Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Blessed by a Nightmare

Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying

by humhallelujah13 3 reviews

There is a place that stands between Life and Death, Darkness and Light. It determines destinies, the make-or-break test. Some say it's a tunnel, some say it's just white. There's a light at the ot...

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2007-10-25 - Updated: 2007-10-25 - 473 words

Chapter Two: Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying

The blackness of the sky highlights the tops of the trees. It is autumn, the fall. Leaves pool underneath trees, green-orange-red waters. Wind blows some of them around, onto the road that divides the forest. The gravel path is rocky, and not often traveled. A constant battle between the great powers is fought. Strange things lurk in the dark, creatures that only reside in the imaginations of the wildest dreamers.

And here.

A girl with wide blue eyes runs, her long, blonde hair flapping untamed in her face.

She's running away.

She's running from everything.

Herself, too.

She's afraid of them, the dark-things, the shadows.

Her large, converse-clad feet pound the gravel road as she runs, the gravel getting in her socks in the process.

They told her all about the Dark, the evil it holds.

What gravel was doing in this forest, she didn't know.

She knows about the horrible, grotesque creatures that lurk in the shadows.

One particularly annoying piece of gravel has worked its way into her shoe.

They told her.

Every time she lands on her right foot, it stabs her.

They wouldn't lie.

Her breathing is too fast, her legs moving faster than her thoughts.

She must run, towards the place of the Light, a safe haven from the Dark.

She wishes she'd brought her inhaler. She could use it about now.

Where light and sunshine would greet her, and the darkness wouldn’t dare tread. They told her so.

Where was the Light? She could've run a mile by now, and probably has, yet she's getting nowhere. The Darkness is creeping ever closer. She shivers, afraid to go on, afraid to stop.

They never lie.

She can't stop, even if she wants to. Her legs don't seem to be connected to the rest of her. She wants her jacket too; it's beginning to get chilly.

They wouldn’t lie to her.

Where is she, anyway?

They told her to go to the Light, and away from the Dark. The Dark is evil; Light would prevail, if only she could get there.

How did she get here?

The Dark nips at her heels. They make her run faster, faster, ever faster.

Most importantly, why was she here?

Her legs can’t go that fast. She gasps wildly for breath.

She can’t keep up. They can’t make me do this! she thinks.

The Dark has her foot.

She stumbles, choking on it.

Her breathing is erratic, and she is dragged into Darkness.

One thought pounds through her head.

They lied.

They lied to her.

She is not dragged into Darkness.

She is dragged into Life.


A nurse stands by the girl’s bed. Her slow, steady heartbeat suddenly shoots up. The girl gasps, her whole body shaking.

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