Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Kick Me Like a Stray

by xBackDropSillhouttex 13 reviews

A girl makes one typing mistake... Cue her mysterious pen pal, who she talks to everyday, and yet has never met. What happens when she finds out she's been conversing with her hero?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-10-26 - Updated: 2007-10-26 - 718 words

I groaned and slammed my head against the desk, making Ms. Johnson pause in her rant about global warming. She gave me a dazed, confused look. She couldn't quite bring herself out of her world, where the world went to hell in front of her very own eyes. "Are you feeling okay?" she asked, blinking.

"No, I'm not o-fucking-kay," I spat.

The class did that really annoying, 'ooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh' as I gaped. I really didn't mean to say that out loud. Ms. Johnson raised an eyebrow, still puzzled. Poor new teacher, this was only her first year out of college. I continued, still in too much shock to realize what the hell I was saying.

"Yeah, I'm bored as fuck. I realize the world's going to go to hell in a hand basket eventually, but come ON! Do I really have to be reminded of that every FREAKING day?"

The jocks in the back laughed. I hated those bastards, I really did. I had just said what they have always wanted to say, because they didn't have the balls to say it, but when I got expelled, they would laugh at the "poor little emo kid." I finally had the brains to shut up- well, actually, my friend covered my mouth with her hand and dragged me out of the class, babbling on about that time of the month.

When she pulled me in the bathroom two minutes later we were both laughing. "Did you see her FACE?!" Jordan asked, laughing, "She had NO idea what to do! She thought you were going to kill someone."

I smiled at the mirror, checking my eyeliner and bright red eye shadow. My grey eyes twinkled evilly, recalling the hatred I had felt towards the 'populars' in the back. My black hair fell a little past my shoulders and I swept my bangs to the side, completely concealing my left eye. My friend laughed and tugged the red streaks. "Him, maybe? He was an ass this morning..."

I scowled, my good mood obliterated. "I don't want to talk about that asshole."

By that, I mean my ex-boyfriend. He was my ex since Sunday, anyways. Over IM he decided that he only "saw me as a friend." After crying my eyes out, I came to school expecting at least a greeting. No, the BASTARD walked around three different building to avoid me.

Back in the present, my friend was hugging me. "Ignore him, Ri. He deserves to be stuck with some bitch who can't tell which end of a pencil to use."

I raised an eyebrow at her dumb-ass metaphor, and we laughed. "You okay?" I asked her seriously.

She grinned. "I'm not OOO-KAAAAAAY!!" she said, bursting into song.

I smiled and joined in, running in circles and telling the world that we were not, in fact, okay.


My whole body was racked with sobs as I lay curled up on my bed. My earlier good mood was forgotten as the bastard I once dated continued to tell me not to be overdramatic. I closed his IM box and tried to calm down. After ten or so minutes, I managed to put the lid on my feelings and tried to find my best friend's IM name. I had, in a fit of genius, managed to delete my entire Buddy List a few weeks ago. Not finding it, I sighed and tried to type in her name. Through the haze of my still lingering tears, however, I misspelled her IM name. The first, confused IM conversation went something like this...

{A/N: not going to put anyone's IM name, b/c it might end badly, plus I don't know Gee's IM}

Me: i hate life
???: who is this?
Me: Ridan... This is 'Lexa, right?
???: No, this isn't her
Me: damn, I must have the wrong IM, sorry
???: nah, it's ok, but... can I ask something?
Me: as long as it isn't about nude pics, fire at will
???: lol, nice. but why do you hate life?
Me: you an MCR fan, too?
???: you could say that, but no changing the subject
Me: i'm not changing the subject...
Me: bossy.... ANYWAYS, yeah, my ex-boyfriend's an ass
???: why...?

So I proceeded to tell this unknown person my life's problems as they listened and commented.
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