Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > Unexpected Endeavors

Unexpected Sleeping Arrangements

by scottishfae 0 reviews

The shard hunting group is rocked by an unexpected request from Sesshomaru and forced to endure the deal when, by mistake, Kagome agrees to his offer. Now the group must not only deal with the end ...

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Kagome,Sesshoumaru - Published: 2007-10-27 - Updated: 2007-10-27 - 8650 words

1st Place, Best Romance: Fiction – Feudal Association
2nd Place, Best Romance: Other –IYFG, 2nd Quarter
3rd Place, Best Original Character –IYFG, 1st Quarter

I want to thank everyone who participated, supported, and believed in UE so that these honors could be given. I appreciate it greatly!

I want to apologize for the delay in updates. I’m writing at times when I can, though things are really crazy right now. On top of school and work, I’m also coordinating a convention: AUSAM-Con (, where I will also be doing a fanfiction panel. I will try and continue to write on this story whenever I get a chance.

November is NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and I will be participating again. Feel free to look me up and friend me on the NaNoWriMo site. Due to my participation in this 50k word-challenge, I may have to put UE on hiatus until December. Sorry. Hopefully I can get some work done on UE as well during this time, but just a heads up.


Chapter Eighteen: Unexpected Sleeping Arrangements


When they returned to the group, Sesshomaru was still carrying Kagome. He strode into the area with confidence and headed straight for Sango and Miroku, who were standing around the group’s grounded belongings. He only made it half way to his destination before he promptly dropped Kagome. She cried out as she tried to remain steady on her feet but couldn’t hold onto her clothes or Sesshomaru’s armor. They fell together to the ground with an unpleasant ‘thunk.’

“Kagome-chan,” Sango called, running to her friend.

She glared at Sesshomaru when she passed him. The Taiyoukai ignored her as he glared across the way at his lounging half-brother. He stalked over to the sprawled inuyoukai. He repressed a growl at his nonchalant attitude. “You are very foolish,” Sesshomaru said.

“Not foolish, just daring,” Haru replied, a grin etched into his face.

“Daring or not, what reason do I have not to kill you?”

Haru looked up at his elder brother, blue eyes meeting old. “Because you have not done so already and will not for whatever reason you hold.”

He broke the gaze to look over to Kagome. She was making her way over to where the group’s stuff lied. Sango was carefully lending her strength to the weakened miko. Miroku had been implored to bring along Sesshomaru’s armor. He had complied after a bit of persuasion from Sango, who left the mark of her persuasion on Miroku’s now red and swollen cheek.

“I suppose,” Haru continued. “That your reason is clear enough. She would be very upset if something were to happen to me.”

“What game are you playing?”

Sesshomaru kept a guarded eye on the other inuyoukai. He was acutely aware of his surroundings, taking in the slightest movement that might hint at outside foul intentions.

“No game,” Haru said, his voice filled with jovial mirth.

“I will not be played with.”

“Nor will I.”

The joking glint bled from crystal eyes, leaving only a serious, hard gaze that was completely centered on Sesshomaru. “I once told you I would protect you from any enemy you may have…I meant that.”

“And if my enemy is you?”

The two brothers stared at each other, the tension heavy and palpable.

“What are you implying, dear brother?”

“I will no repeat myself,” the elder calmly said. “And I will give you no further warnings.”

He turned from Haru to walk over to the humans.

“And what of your miko?”

Sesshomaru stopped mid-step. His youki cracked in the break of forest they had taken up for a temporary camp. Shippo and Kirara’s fur pulled up in alarm at the anger that emanated off of him in waves. Even Sango and Miroku looked up and took a step back from the promise of quick death Sesshomaru seemed to be broadcasting for the entire world to pick up on.

“Do not pretend to—”

“Sesshomaru?” Kagome asked.

Her eyes were worried, completely unaware of the danger present. She walked over to the Taiyoukai, still donning the borrowed /haori/, and put a hand on his forearm.

His youki calmed under her influence, easing some of the tension. She smiled at him. “You three brothers are always in silly tiffs. What are you two arguing about now?”

Haru chuckled, rising from his position. “As you’ve suspected, Kagome-chan, it is nothing of any consequence.”

He walked over to the miko and slung his arm around her. The growl that emanated from Sesshomaru’s throat left no doubt in its meaning. Unconsciously Haru stepped away from the threat, his arm falling to his side. Sango and Miroku froze in half-terror.

The entire area seemed to freeze unnaturally at the resounding threat laced in the growl of the Taiyoukai…

…except for one young, somewhat clueless miko from the future. She huffed indignantly and turned away from him. “I swear,” she said. “You’re worse than Inuyasha sometimes.”

She grabbed Haru’s hand and tried pulling him to where the other two were standing, still frozen. She was oblivious to the low, deep growls Sesshomaru continued to make, the malicious stare Haru was receiving or the way the younger inuyoukai struggled to get away from her.

“Kagome-san,” Miroku said, softly. “It may be best for you to let Haru go before he chews off his own arm.”


She finally noticed Haru’s troubles and released him. He took several steps back, breathing an apology, though to whom it was for was unclear. Kagome wasn’t sure what was going on at all, but she had an inkling and wasn’t very happy about it.

Sesshomaru crossed the area and roughly brought Kagome against his person before she could open her mouth. His growl switched to a deep, low tone from deep within his throat.

Kagome sighed dejectedly. She put her hands flat against the naked chest in front of her and pushed. The Taiyoukai refused to budge.

“Kagome-chan,” Sango whispered.

The young miko looked over at her friend. She noticed the pallor of the Taijiya and became worried for her friend’s health. “Sango?”

“Kagome-chan,” she whispered again. “It may be best to not protest at the moment.”

Kagome paused to look around. Shippo, on was nodding his head in rapid agreement, pointing his finger at the tall inuyoukai. Kagome looked up at her captor. Sesshomaru was still glaring challengingly at Haru. His eyes were bleeding red at the edges. Kagome let her protest damper off and she flopped bonelessly against the inuyoukai. His growling dulled to a rumble in his chest, tickling Kagome’s face and causing a quiet giggle. Sesshomaru’s arm tightened in response to the pleasant noise.

“What is this shit? I leave for a little bit and all the sudden the entire world is cuddling? What the hell is going on?”

The group, minus Sesshomaru, turned to see Inuyasha walking briskly into the clearing. He had a battered looking scroll in his hand. “Oi, asshole, aren’t you even going to look at me?”

The ‘asshole’ in question didn’t look, but addressed the hanyou all the same. “You did well with time; I assume your miko is okay.”

Inuyasha blushed and averted his face to the right. “Yeah,” he mumbled. “She gave this to me to give to Kagome.”

He held up the scroll. Kagome stepped back from her current embrace but met with resistance. She pushed against the restraining arm with her body, just gently enough to make it seem like a request. He eventually obliged and Kagome walked over to the hanyou. “Kikyou wasn’t hurt, was she?”

“Nope, she was fine. Worried about you though, as strange as that may seem.”

Kagome smiled, taking the offered scroll. She tucked it into the deep pocket in the sleeve of Sesshomaru’s haori. It was then Inuyasha realized what she was wearing. He looked over at the half-dressed Taiyoukai, back at the scantily dressed miko, then repeated for several more times.

He instantly exploded. “What the hell?” he screamed. “Why they hell are you wearing /his haori/? Where are your clothes?”

Kagome blushed and looked away, only further contributing to Inuyasha’s ire. “Oh that’s it! You two aren’t allowed to be around each other anymore!”

“Really Inu,” Haru interjected for the first time since the Taiyoukai’s show of possession. “I mean, how can the two of them not be around each other if they’re going to fuck—”

“You! Shut up!” Inuyasha yelled, pointing accursedly at the other inuyoukai.

Miroku was chuckling uneasily while Kagome looked at Haru oddly, one brow risen. His abrupt changes in mood were disturbing. Almost volatile, really, and threatening to consume him and those around him.

Kagome switched focuses to look at Sesshomaru who had remained silent during the outburst. His eyes softened at her worry and he walked up to her. His arms encircled her and he bent down to whisper in her ear. “We’ll discuss it later.”

She nodded.

“Hey you two, stop that now,” Inuyasha growled.

He was ignored.

“We should leave now,” Sesshomaru announced. He turned to the group and strode confidently away. “Houshi,” he called, stopping to hold his hand out to Kagome. “Carry the belongings.”

“Oh no, I can carry my bag,” Kagome protested.

Sesshomaru shook his head. “No, the monk will do it.”

The Taiyoukai leveled a glare at Miroku to stop any protest from leaving his lips before it began. He nodded and picked up the large, yellow pack. He reached down to grab Sesshomaru’s armor but was beat to it. Sango smiled at him and hefted the armor up. She shifted her grip to accommodate the weight.

“Well you have to give him credit for agility and grace in such heavy armor,” she grunted.

“Shut up,” Inuyasha grumbled, coming up behind them. “Don’t give him a fatter head than he already has.”

The two humans laughed. “Ah jealousy,” Miroku sung.

“Who the hell is jealous?”

It was lost on no one that Inuyasha’s harsh words were missing some of its usual venom and insult.

“Let’s go, my friend,” Miroku said, putting a hand on the hanyou’s shoulder.

Inuyasha shrugged it off. “Yeah, let’s get going,” he said.


“Are you serious?!” Kagome gasped.

Those not used to her expressions looked at her oddly. No one had spoken since they had left their earlier resting place. Those used to the odd turns of phrases from her, just disregarded what she said, not really understanding most of the things that came out of her mouth anyway.

“Is this really your home?”

They were standing in grassy field, full of flowers, that sat at the base of a hill. On top of the hill was an ornate, large palace that spanned from the very top to the very bottom. Just a few yards up from the base stood an outside wall, the wood darker than the wall further up, indicating it was a newer addition. Already it looked like new construction was about to begin beyond this outer most wall.

“It’s bigger than I remember,” Inuyasha mumbled.

Haru snorted. “What were you…like two when you left here?”

“I was older than that.”

“Not by much,” Sesshomaru added. “Now stop your arguing for now. We must get everyone inside and secure.”

The Taiyoukai, who had taken a position at the rear of the group a few miles back, moved forward and grabbed Kagome’s arm. “Stay near me,” he said.

She nodded and shifted her arm so she was clutching his arm. She still wore his haori. He had donned his armor, however.

“The rest of you, don’t wonder off too far.”

There was an assortment of noises that signified they had heard and understood. The atmosphere around the palace crackled with a dangerous aura and it made the group tense.

“I can see everyone is excited about the meeting with mother,” Haru tried to joke; it fell flat.

“Do not speak, Haru, unless I tell you to,” Sesshomaru spoke.

They had begun towards the hill. Kagome looked up at him, and pinched his arm. Her brows were furrowed at his recent cold attitude towards his brother. He ignored her, his muscles shifting underneath his pale skin with nervous anxiety.

Movement and noise from the hill made it apparent that they had been noticed and recognized. The gates opened for them and several servants flooded out. Jaken’s voice pierced the air as he shuffled out the gate.

“Sesshomaru-sama,” he cried. “You’ve returned for this lowly Jaken. It has been terrible without you!”

He fell at the bottom of the hill and cried at his master’s feet. Kagome tried to smile at him, though her nervousness was getting the better part of her. She stooped down, grasping onto Sesshomaru’s arm still with her fingertips, and patted his head gingerly. He looked up at her, nodding his head at her too.

“Kagome, it is nice to see you again,” he said.

Her smile turned genuine and stood again. “It’s nice to see you again too. Where’s Rin?”

They began walking again with Sesshomaru’s prompting. Jaken fell in step beside Kagome, struggling to keep up with the Taiyoukai’s long stride.

“She is up with some of the servants, playing.”

Not knowing the girl personally, Kagome smiled and nodded. She assumed this was normal behavior for her.

“And where is my mother?”

Jaken cringed. “Waiting for you in the ante-chamber.”

“She seeks a formal audience with me?”

“Yes, Sesshomaru-sama.”

A silence fell over the group. He looked westward to see the progress of the sun. It was too far gone to be able for the whole group to attend any audience his mother required. “Jaken, I leave it to you to find suitable quarters for Inuyasha and his pack. Somewhere within the buildings of my control.”

He nodded.

“Haru, you will go and change and wait with mother in the ante-chamber.”

“Escort her in?”

“If you wish, but mostly delay her. Kagome and I will change into appropriate clothing and will meet her in the audience chamber.”

“So formal?” Kagome interrupted, understanding a little of the customs they were speaking of.

“It’s to keep her at a distance,” Haru said. “And so that she can keep her distance from us. A form of manipulation, Kagome, be very wary of her and everything she does.”

Sesshomaru made a noise of agreement, strengthening his hold on Kagome’s arm as they entered the palace grounds and began walking to the appropriate building.

“My stuff, Sesshomaru,” Kagome said as they began to pull away from the pack. “I need it to change.”

The Taiyoukai shook his head, “I will provide clothing for you. You will be presented to those of minor importance of the court this evening and you will need to dress for your new position.”

Kagome chewed on her lip, worry washing over her usual self-confidence. “I-I don’t know how to act, though.”

For the first time since they began their trek on the palace grounds, he looked down at her. “Do not worry, I will explain your role as we change.”

“We?” she squeaked.

“We,” he confirmed.

From behind them, Inuyasha yelled out in protest. The Taiyoukai ignored him, leading Kagome on in a much quicker pace. They had to be swift to draw attention away from the hanyou, who in less than an hour, would be human for the night. Sesshomaru just hoped the half-breed would realize what was going on and would keep himself locked up, silent, and with little to no attention drawn to his presence.

“My Lord,” a servant said, coming out and bowing low.

Sesshomaru looked at her briefly, an inuyoukai like himself, before dismissing her presence as anything worthy of his extended attention. He briefly gave orders for her to see to the others, and to send Michiko to his personal chambers.

“Who is Michiko?” Kagome asked as he helped her onto the raised platform that surrounded the building that housed his personal quarters.

Attached to it, connected by a covered bridge that lay over a crystal blue koi pond, was the building in which the rest of the group was to be housed. It was a position of honor and for Sesshomaru to put them there was a risk in itself. He didn’t fear, however, any retribution from those who may challenge him.

“Michiko is the chief servant of my quarters. She sees to any of my personal care, as instructed or not so.”

Kagome nodded, understanding. In her mind, she conjured up a picture of an elderly looking woman in a formal kimono bowing low and polite as she shuffled away to do her master’s bidding. She was surprised when a beautiful inuyouki, who looked no older than she, walked into the sitting room attached to Sesshomaru’s sleeping chambers.

“Sesshomaru-sama,” she smiled. “Welcome home.”

She sidled over to her master, giving a low bow that exposed her chest more than it should have. Her kimono, while somewhat formal for a person in her position, was worn inappropriately and allowed more of her chest and neck to be exposed than was normally appropriate. In fact, it was downright suggestive and jealousy began to bloom in Kagome as she watched how the servant fawned of Sesshomaru.

Kagome crossed her arms and turned her head from the scene. She tried to act like the bigger person, but it was hard. She didn’t feel safe enough to leave, especially since her only clothes were Sesshomaru’s haori, but the irrational claims of her emotions were quickly overcoming any self-preservation she may actually have.

“Michiko,” the Taiyoukai said, as he put down his armor in the corner. “Fetch suitable clothing from the store house for my miko there.”

For the first time the inuyoukai servant seemed to notice the other woman. She looked down at her, scoffing at the rugged look the woman had. “I will need permission to go into the kimono storage room and I somehow doubt your mother will grant it to me.”

Sesshomaru didn’t blink an eye. “Unless my mother has gained access to the storage of my own personal belongings, then there should not be a problem. There should be a wooden trunk kept at the right, back wall that houses some of the remains of Izayoi’s formal wear. It may be a little dated, but should be fine until more appropriate clothing can be made.”

“Izayoi?” Michiko asked, more to herself than to the others in the room.

While she looked quite young, Michiko was a long member of the household. She was older than Sesshomaru, actually, and had been one of the servants helping at his birth. Age, for youkai, was something that meant very little. For creatures with their lifespan, age restrictions on most aspects of life were laughable.

“And for you, my Lord?”

“Send Shun in with my formal clothing. Is there a bath prepared?”

“Yes, we prepared it once we saw you coming.”

“Good. We will clean ourselves first. Send someone here to help my miko dress.”

Michiko bowed lowly, shooting a look over at Kagome who was still looking a bit perturbed. Twice she had been claimed by the Taiyoukai of the West, an honor very few (if any) could be claimed. “Yes, my Lord.”

“Oh, and Michiko,” he said right before she stepped out of the room. “Please dress appropriately from now on, you have offended Kagome.”

The girl in question looked over at Sesshomaru, shocked that he realized the pettiness that she was thinking.. Her cheeks were stained red from embarrassment. “N-no that isn’t it! Please don’t think…I-I just,” she sighed in defeat and deflated into herself.

The female inuyoukai couldn’t help but laugh. She was a girl with spunk, it seemed, even if she was a human, a miko even. “I will remember to do so, my Lord.”

“Good. Send someone to inform the court that I will be in the audience chamber soon.”

Again the servant bowed this time leaving before anything else was commanding of her.

“You really didn’t need to tell her that she should dress differently for me,” Kagome said when she was gone.

Sesshomaru shook his head and walked over to her. He held out his hand to her and she took it. “You cannot hide yourself from me, in any way.”

He pulled her towards him, angling his body so that when he began to walk she was walking next to him. They went into the room in which he actually slept. Like the other room, it was richly furnished. A shoji screen on the far wall opened the room into a private garden, walled in so that only those in the suites of the Taiyoukai could have access. The screen was shut at the moment; however, and only the remaining sunlight of the day filtered in through the rice paper.

She didn’t have much time to investigate the rest of the room as he continued to navigate her to another door. A private bath, a natural hot spring that the building had been built around, was located there (opposite the side of building that the koi pond, created after the buildings were constructed, was located).

“Didn’t you ask Michiko if a bath had been prepared?”


She stopped at the edge of the water and looked down. Her reflection was distorted from the waves the steaming bubbles produced. “How can you prepare a bath when it’s a hot spring?”

He released her, to shut the privacy door, before returning to her. He stood flush behind her, his arm wrapping around her shoulders. “My bathing things have been laid out,” he noted, his only answer to her question.

“Ah,” she said.

Her usual wordiness failed her as she felt Sesshomaru’s form pressed against her. She was keenly aware of the fact that all that separated them was his hakamas and his /haori/, on her body. She shivered, though she didn’t know what from.

“If it would suit you, I will allow you to undress and enter first.”

Kagome looked up at him, his face looking out into the water. The steam made him seem ethereal, the white of his hair blurring into an unearthly glow. “T-thank you,” she said.

She turned back to look over the pool, feeling more than hearing as Sesshomaru moved from behind her and turn around. She was grateful, though she realized he had seen more of her than she had willingly shown anyone else before. Though there was some question about how willing she had been earlier that day.

Wasting no more time, Kagome undid the sash that held the haori synched around her waist. She looked around to see where to put the yellow sash.

“Just put it on the ground, the servants will come by later to pick it up,” Sesshomaru said after a few moments.

She turned around, her eyes narrowed. True to his word; however, he was still turned around and it didn’t appear that he was trying to peak either. She chalked it up to keen senses and turned back around to finish undressing.

Kagome relaxed her arms and let her shoulders go lax. The silk fabric slid off her form and pooled at her feet, there was a slight clink from the scroll still in the sleeve hitting the hard floor. She let out a sigh as the steam curled around her body and brought goosebumps to her flesh.

Stepping closer to the edge of the water, she stuck her toes into the water, testing its temperature. Satisfied with it, she stepped into the water fully.

“I can’t even tell you how grateful I am to be taking a real bath,” she said, sinking down to sit in the water.

Sesshomaru allowed himself to laugh, a deep chuckle that bubbled from the depths of his throat like music from a song bird. “I am pleased that you are happy.”

She smiled at him, looking up at him over her shoulder. She blushed and turned back around with a startled gasp.

Sesshomaru looked up through his hair and smirked. His hand was holding one side of his pants up just below the hip. The other side was hanging slack, due to the lack of one arm, and had fallen enough to expose the trail of fine, silver hair and the base of his penis. He allowed his hakamas to drop to the ground. Stepping out of them, he stood straight, unashamed of his nudity.

“I cannot decide if I prefer you like this,” he said, stepping into the onsen next to her.

She ducked her head and kept her eyes honed to her knees under the water. One of her arms was propped against the rocky surface by her bottom, the other was across her chest, clutching the other arm. She jumped at every sound he made as he sat down next to her.

“Or,” he continued. “If I will prefer you when your modesty towards myself has faded and are more comfortable in my presence.”

Kagome looked up quickly. “Oh no, I’m fine with you,” she said hastily. “It’s just…well—”

He chuckled again and pulled her closer to him. “It is fine. You will become accustomed to be soon enough.”

She pulled away from him enough to protest again, but he silenced her with a kiss. It was an odd angle, her body a little too far away for it to be comfortable; her body arced sharply. She was forced to pull away before the pain got too great. Her breathing was heavy all the same.

Sesshomaru followed her as she sat up to straighten her back. He claimed her lips again, this time moving his hand to the small of her back to keep her close to him. She struggled against him, trembling as her naked flesh met his.

The door slid open, making Kagome jump back. Another servant, a tanuki, entered the chamber. He looked only briefly at the two before closing the door and taking a seat next to it. His head was down turned.

The Taiyoukai looked over at the servant, then over at Kagome. She was desperately trying to cover herself up, coming closer to his person in the process. It pleased him to see that she sought protection in him.


“Yes, my Lord?”

Sesshomaru looked over at the prostrated tanuki. “Is everything prepared?”

“Yes, Sesshomaru-sama.”


The inuyoukai stood, water washing off of his body. Kagome’s eyes went wide as she became personally acquainted with his privates. Sesshomaru repressed a groan as her heavy breathing caused puffs of warm air to wash over his member.

Shun stood as soon as master did and went to wooden table. He brought over a cloth for him to dry off of, and a thin, white /yukata/. The servant personally dried the Taiyoukai off before holding out the /yukata/. Sesshomaru donned and tied it shut himself.

“Our bathing was cut short due to time restraints,” he said, addressing Kagome. “If you would prefer to spend a bit more time in here, you may. I will send Michiko in when it is time for you to be dressed. It won’t be long.”

“Thank you,” she said. “I think I’ll take you up on that offer.”

He nodded his consent and exited with his man servant.

“Master?” Shun said, as soon as the door to the bath was closed. “Is it wise to bring her here? Rumours have already been flying around the palace grounds and it seems that your mother has become even more irritated.”

“My mother’s irritation stems from many things, only one of which is the fact that I have brought Kagome here.”

Shun bowed. He, another one of the favored and trusted within the few of Sesshomaru’s personal servants, ran around the Taiyoukai preparing him with the layers that made up the formal attire of the nobility. It was much more complicated than his usual dress. It hadn’t always been, but more and more the noble courts of the youkai began to mimic the noble courts of the humans, and Sesshomaru had been forced to comply (at first). Now he did as he needed for the sake of title, but little else.

From the wooden chest that lay at the far wall from the bath, Shun brought out a white and red hitatare/. The kimono-like top and the short trousers were made of the usual white silk he wore. The sleeves of the top were wider and the pant legs bagger than he wore in the everyday. In the /daimon fashion, large red sakura patterns were embroidered over the outfit so that the white only came through in hints here and there.

Sesshomaru found it hideous, much preferring his usual, attire that relied on the minimal to show through the beauty of the fabric itself.

“Oh wow, it’s like looking into a painting,” Kagome, said stepping into the room with a yukata on.

The Taiyouki growled. Shun responded by throwing his gaze to the ground and keeping it averted from the human woman altogether.

The yukata was thin and was nearly transparent from the water. Pieces of the fabric stuck to her body, leaving little to the imagination to that which lay underneath.

“You should have waited for the servants to dress you in the bath.”

“Yeah, but I was getting a bit toasty in there.”

She smiled at him before walking the perimeter of the room, looking at him the whole time. She made an odd noise in the back of her throat and nodded. “I’m not sure what to say about this ensemble.”

Sesshomaru raised an elegant brow. Shun was racing around trying to finish off dressing his Master.

“I definitely prefer your normal outfit, this one just makes you look…/old/.”

Shun smiled, looking over to the human woman. His ear was boxed for the insult and disobedience.

“I don’t know where you found her,” Michiko said walking into the room, trailed by several handmaids. “But I really like her.”

Michiko had changed into a simple, royal blue uchigi over a white /kosode/. It was tied simply with a yellow and blue obi. Even for a servant, it was still rather expensive dress for just a servant.

The handmaids behind her carried clothing and other objects. She instructed the clothes to be hung up on a waiting rack and the other objects to be put on a small table next to it.

Michiko smiled at the young miko. She bowed politely to the other woman, than to Sesshomaru. He grunted at the high inappropriateness of her actions. The female inuyoukai’s response was only to smile larger.

“Kagome-san,” she said. “It has been given to me the duty of seeing you dressed. If the men don’t mind vacating this room for the sitting room, we can start on getting you ready for your debut.”

Shun looked up at Michiko and then up at his Master. Sesshomaru nodded. In his bulkier outfit, he glided out of the room. Shun followed, bowing to the women inside the room as he slid the door shut.

“Now that the men are out of the room,” Michiko said. “Shall we get to it?”

Kagome smiled at the inuyoukai, she shifted from side to side. It was uncomfortable being in the room this woman who seemed to be so close to Sesshomaru. Michiko continued to smile, fully aware of the tension building in the room.

“Let’s get you dressed, Kagome-san.”

She turned to the handmaids and waved her hand. They jumped to work, grabbing the clothes and bringing it to their superior servant.

Michiko walked up and put her hands on the sash that kept the yukata closed. “If you will discard this robe, we will get you properly dressed.”

She smiled, helping Kagome disrobe. She gave the yukata to a servant who took it away. A plain white, ankle length kosode was brought and Kagome was helped into it. A simple, narrow obi was tied around her waist in a fixed knot in the back.

“Human fashion can be so strange,” Michiko murmured.

She then lead Kagome over to the hanging rack and helped her kneel before the clothing. Two handmaids came up and began brushing out her hair.

“We’ll have your hair done first before you put on the /uchikake/. Your makeup will come last so it doesn’t smear.”

“Oh,” Kagome said. “Do I really have to wear makeup?”

Michiko blinked at the woman. “Well, no, I suppose not. Though it would be much more appropriate if you did.”

“Sorry, Michiko-san, I really…”

The inuyoukai smiled. “It’s fine, really. The court will not suffer any great insult to see you as a natural beauty instead of the painted beauties of the human nobility.”

Kagome looked at the other woman and smiled brightly. Her eyes sparkled in the waning light. Already the handmaids had begun to light lanterns around the room.

“Now,” Michiko said. “Let’s finish getting you dressed.”


Shun was kneeling by the outside shoji screen, his head down. Sesshomaru sat a writing table, looking over some papers that Jaken had brought to him. Rin sat in front of his desk, watching him calmly as he wrote with long, elegant strokes. Jaken had already left to return to the company of the other group, begrudgingly.

“Lord Sesshomaru,” Rin said, trying to get the Taiyoukai’s attention.

“What is it Rin?”

“Why are you dressed like that?”

He didn’t even look up as she talked. “Because it is necessary.”


“It is the dress of court.”

“Oh,” she said, looking at him with curious eyes. “Are you going to court? May I come?”

“Yes, I am and no, you may not.”

Rin deflated. She pouted, fiddling with the hem of her sleeves in her dejection. “Please?”

Sesshomaru sighed but before he could answer the shoji door between the sitting room and bedroom opened. Michiko smiled, bowing at the two before walking full out and coming to a kneeling position as Kagome walked out.

The Taiyoukai looked over her approvingly. Over the white kosode Kagome wore a teal uchikake with pink sakura petals embroidered at the hems of the sleeves and bottom. It was left open without any obi so that the white was visible and lay in high contrast to the beauty of the outer robe. Her hair had the forelocks taken back and tied in an elaborate knot at the back of her head. Her dark locks had been straightened out with a cast-iron plate and hung down to her mid back. Her features were left without the white paint that often donned women’s faces. Simple colour added to cheeks and lips accentuated her more delicate features.

“I commend you, Michiko. You chose well,” he said.

He looked over the outfit again with approval, not seeing the cloudy expression that overcame Kagome’s features. Michiko snickered to herself and Shun wished his Master well in the coming disaster.

Sesshomaru stood, graceful even in the yards of extra fabric. He walked over to Kagome and inclined his head in his version of a bow. Kagome bowed lower, as she was required to do, but didn’t look at him directly. He motioned for her to follow him. She did so. They both missed the cloudy look of anger and jealousy that spread over Rin’s face as she watched her beloved caretaker walk out of the room without any other acknowledgement of her existence.

Sesshomaru and Kagome walked down through the buildings, a few advisors (all inuyoukai) joining them as they walked. Kagome made sure she kept her gaze down, as Michiko had instructed, and her position slightly to the right, behind him. She couldn’t help but shake a bit at what lay ahead.

For the most part, they walked in silence, with the advisors mumbling to the Taiyoukai. Eventually they made it to a grand building at the middle of the palace grounds at the top most position of the hill. Servants bowed as the group passed by.

They walked to an ornate door at the back of the main chamber. Two guards stood there, heavily armed. They gave quick bows before returning to attention. One of the advisors stepped forward to open the door. The room within instantly went silent as the advisors filed in. Kagome kept her spot behind Sesshomaru.

“We will walk to the raised dais at the end of the chamber. Once we are settled I will introduce you to the court.”

Kagome looked him, curious. “Michiko explained to me that I would be introduced after your mother entered the chambers. Won’t it be inappropriate otherwise?”

“It is untraditional to do so, but something that I will be doing all the same. She must understand her place,” he said. “Follow me.”

The two of them entered the chamber, the courtiers bowed to the floor as he walked through the middle of the room to dais. There was a quiet murmur throughout the crowd at the human woman following their Lord.

With the grace expected of him, Sesshomaru walked up to his spot. He waited for Kagome to take her position by his side, again to his right and slightly behind his person, before turning around.

“Before any audiences are granted,” he spoke. “I will introduce you to miko Higurashi Kagome.”

The courtiers shifted their focus to stare at the finely dressed miko. Her cheeks were stained red and her eyes averted to the ground. She gave a slight bow, bending stiffly down from her waist in her nervousness.

“As the courtiers of the West, lesser nobility than myself, I demand you give her the respect of her new title: mother of the heir to the Western Lands.”

The eyes of many of the courtiers opened wide and they stared in shock. Several outwardly protested but were swiftly silenced by the threatening look and deep growl from Sesshomaru.

“Enough!” he yelled. “There will be no discussion of this matter. If I am given word of any disrespect to my miko or to her companions currently residing here, I will personally have you killed. Am I making myself clear?”

The courtiers remained silent, none protesting. Sesshomaru was satisfied that they would at least obey his wishes, even if they were against his choice. He sat down on the dais, motioning for Kagome to do the same. She was less graceful in the extra fabric and almost fell. “Sorry,” she mumbled, her ears burning red from embarrassment.

She could hear several of the courtiers, mostly the women, laughing at her slip up, which made her all the more self-conscious. Sesshomaru reached over and place his hand on hers. She settled some, but still fumbled with her sleeves.

Sesshomaru turned to focus at another door that lay at the far end of the chamber. It went to the ante-chamber. Sesshomaru nodded to his advisor who opened the door. Moments later a female inuyoukai exited the room, followed by two female servants. She looked down to the dais, saw Kagome sitting by her son, and narrowed her eyes, obviously displeased. She bowed where she was, then walked down the room, where she knelt and bowed again. She remained seated in front of the raised dais. Her servants sat behind her on the left and right, their heads down.

Kagome looked up, through her lashed, to look at the beautiful inuyoukai. She looked hardly older than Kagome herself and was quite the beauty. Her hair was held up in a double braid that was pinned with several different delicate ornaments. She wore a similar fashion as Kagome, a plain white kosode underneath a red and white uchikake/. Her /obi was a matching red and white with hints of blue interwoven into the delicate silk. She wore the outfit with a practiced grace, making her look even more regal.

“Why have you sought council with me?” Sesshomaru asked.

“I apologize, my Lord,” she said, prostrating herself in front of him again. “I came in front of the court to ask you to dispel horrible rumours that have been spreading across the Western lands and into the other directional provinces.”

“And those rumours are?” he said, bored and dispassionate.

Sesshomaru motioned for one of his advisors to bring a writing table to him. It was done so immediately. Kagome questioned Sesshomaru’s sanity for obviously irritating his mother like that.

“That you have chosen a human female, this human female, I assume, to bear the next Western Taiyoukai.”

“It is not a rumour and therefore cannot be dispelled.”

The anger in the woman’s eyes burned. She held her tongue, staring at Kagome with all the venom she could muster. Kagome shuttered in fear, reaching her hand out to grab a hold of Sesshomaru’s sleeve. He looked over at her and then at his mother.

“You have missed the official announcement, mother, but this is Higurashi Kagome. She, and her companions, are under my protection, and any disrespect to her is a direct insult to me. Please remember this.”

His mother nodded. “You will bring ruin to the House of Inu,” she whispered under her breath, knowing that most of the courtiers could hear her.

Sesshomaru ignored her. He waited for her to say anything else, which she didn’t. “You are dismissed,” he stated.

The three women bowed again and then stood. They moved down the room and back into the ante-chamber. Kagome watched their process down the way, shivering when Sesshomaru’s mother looked back and gave her a scathing look. She still remained attached to Sesshomaru’s sleeve and tugged on it a little. The coldness and hatred in the eyes of the other woman were nothing that she had seen before, not even to that of Naraku.

She was suddenly very worried for herself, her companions, and any future child she may have.

“You did well,” Sesshomaru said, as he took Kagome’s hand.

Shun bowed to his Master and slid the door shut as he left the two in the room.

“Oh? Are you complementing me? Or should I bring Michiko in and let you complement her for my behaviour too?”

She pulled away from him and walked over to where her yellow bag had been placed. She gently took off her uchikake and hung it on the rack.

“What are you going on about, miko?”

She looked at him over her shoulder, but didn’t say anything. She bent down and grabbed a pair of pajamas from her pack. She looked around and saw the door for the bathroom. Without another word, she walked briskly to the door.

Kagome slid the door open and entered. Before she could close it, a hand caught the door and threw it down its track. The miko looked up at him, her own anger reflected in her eyes. Her gaze met the other’s smoldering golden stare.

“I asked you,” he said, low and threatening. “What are you going on about?”

Not to be scared so easily, she threw up her nose and turned from him. Realizing he wasn’t going to leave her alone, she stepped away. She reached back and, after a few unsuccessful attempts, was able to undo the /obi/. Kagome sighed with relief as the extreme pressure was released. For the first time since she was dressed, she felt that she could take a full breath and allowed herself several deep breaths.

Sesshomaru didn’t say anything as he watched her carefully. Blushing, Kagome tried to ignore him as much as possible.

When she had dressed her bag had not been with her, so she had not had any appropriate undergarments available to her. She chewed her lip quickly, remembering her ire with the youkai behind her. Kagome squared her shoulders before allowing the kosode to drop. It pooled around her feet over the /obi/.

There was a low growl behind her and it took all of Kagome’s will power not to jump and look at the source of the growl. She did jump when she felt him press up against her.

She tried to step away form him again but his arm came to wrap around her waist. His fingers rubbed at the bare skin against her abdomen.

“What have I done to anger you so?” he asked, the anger ebbing from his voice.

She didn’t answer. His hand tightened briefly, his claws sinking into her side. She whimpered in pain but tried not to cry out. Sesshomaru took note of this with pride. It seemed they were both influencing the other, Kagome learning to control (at least verbally) some of her emotions, and Sesshomaru opening up more.

“Let me go,” she said. “I’m getting cold.”

His grip increased and she was brought more snugly against his body. “Liar. If anything, it is too warm in this room,” he replied. “Now tell me, what is it that angers you?”

“It doesn’t matter, please just let me go.”

Control was something that Sesshomaru had always been proud to have in abundance. It was helpful when he was dealing with obstinate females who refused to explain their thought process.

“Kagome, if you do not stop this childish behaviour—”

The anger came simmering to the surface again and the young miko pulled away from the Taiyoukai that held her. His claws dragged across her flesh, leaving behind five lines that beaded red with fresh blood.

“I apologize for my ‘/childish behaviour/’, maybe I should send for someone better than I then? I’m sure Michiko would be willing to do whatever—”

“Your jealousy in unneeded, miko.”

“It’s not jealous!” she screamed at the near top of her lungs.

It reverberated against the walls of the room leaving a high pitched ringing in Sesshomaru’s ears. His own anger was coming back, the control slipping dangerously.

“Do not be so audacious to think you can speak to me like that,” he warned.

She looked at him with a brow raised. She laughed, the dry, humourless noise echoing in the room, though much less painfully as her scream before. “Fine,” she said. “But don’t pretend that you have the right to speak to me…/at all/.”

She turned from him, flinching from the pain in her side. The cuts had opened a little more than they previously had and the blood was dripping down her side. She paused to grab her /kosode/, /obi/, and the monstrous yellow bag. She walked out of the room, sliding the door shut.

Sesshomaru let her go this time, so that they both could control themselves. He counted to 100, slowly. He followed after her as quickly as he could after that fact. He was surprised to find her still in his quarters, in the sitting room.

“I didn’t expect you to still be here.”

“And where was I supposed to go? I don’t know where everybody else is, and after the events earlier, I’m not stupid enough to just go wondering about on my own.”

She spoke harshly to him, her back turned to him and arms crossed. She stood rigid, her yellow bag by her feet. She had hastily put on the white kosode and tied it with the obi, though how it managed to stay together, Sesshomaru wasn’t quite sure.

He sighed. “Will you at least tell me what I have done to make you angry? You have been terse with me since we left for the audience chamber.”

“I’m surprised you even noticed.”

He walked up to her, again wrapping her up against him. “You are still bleeding,” he stated.

“It happens,” she muttered.

“Come,” he said. “We will have your wounds seen to and changed into something for sleeping.”

He stepped away from her and walked to the door. He opened it briefly, knowing Shun was there, and nodded his head. The tanuki bowed and went off to do his Master’s bidding.

Sesshomaru turned back to Kagome, looking at her. She looked shaken, though he wasn’t certain from what. Her cycle was coming to a completion, he knew, and her emotions seemed to be running wild. “At least it is only the kosode that is ruined,” he said.

She looked at him, not saying anything but curiosity shining in her eyes. He answered her unspoken question. “You looked very beautiful tonight, Kagome.”

Tears sprung to her eyes and she averted her eyes to the floorboards. Sessshomaru’s posture, if even possible, straightened. He walked over to her and brought her face up with his hand. He caressed the skin under his fingers.

“Is that what you were angry over?” he asked. “That I didn’t compliment you enough?”

“Until just now you didn’t compliment me at all!”

“Of course I did, before we left.”

Kagome shook her head. Sesshomaru loosened his grip so he wouldn’t cut her again. “No, you complimented Michiko, not me.”

“Of all the silly—”

He ended his sentence by bending down and kissing her. It was hard and possessive, the force weakening Kagome’s knees and forcing her to grab a hold of Sesshomaru’s clothing to keep from falling to the floor. She was left gasping as he pulled away. He kept her close to him.

“Forgive me,” he said quietly. “I did not mean to offend you or make you upset.”

Kagome nodded her head into his chest. She was flush to his person and he nudged her with his hip to get her to look up. There were very few moments in which he really wished his arm would return sooner. Being who he was, he wasn’t inhibited by the lack of an arm, but now he wish to comfort the girl in his arms and to make her look at him.

She got the point; however, and look up at him. Tears were gathered at the corner of her eyes as she happily looked up at him. Her smile was genuine and relieved. He returned the smile with a small one of his own.

“Shall we retire now?”

A blush bloomed over her face and she nodded, looking to the side. He pushed back from her but kept his arm around her waist. He steered her towards the doors to the bedroom. He pushed her in gently, allowing her to walk to the middle of the room on her own. He turned and grabbed the shoji screen. Shun popped his head in and looked at his Master.

“Allow no one to disturb us until morning, unless it is an emergency,” Sesshomoaru warned.

The tanuki bowed and moved into the sitting room. He sat down by the door, his head bowed forward. Sesshomaru shut the door completely and turned to his miko. She stood fumbling with the hem of sleeves uneasily.

“Come,” he said, holding out his hand to her.

They walked to each other, meeting half way, and she took his offered hand. He gave her a small smile to help ease her worry. She smiled back in return, the outward nervousness easing somewhat. Her inner nervous still flopped around in her belly as if her insides were jelly.

Sesshomaru squeezed her hands to reassure her once more, as he led her to the prepared futon.



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