Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Drabbles


by queasy 0 reviews

Harry, under the stairs.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Angst - Characters: Harry - Published: 2006-01-08 - Updated: 2006-01-08 - 101 words


It doesn't matter that it's always dark and sometimes cold, that the mattress is lumpy and his blanket is an old jacket, thin and frayed, and if he has a nightmare, the only response is a thump on the wall to remind him to keep quiet. Sometimes, when he is lying in the darkness, wavering on the edge of sleep, the faint light peeping in through the door casts a reflection in his glasses on the nightstand -- a blurred, familiar shadow of unruly dark hair like a presence near his bed. He feels safe then, though he doesn't know why.
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