where Lana was. Cameron grabbed the biggest donut with the blue icing and eyed it lustfully before biting into it.

Andy flicked through his magazine before stopping to read an article. It was about some big hot-shot action movie star, who was caught making out with a woman who wasn't his wife. Andy squinted at the magazine before placing it in Patrick's lap.

"What?" he asked annoyed, holding the magazine in his fingers.

"Read this." Andy pointed to the article.


"Just read the first part then."

Patrick shrugged and lifted the magazine to his eyes. " 'Maped in Columbus cheating scandal' ." he read the heading out loud. "Very interesting, Andy." he said nodding sarcastically. He handed Andy the magazine back.

"Look at the picture." Andy murmured, giving it back.

Patrick rolled his eyes and squinted at the picture. He pulled the magazine closer to his face to get a better look. "Isn't that Lana?"


Patrick flipped to the front of the magazine. "This came out today."


"And it says two days ago this happened at night in Ohio?"

"Yes." Andy repeated, smiling.

"So, that means we were playing when all this happened."

"Now, you're catching on."

"So, what do we do?" Patrick asked, concerned.

"You wait, I've got it all."

Patrick frowned before turning back to his laptop. He glanced at Pete sadly, who luckily hadn't heard a word of what they had said and gulped.

**- Hours Later. After the Illinois concert.

"I swear, I knew some of those people." Pete laughed, placing down his bass.

"Mmm." Patrick agreed through a mouthful of water.

"Was Lana going to watch tonights show?" Andy asked, sneaking a glance at Patrick.

Pete shook his head. "Nah, she promised next time though." he added, hopefully.

"O.K." Joe said, ruffling his hair. He had no idea about the whole Lana/movie star thing so when he picked up the magazine he didn't notice Andy and Patrick's embarrassed looks.

"Speaking of watching one of out shows," Pete started. "When is Cameron going to watch one?"

"His ear's are too delicate." Andy explained. "But, I'll let him watch at least one before the tours finished."

"That's cool." Patrick agreed. "Have you..."

"WHAT THE HELL?" Joe cried, starting to laugh. He threw the magazine at Pete. "Doesn't she look familiar?"

Pete scanned the paper before his eyes fell onto the picture of Lana making out with somebody else. His eye's instantly looked hurt before he managed to say "That's Lana..."


A/N: ClandestineUnited is an amazing writer and she is a big support.If you haven't read anything from her yet, I suggest you do it right now. She gets BIG HUGS and a BIG THANK YOU.

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