Categories > Original > Horror > Horror Hospital


by SWS020 0 reviews

Wheel-chair gone mad

Category: Horror - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-10-24 - Updated: 2007-10-24 - 658 words - Complete

"Who were you talking to?" Malary asked. Jason smiled a coy smile and wheeled himself slightly down the hall. "Myself" He answered. "No you weren't I heard another voice." Malary said and gripped the wheel chair and began walking, looking around every so often. "I'm sorry about Clark." Jason began. "Don't!" Malary snapped and sharply stopped the wheel chair. "Damn Mal you’re acting like you’re the only one who lost someone!" Jason snapped his normaly hyper mood turned quickly to rage. "NO I DON'T!" Malary snapped and pushed the chair a bit. "MALARY!" Jason yelled and stopped the wheel chair quickly. Malary stood where she was and crossed her arms. "What?" She snapped. "Would you stop?" Jason said turning himself around. "Why?" She asked rolling her eyes. "Because we're supposed to be helping each other. We're supposed to be finding a way out." He stated. "What? No we weren't. We're supposed to be finding some doctors." Malary said and gave Jason a confused look. "No, “Jason said shaking his head warily. "Not anymore. This is the impossible task, Mal. It’s like every scary movie. We're stuck and we need to find a way out, and some of us won't make it out alive." Jason said rolling down the hallway.

Malary didn't know what to say. It was true, it was the rules. But this is reality, not some stupid scary movie. As soon as Malary began down the hallway after Jason, she began to notice that the hallway became more eerie and old. The paint began to look highly chipped and the carts in certain parts became rusted and covered with dried blood. Something wasn't right. "Jason your defiantly right" Malary cried and stopped quickly in the middle of the hallway. Jason stopped in the hall that connected to a turn leading to a dead ended hallway. "What?" He asked and turned the chair around.

His eyes grew wide as he watched a girl walk towards Malary holding an IV pole, ready to strike. But unknown to him Malary was seeing a sight not to different from his. A womanly figure stood holding the handles of the wheel chair. A smirk formed on her alabaster face and the other figure disappeared into a black smoke and Nancy quickly pushed the chair, giving it a hard push. "Jason! NO!" Malary said, reaching out for him, but her immobile legs stayed in point. Jason was sent flying down the dead end. He tried hard to stop but it was like nothing he did would work. He crashed into many different things but still nothing stopped him. Once he realized that he was headed straight for a large window, Jason knew that it was his end. "Oh God, I'm sorry Lance, it seems your promise isn't going to come true." Jason said as his wheel chair stopped and he was sent flying into the window. Glass stuck in his legs as he crashed into the ground, blood pouring all around him.
As soon as Malary got the movement of her legs back she quickly shot after Jason. Noticing the wheel chair sitting perfectly in front of a broken window, Malary slowed down, knowing that she was too late. "No" She cried shaking her head. Not again, her heart just couldn't take it. Malary quickly looked over the edge of the window and to the concrete below. It didn't take her long to look back up and let the silver tears stream from her eyes. The sight was enough to make anyone cry, and he was right, they weren't going to make it out of this alive.

Malary sat in the dead ended hallway for several hours, crying her eyes dry. But even though Malary’s heart was breaking, she refused to let Jason’s assumptions be true. If none of them made it out then it would be impossible. “No!” She was not going to let that happen.
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